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Eyithen Feb 2019
Another year gone by
Another year alone
I am used to this by now
Used to being on my own

I couldn't care less for Valentines day
It is chaotic and cheesy
It's too much of a cliché
My guy would get off easy

Singles awareness day comes after
That's the one I relate too
With my girls we celebrate together
They understand it like I do

We giggle and laugh
Cause we got something better
We make fun of all those couples
Singles stick together.
Jules Feb 2019
i have been in deep contemplation these past few days, trying to come up with reasons for what I’m feeling —

but there isn’t anything in particular, maybe i just like seeing you smile, hearing your contentment in laughters, and the tinge of annoyance that your stern voice exudes,

or it could just be you, in its simplest forn.

i miss you, i miss you, i miss you
maybe if i start repeating it over and over again, it’ll lose its meaning

but for now, i wait
in longing,
hoping that maybe one day, you’ll feel the same
Riane Feb 2019
My soul is tired ,
My bones are weary.
My heart is broken,
My feet feel heavy.
Robin Carretti Feb 2019
Going left a smile
green* bluesy* drift
Getting out of debt
The heartedly so flowery
rosy ring around
Gifted box
*Valentine Rosy*

I box heads over
puppy tails
cozy firey
Love diary doing the
Bow Wow parade
Those red hot lips
she's... the... lie...
The hue (Anchor- Blue)
Gotcha  "Eyes Baby blue

To cross my red heart
And hope not to die
The Lady's
finger (Godiva)
  I-spy finger*
Heartless Diva
The fork of the road

Lies of the
dead ringer
He points his finger
Face to two face

a car crash just a dash

Her beats and hearts

What a crush to her
Tell me sweet lies
         I box gift
Oh! Yes you're
Like the scoundrel
The damsel in distress
sweet morsel

I sir box like spots spread
Like the (Chickenpox)
Hearing lies tons of
Like Botox Plastic
I-box ties
Hallmark, I love you lies
Superman Clark
Outfoxed the ballpark

Little lies blue
big shark
Smartphone I Sir bark
Red Valentine love walk
People are the luckiest
      I- wish
Close your eyes sweet lies

Sweet I-Box in Trio

CEO Watching "TV FIO"  
Podcast little lies turn
into big lies
Ballot Political list

Romantic cutout card lies
Tell me, Little Lies he trips
Electric lips music chair
Open eyes full shut lips
This is a little thought turn into a big I box cut out cards I seem to like the most Sweet Valentine or a little lie lets breathe remembering the classics romantically crossing the Atlantic the truth and lies can catch a moment hold onto them electric lips will win
Ashley Thao Dam Feb 2019
I can't tell if you're still around
Because you want to be
Or because you've got no one else
When you want their soul,
What personality they take on,
As their life's special tole,
Look into their eyes.
Of course,
I am basing this off of somebody,
But this is for everybody
Gift this following to a person you like:
Eyes so precious,
Even on the inside luscious,
I wouldn't take a brush to this,
Your already art,
A sculpture in part,
You make anyone whole,
Make their heart beat from the start,
A shard of glass,
Giving the sun pass,
And outshine a rainbow,
Stream of joy from head to toe,
You make my jaw drop,
From the top to bottom,
A work of fiction,
Imagination's beauty,
The imperfect
Yet perfect,
I don't know when valentines day is, but I hope I am not too late.  Btw, I want to practice, so tell me a topic you'd want me to write about in the comments.
Alex Hill Feb 2019
I hate waiting
I always have
It’s become a real ******* issue in everything I do
I move too quick, I leave things unfinished,
If something takes too long, it’s easy for me to get ******
So you can only imagine
How ****** I am about you
You’re taking a sweet **** time aren’t you
Probably running around with other people I can’t measure to
Or maybe you’re like me,
Well then all is the better to hurry the hell up then won’t you
I’m tired of waiting for this great love
But don’t get me wrong it’s not standards or the idea of soulmates holding me back
It’s just
I’m still waiting for you
For the person who makes me feel so in love that I’m stupid
I want you here now
I want to write stupid sappy poetry about you
I want your dumb smile to be stuck on my mind all day long
I want to hold you and be held by you and just sit there and feel
Feel ******* comfortable for once
I want to kiss your idiotic mouth and fall deeper down the well
I want the want I feel for you to crash over me like the **** tide
I want to ******* until neither of us can breathe
I want to know your name so I can whisper it to myself when I’m alone
I want to hold your hand and imagine what its going to look like, all wrinkled and grey
I want fights and dumb arguments, days spent laying around with the worst of our thoughts
I want to be there for you, with whatever you face and whatever you’re going through
I want to love you, you insufferable *******
I want to fall stupidly and blindly in love
So could you please
hurry the hell up.
Alternative Title, It's Valentines Again and I'm ******* Still Alone
Don't force someone to love you.
Love comes naturally
And the best kind of love comes
To those who patiently waits
Then if love ain't on your way
Be still patient
For it's not the best timing
But god's timing is always the
b e s t
         - god's love is on your way
Patrick Feb 2019
Candy, Flowers, Jewelry, Cards , Trinkets of wood, glass, Plastic or others man made.

Soon to wither, be consumed with regret, be re-gifted or possible trade.

Another Valentines Day that mirrors last minute attempts of the past.

Little effort given on this day meaning , I desire, trust, appreciate and honor our love to last.

Now just days away you are given a chance to truly make this one the best.

With little planning or great expense try these simple ideas I suggest.

In the days to come and beyond - prepare the coffee maker yourself for the a.m. brew.

Pour her cup in the morning , maybe tea in the evening - simple these two.

When the dryer sounds - it does not call her name - you fold when through.

Dishes in the sink, you may notice, a table or counter in need of cleaning.

Towels put on their rack, toilet seat down, few examples - much meaning.

Feed, change, Bathe, dress and watch the same DVD countless times.

This little one is also yours to hold cherish and recite nursery rhymes.

Bring home takeout, light candles, draw and assist her bath, nothing rushed.

Compliments always, gazing into your loved ones eyes, she will be quite touched.

Other gifts you may give, simply glazing for your sake.

Without this time tested batter, left is is icing and not the cake you wish to make.

Start this recipe now, I am betting you will gladly cook all year.

Achieving the desired effect, in the future, you reflect, instruction made so clear.

PJC 02/09/2019
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