"you can take a man out of the village but can't take the village out of the man"...author unknown
you wake up everyday,
feeling owned, controlled, limited and unfulfilled.
with a big desire in your heart,
an aching in your mind,
to find your spot.
the mystery of who you are,
who you want to be,
and who you can be.
you choose your aspirations,
because your strong mind won't relent,
won't let fear pick a life for you,
exploring it you ask,
is it the past that you are afraid of?
or the unknown future that you face?
what keeps you still in bed?
you know you have always wanted to break free,
free from feeling empty,
confused, unknown, potentious but untapped,
waiting for love and acceptance.....
the standards set 1000 years and more before you,
yet your family and society expects you to live by them,
keeping you in a viscous circle of fear,
day in and day out.
so what is it that you are truly afraid of?
the you that is undiscovered,
your strength without fear,
your courage to be,
your reign without looking away from who you are.
it is time