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Dave Williams Apr 2018
today is the day that we celebrate freedom
yet i feel like a prisoner within my own home
another surprise to hide in the museum

in my mind, in my might, in all of my kingdom
which i hope that one day will let go of it's own
today is the day that we celebrate freedom

i struggle to capture your intimate wisdom
i couldn't hear a thing that you said on the phone
another surprise to hide in the museum

i'm sorry that you've been reduced to this boredom
a ruse that reminds you you're always alone
today is the day that we celebrate freedom

i don't think it worked out quite like i had planned, um..
couldn't pretend that i'd hide what i'd shown
another surprise to hide in the museum

so what have i learned through all this confusion
my psychic ability to hear this has grown
today is the day that we celebrate freedom
another surprise to hide in the museum
villanelle. south africa celebrates freedom day today but i'm not feeling it.
ms reluctance Apr 2018
Sweet, sweet those sounds of blithe songs and laughter;
They still find me in my dreams on lonesome nights.
Bitter, bitter the silence in my heart the morning after.

Once, a daft heart soared to discover someone dafter;
Oddballs together, we tasted the world’s wacky delights.
Sweet, sweet those sounds of blithe songs and laughter.

Jokes so silly, never unkind, banter flew by faster.
The crazy faces we so carelessly wore highlights
Bitter, bitter the silence in my heart the morning after.

Subtle changes sometimes hurt more than sudden disaster.
One heart has evolved while the other fool still cites
Sweet, sweet those sounds of blithe songs and laughter.

Life is a long book; our frolics were only one chapter.
Reminiscing about those golden olden days invites
Bitter, bitter the silence in my heart the morning after.

Frail those bonds never were, friendship never did shatter;
Separate but close, we’re both still oddballs by all rights.
Sweet, sweet those sounds of blithe songs and laughter,
Bitter, bitter the silence in my heart the morning after.
NaPoWrimo Day 23
Poetry form: Villanelle
Nico Reznick Apr 2018

There is no cure, no fix, no magic spell.
I am an aberration, as you know.
I never promised you a villanelle.

You cannot trap the ocean in a shell.
You feed the roses blood to make them grow.
There is no cure, no fix, no magic spell.

It does get bumpy on this carousel.
The ride is all extremes of high and low.
I never promised you a villanelle.

I was the aberration, you could tell.
I ******* my neuroses in a bow.
There is no cure, no fix, no magic spell.

I think it's safe to say you know me well
in all my many masks, but even so,
I never promised you a villanelle.

Let me pin my ragged heart to your lapel.
If it's truly what you need, I'll let you go.
There is no cure, no fix, no magic spell.
I never promised you a villanelle.
Video by Cornelius Something & Manufacturing Content
Alexei Apr 2018
Hold those thoughts forever and be brave,
Give me peace for a minute: the words I knew back then,
Let me take them to my grave.

When you are not here, darling, to grief I am no more than a slave.
But I had to do this even then:
Hold those thoughts forever and be brave.

Each night I daydream asking you, "What's left of us to save?"
In my mind, I see, we are broken men.
Let me take them to my grave.

Though I shine light into all of me, the shadows in my mind never behave;
Strangers tell me again and again:
Hold those thoughts forever and be brave.

Once mourning has consumed me completely, swept me up in a monstrous wave,
All the tears I've shed, all past my pen:
Let me take them to my grave.

Because the path that we walk will never now be what I crave,
Dear Memory, never tell me these words again:
"Hold those thoughts forever and be brave."
Let me take them to my grave.
Depression in 19 lines.
Joliver Apr 2018
That is the key to happiness
To living grand and great
Do not ever settle for less

Always love, and love in excess
Make no room in your heart for hate
That is the key to happiness

Stand your ground, don't digress
When shown injustice, do not tolerate
Do not ever settle for less

Know the power of forgiveness
And always try to relate
That is the key to happiness

Don't believe the world will regress
Think of all the good you can create
Do not ever settle for less

Aid the helpless
Don't put too much on your plate
That's the key to happiness
Do not ever settle for less
First attempt at a villanelle
Gargi Apr 2018
Writing nineteen lines
for the sake of rhyme
is turning out to be a ******...

Need me a little pop:
perhaps watermelon and some lime?
Writing nineteen lines...

I'm afraid this is becoming a sop,
but seasoning it with some thyme
is turning out to be a ******!

I keep going back to the top
So...if I cheat on this, is it a crime?
Writing nineteen lines...

Cleaning up with a mop -
spilling words and time
is turning out to be a ******.

Regrettably, I must stop.
This poem isn't worth a dime.
Writing nineteen lines
is turning out to be a ******.
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
When I am down, you make my darkness light
You melt my frozen heart with your burning fire
You greet me when I wake like the morning sun
When I am lost at sea you are my Northern Star
Guiding me home again, waiting like a candle
Brighter than any diamond you shine

You blind me and astound me how bright you shine
I gaze upon your beauty as you radiate light
You glow as though you are a soft candle
I am consumed by your wild fire
Your hair is like the sun and your eyes sparkle like a star
You warm my bones with your life-giving sun

I thrive in the constancy of the sun
With you at my side I can go through rain or shine
Ever constant ever true my ever fix-ed star
You bathe me in your soft warm light
I am cleansed in your purifying fire
You honor my memory with a memorial candle

Nothing lasts forever: a sacrificial candle
One day death will come even for the sun
The evening sky ablaze with celestial fire
The sun sets and the moon comes out to shine
There is balance: good and evil, darkness and light
I know all of you like I know every star

In your arms, we dance across the sea of stars
The millions of twinkling lights couldn't hold a candle
Shadows run away at the brilliance of your light
Against you, my dear, your light dims the sun
My love for you will always shine
You will burn strong and steady, an eternal fire

Here we sit side by side at the fire
A canopy of sky and a blanket of stars
Even in this darkness, still you shine
Bound together in the light of a single candle
Staying up just to greet the morning sun
To see a new day born to pure and glorious light
In the form of a Villanelle minus the last three lines that are supposed to be at the end. Written by Dallas and A.B.
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