He has vibrant orange petals.
I would fight
anyone who refers to them as dull.
His orange petals
Are the color of my curiosity
When I wonder what worlds he beholds.
The worlds I’ll never know.
His sturdy green neck
extends to kiss the sky
or to just watch the clouds go by.
Without him, my heart would have no summer time.
I run to him.
my lily white fingers caress his delicate petals,
I admire his natural beauty.
I see his petals begin to unfold
He blooms at the sight of me.
His petals curl back,
creating a boasting stance
His tepals look me straight in the eye
I don’t blink, I can see right through his outside
I can peer into his soul,
I smile, I laugh
Knowing nothing in this world is under our control.
When we are near each other
The harsh, sudden summer rains
do not rip through his soft petals
I don't care how wet my hair gets
after the storm
I find myself dancing along with
His wind swayed groove
during torrential down pours
My smile grows
and grows
and grows
Because of him