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YH Sep 2017
Sure, it may be like death;
this agonizing, vicious pain.
But you can decide to end it in two particular ways;
either you allow the torment to destroy you merciless,
or shape you into a person deadlier than before.

There is a probability where you might succumb to madness,
but that is something inevitable.
Does it matter?
Madness favors you by casting a shadow over your own vulnerability.

Something more than you can ever ask for.

— Y.H.

gentle fervor.
exploit your sufferings.

(c) Y.H.
amber Sep 2017
The sound of your voice,
Ignites a fire within me.
Gorgeous, dancing flames,
Replace the darkness inside my body,
With light.

Suddenly, I wince with pain.
The light falters,
As the realization hits:
My innards are being scorched.

At first, the flames displayed such beauty,
And blindingly dazzled.
I took no notice of the slow burning,
Charring my innocence.

Silencing you,
Was the only way to put out the fire,
And slowly begin to heal.

Robbing you of your voice,
Means eliminating your existence,
To me.
jessie Sep 2017
are we so afraid to be kind

we are all citizens of this earth
mother natures children
brothers and sisters of this one and only world
of ours

i care for all of us

and it is not a vulnerability

it is my greatest strength
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2017
L i g H t - h e a r t e d
    W h o l E - h e a r t e d
            W e A k - h e a r t e d
T e n d e R - h e a r t e d
        S o f T - h e a r t e d
                               B r o k e n - h e a r t e d
                L a R g e - h e a r t e d
                  P r O u d - h e a r t e d
                          K i n d - h e a r t e d
              F r E e - h e a r t e d
         S t o N y - h e a r t e d
We feel various sorts of 'hearted' through life...
Belle Aug 2017
Not really quite sure where to go...
I could extend my hand to the right,
to the left
not at all.
I could take the path to the right,
to the left
or straight ahead.
I don't really know where I am going
I crave a known that I cannot get
A desire for a knowledge of where I will end up next.
I can never force the future,
nor really the next day.
Where do I go from here?
I don't really know?
I feel so vulnerable thinking about where to go,
but I feel even more vulnerable not having a plan.
Not really quite sure where to go...
Aria Mundt Aug 2017
He speaks to me of courage and strength, of warriors and great men,
I speak to him of the courage and strength that it takes to show his vulnerabilities, of warriors that fight for peace, of men who use their greatness for equality.
He wakes in the morning ready to take on the world, his armer shinning and strong, his walls of protection surrounding him.
I urge him to stay in bed, just a little longer, so that when he rises, his armer stays in his dreams and his walls exist only in his nightmares,
He pain is in the past, in the fears of the future, both non existent in this moment, and yet this moment is not his.
I whisper to him, to let it go, let it be, to be present.
He hears me, he understands, yet without feeling there is no truth to understanding, and knowing will never be his,
I let him be, this fight is his.
He knows I am there and I know that he will be brave enough.
Miss Me Jul 2017
I absolutely know there is something
hiding within me
It lays low in my soul which keeps my spirit at bay
Oh how i keep aching for a different way of life
Yet i cant get loose from its choke hold
On my heart
I could see death in the reflection of myself this morning
And yet still I cant put the
glass down
that keeps that part of me hidden
I plead for it to show itself
So that maybe , just maybe i can get beyond it
I am resisting the urge to rid myself from the creature that refuses to come forward
What a coward it must be for it is not I but IT that preyed upon me
What lays ahead I never know
but hope somehow
It beheads you
Please know me
arden laguna Jul 2017
the silence after a fight threatens me to ask if you're okay. but i know you aren't, so i don't ask anymore. though i want to hold you and tell you that if i could have your hurt in my hand and throw it across the sky, i would make it rain.

there are heights we go through to hurt each other, the effort is much appreciated after we fall from them. but imagine what we could do if we started climbing our expectations.

things we know by heart soon become things we know by bruises and a sting on the back in the morning. try as we might, there is now a history here and as we ignore it, there will only be more to follow. it scares us both to the point that we have to sleep on the floor on opposite sides of the bed. in different rooms. across different cities.

there was a four letter word and it began with you, maybe there were three words and eight letters. but i wouldn't want to give you that satisfaction anymore, wouldn't i?

we won't help ourselves when it comes to someone new. our favorite past times are now replaced by looking for reasons why we don't deserve other people. and for every reason, a flower in our hand. for every flower, a eulogy. though i am not as strong as to speak to your remains, i will appreciate you in graveyards with gardens in my hand.

i could not keep my teeth together when you speak to me through dead air. you give my mind only white noise to filter into miscommunication. ears only drum your words as impulses you won't remember. i won't either. we are locked in liminal silence, there is no key nor a lock. there are only rough translations of our understanding on past intentions, so we do not speak. we wave  farewells. this is the best we do when we try to act decently towards each other.

i question my own mouth. there is no denying that it is a gun and all i do is shoot. i know not all of my words will hit you and i am just another game of russian roulette. and we both know what's at stake. i try my best at taking aim against my own bets. but how can i, when the target is more lethal than the trigger?

there was a silence after the fight that threatened me to ask you to leave. no further reasons. i hope you know the sun finally rose on my side of the bed. i just wish you had taken the rain with you.

every bullet in this poem is loaded into my mouth. i will save them for when you kiss me and when you do, i might put the safety on. i don't think i can shoot.
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