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Maia Vasconez Mar 2019
For some of us it was Valentine’s,
for some of us it was the first day of lent.

So what are you going to give up?
She was sulking on the couch,
he was doing coke in my living room,
and there were strangers in my home,    
I’d let them in.
I was just sipping lime and gin.
They wrecked my house,
and I let them.

I said, I’m serious
what are you going to give up?
And we went around the circle,
one by one:
I told him to
stop doing coke,
I told her to
stop dating older men.
They both said no,
they tell me to stop being a buzzkill.

The room swelled. We moved downstairs
and she was
dancing on a pole,
and he was talking business
with people I didn’t know.
And I was taking shots of ***** then
I wanted to feel like
a swing set.

I was swaying and
he was holding me upright
and he was
placing his jacket on my shoulders,
I have always been the coldest.

His arms cinched around my waist
and he was like a life vest.
And for a moment
I was above water,
or at least not drowning.

On the counter,
there were wilting roses and
chocolate covered strawberries.
In the mirror the word LOVE
spelled out EVOL.
There was pink on all the walls,
a bowl of candy hearts that said,
I don’t know how to be sweet
I don’t know how to be soft

He was playing with my hands
and tracing circles in my palms
and I was letting him.
I was getting drunk,
and he was begging me to
take another shot, and to
take another shot, and to
take another shot,
to break my will.

He found a way into my bed,
he asked if he could stay
and I don’t know why I let him in.
He was not special and
I was not that drunk anymore.

It was lent and I was
going to give it up,
give it all away,
give in.

It was lent and
I was going to
give up.
Theresa Feb 2019
Thou’st inquired to the cause of my love,
I must sayeth thy query bewilders me,
When thou, as an angel sent from above;
Enriches mine soul that now calleth for thee.
With thine eyes akin to stormy oceans,
And hair a halo of most purest gold,
Compels mine heart to thy subjugation,
And melts hence the raw frost of winter’s cold.
That sagacious and cultivated mind,
Forever infatuated and wonders me.
Thou witty words and sound of voice I findeth,
Enthralls my mind and charms me to thee.
Thou a being too divine for reality,
Knoweth that my love for thee outsteps infinity.
Wrote this on valentine’s day
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2019
self-love is /gorging /buying /hoarding
the discounted chocolates
in the darkest corner
brands unheard of
the forgotten relics
considered a step below the rest
to become a delight to enjoy
for those whom
valentines day does not serve
discount chocolate
doesn't care for the reason it's consumed
just that it's consumed
and with abandon
a prompt a writing friend gave me! 'discounted valentine's day chocolate'
The Calm Feb 2019
I've spent so long trying not to feel
But you,
you made me feel
My heart a fortress, and you broke the shield  Unaware of the power you wield
Unaware of your strength,  your steel
In awe of your beauty , you queen must I kneel?
Your heart , I must steal
The consequences worth the deal
Your love helps me heal
Thanks, you found a cure
I was hiding behind the wall
But you made me feel
larni Feb 2019
“happy valentine’s day baby”

“stop texting me”

“don’t force love”

“i don’t love you like i used to”

“we can still be friends”
true times, true story.
crybaby Feb 2019
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I’m late to this thread
I was getting some head
Faith Feb 2019
Ah, February
It is the month of love, and
Total rejection
Dani Just Dani Feb 2019
I can be a really skeptical person,
I don’t believe in ghost, and just think of weird things that happen as coincidences,

But, as flower petals magically float down toward my passenger seat, just before I close my car door.

I felt chills, as if memories from past lives rushed through my skin like electricity when you touch a Walmart cart.

Instant, waiting for a reaction.

And if that isn’t one hell of a metaphor,
I don’t know what is.
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