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Take Care : If one day on your way you see the sun deeming , look  and see one of them on your path .

God Says HE'S happy and proud of them.
Because in the day-Night of our streets where :
justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance;
Where truth has stumbled in the streets, and  honesty cannot enter,
They become the preys to a  System who defends incenities and disown the truth and Intregrity
They sustained Righteousness for Him and Behold he was pleased .

This is an encouragement, Of the Lord, To HIS  sons .
He says Bravo 👏 ! !
Bravo 👏 👏
Sarah Lane Jan 2021
We have things in our life that are precious
They are the parts of us
That make us who we are
The things we will never forget
They make us whole and leave a scar
A seed plants itself in your heart
It happens without your control
But suddenly it’s there
It’s a delicate thing that gives you joy
It doesn’t matter if it’s imperfect
But you never want to lose it
Our lives will consist of these pieces
That are like dandelion seeds
We feed them love without thinking
From the core of our being
Without just one, we aren’t whole
Why can’t we hold them all together
So that forever we have it all
Inevitably time blows like the wind
Each fragile seed flies away
We can dance around to catch them
But love was never ours to hold
It must be free to live and breathe
To create and to pass away
Every part of our soul that we have fed
That feeds us and makes life worth it
Belongs to the maker of the wind
The One that is greater than it all
Who holds everything in balance
The core that each life belongs to
That very heart of Love
Saves every smile and tear
From the beginning to the end
And is painting a beautiful portrait
As the breeze blows each moment away
So that when we look back at our life
We see the precious memories
Blessings that never truly disappeared
It starts but doesn’t end bare
Loving, remembering, painting
Until your picture is complete
A dandelion in God’s hand
With every part that made
Sachiko Jul 2018
You are the loneliest person that I’ve ever met.
You looked at my eyes being brave,
But I only saw you were afraid.
You talked too much about things that I’ve never asked.
Did you mean to tell me?
Or you were scared if I asked you cannot hide?
You seemed to be strong, but the truth is you are fragile than anyone else.
Are you ready to reveal who you are?
I am afraid to trust a person like you.
Someone like you like playing games.
It’s much easier, right?
Rather than being quite true to yourself.
Once, you’ve told me I was afraid to be judged,
Honestly, we all are. I am and you too.
We are all scared in this world who easily criticize little details.
However, you are coward.
You just simply get away.
And suddenly you stopped running away.
When you saw the shadow you became calm,
For you, It was a light of hope.
A sudden relief to reveal yourself without worry.
Should I feel happy? Or it was only another scheme.
I wrote this for the person who came into my life for a short while. He don't trust easily to anyone, but he started to act different to me. And then I was looking at him and I know I felt right away that he was just lonely and broken.
Breeze-Mist Aug 2016
Crickets chirp
Birds call
Wolves howl
Monkeys shreik
Dolphins whistle
Men speak
Singers sing

*And we write
Day Nov 2015
.. we looked away when tragedy struck
                          would it make us better people..?
                                                      o­r would it just show..
                                                          ­               ..who we really are
                                                           ­                                             *inside..?
Terra Sep 2015
This world has become black and white with illustrations in clear color

Side by side we dear only protest in silent agony,
for statistics to see and noone else to notice

I cleared my senses so long ago,
discovered shades of gray

Soon blurred lines became crossed lines in a flash of lonesome honesty

In a simple world with simple values I have chosen to be loud
Mark Lecuona Jun 2015
Would if your past was lost,
would it be a desert; barren
hot and void, but cold at night;
would it be painful regret for
a life no longer recorded or
would it still be the life you
knew to be true?

If if was all gone; all that you
recorded of what you felt;
would you still know to treat
a bearded man on a chopper
the same as a clean shaven
man in an expensive suit?

It’s who we are that matters;
I can’t pretend I’m not one
of you; it’s only how I relate
and what I’ve learned is not
about art, but instead, it was
life itself

What I could say is only in a
way that reminds you; it’s a
way to break the silence if
only for a moment; what I
lost is how I said it but not
how I meant it

There is no story of running
underneath planes as they
departed; there is no story
of swimming beneath a
churning prop; it is only the
life that someone lost that
we endure because we know
who is next

Is there no callousness that
can be welcomed for those
who must live with death
and violence; what we spoke
or painted is for those who
try to live the right way while
we watch those who must
die in a world which we
cannot comprehend
Mark Lecuona Mar 2015
Even if we think we don't know
Something guides us from within
And no matter how far we go
We'd do it all over again
The voice is the only one we have
We follow whatever the course
We adapt even if we hurt ourselves
Because we know the alternative is worse

— The End —