Life from its very inception is under assaults of hell
Test after test ,trouble after trouble torture after torture
Man till his last day is to forebear and just to dwell
He from the start till his end to pay the price like multure
What is heaven or hell these are two sides ,shades of life
What is and what was not his choice for that to pay price
Life cuts him bit by bit and piece by piece by blunt knife
Time and again poor soul asks about the available choice
God and man man and God are in a line in consonance
Soul is in between to take the real pain and real pleasure
This is how man is tested for his fragrance and essence
Actions are clear but no one knows about hidden treasure
Oh God take me in lap and shelter and save me from odds
You have millions and millions around I have none less you
I am your humble servant while you are lord of the lords
Please take my hand ,save me and take me just thru and thru
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow