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Sharon Talbot Sep 2017
How many heroes have chosen this path,
Of least or no resistance?
In the face of overwhelming odds,
Or staring at cubicular, corporate submission;
Elect instead the stance
Of simply

Victorian ladies thought it amusing;
20th Century Centurions and Puritans condemned it.
The spoon-fed rich live it and lose nothing.
Russian aristocrats sometimes recommend it…
When spurned in love & up against it.

Oblomov, for instance, whiled his time away,
In bed, or staring out at the wood,
Writing meaningless letters and ignoring the day,
Yet it still did him some good.

Marat in his bathtub, Proust in his bed,
Still accomplished SOMETHING
Or we’d have forgotten them instead.
Is there still no virtue in doing nothing?

Against the tide of corporate work,
Aquarians rebelled with dance.
Later on, Generation X
Came to work in a greedy trance.

Peter Gibbons was hypnotized,
To escape his lifeless job,
Destroyed the office as it was downsized,
But was promoted by “the Bobs”.

Some lesson there, for those who strive,
That work alone is not enough.
Attitude is more important to our lives,
That revolt by nothingness is not that tough.

Abbie Hoffman was thrown through windows,
While preaching peace instead of wrath.
Despite nobility of cause, does humanity still go,
The inexorable way of sloth?

Sharon Talbot
Someone criticized me for my tendency to do nothing other than stare out the window, yet is that so bad? It renews my soul. Ideas often congeal out of the air! There is a reason so many paintings of women lounging are entitled "Dolce far niente", isn't there?
g Jul 2017
5 year old me
thought it was
sharing things with people
crying with them

12 year old me
thought it was
holding hands
the term "boyfriend"

15 year old me
thought it was

18 year old me
now understands
love comes in many different forms
sometimes in words
sometimes in expressions
sometimes in staying
and sometimes in leaving.
maybe someday i can fully comprehend what love is :")
Zani Jun 2017
Eyes open to a grey sky
Do you know what it means to be alive?
Have you seen the whole as one
The one as whole?
Have you tried?

I have
Not once
Twice or more
Everyday I quieten scorn
Bourne from my insides

Bile passes through
The alchemical magic
Loving logic sublime
Where essence resides

Project it as far as it carries
Spray forth an aesthetic
In hope of a loving matrimony
Between those who witness the rainbow

With these wise seeds sown
Turn to esteem and realise
What is seen resembles not thyself
As I see myself

We decide our memories, see
You and me are the product of galaxy
But if the universe chooses
We’ll be a whimsical fallacy
With many thanks
To a change of

It is the one with longest memory
Who chooses how things pan;
How existence is a buffer
For the one who owns the span

The one who does not retreat
Into the shadows of the moonlight
Packing their things
To the sound of the beckoning

Here lies life long lesson:
Sing with mothers' patience
Speak your truth
With father's cadence

To forgive is but to suffer
Yet to love
We become
One another
Idiosyncrasy May 2017
is standing
the sun
the sky
you on the other side
and I
still waiting
for you
still staying
for you
don't have
to feel
the same.
Nothing's changed. Still you. Finally.
Arlene Corwin Apr 2017
After A Terror Deed
       (this time in Stockholm)

When terror deeds occur,
Him/her is wounded, killed,
Stay still.
You are in you and where you are,
Most likely far away
Watching the telly,
Shocked, the nightmare in your eyes.
You’re wise.
You stay collected.
Though connected you dismiss
The hate, the fear,
Your present now
To feel how it is in wholeness
And in peace.
The only answer.

But aware.
(Risk statistic in your favor).
Just remember,
You are always here
Inside your now.

After A Terror Deed (this time in Stockholm) 4.8.2017)
Our Times, Our Culture II;
Arlene Corwin
Staying calm and in the now.
Oskar Erikson Feb 2017
only in your company
i feel

Complete /and\ Broken

at the
Julia Mae Jan 2017
and it's just
i don't mean to push everyone away
i just never seem to have the right words to say
(i really, really don't want anyone to leave,
you all mean so, so, ******* much to me -)
because i wish everyone would stay
as much as i want them to
but it never seems to work out that way
and i'm not entirely sure why
things become as they are
and why nothing seems to ever grow
but i'm so scared
so ******* scared
of being alone
so please, i beg, stay
stay and stay and stay
sometimes i am this way
and i don't mean to push you all away
so someone, even just one, please
one word.
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