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anonymous Dec 2024
"feel the rush of my blood
i'm seventeen again
i am not scared of death
i've got dreams again
it's just me and the curve of the valley
and there is meaning on earth, I am happy"
"a minute from home but I feel so far from it"
"the death of my dog, the stretch of my skin
it's all washin' over me, I'm angry again"
"the things that I lost here, the people I knew
they got me surrounded for a mile or two"

- the view between villages by noah kahan
fun fact i have never been seventeen but i change the lyric to 'i'm seven years again'
The writer of songs wishes to compose for his lover yet to come,
he asks the night if she will come as a floret in the wind
to caress him as a candle’s light, the lyrical harmony of
his beloved is clearer than the shower of the spheres
upon the deep violet petals, he rests into slumber
as a dreamlike vision appears of her hands softer
than velvet in motion upon the strings of the mandolin,
the gazes of him and her rivet as the one, gentle hymn of their souls,
he harrowly arouses then walks to his thistly rose garden, revelation
arrives to him so he returns home to begin the inking of the symbols
on the music sheet papers, through his symphonies, he
resolves to tell the endless fables of love and tragedy.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Es ist sonnig
Es regnet, es donnert
Es ist Herbst
Vom Aufwachen bis zum Schlafen.
Die Blätter sind trocken und passiv
Und die toten und inaktiven Blumen
Später liegt Schnee
Die Nachbarn des Gasthauses
Sehen das vorbeiziehende Reh
Den ganzen heiligen Tag
Und den ganzen Abend
Wir spüren, wie sich die Nerven verändern
Zur Begrüßung der neuen Saison
Wo wir noch weit von der Ernte entfernt sind.

Man hört es schon von weitem
Der Wind, der im Heu summt
Vibrationen sind nicht monoton
Denn die Kolibris der Hügel
Machen ihre spektakuläre Präsenz spürbar
Und die Dichter beschreiben mit
Imaginären Gärten alles, was passiert
In dem Land, in dem die Massen
Gefühllos und ignorant bleiben
Und wo korrupte gewählte Beamte prahlen.
Es ist sonnig
Es regnet, es donnert
Es ist Herbst
Vom Aufwachen bis zum Schlafen.

P.S. Übersetzung von „The Ancient Canticles Of Autumn“.

Copyright © November 2024, Hébert Logerie, Alle Rechte vorbehalten
Hébert Logerie ist Autor mehrerer Gedichtbände.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Il fait du soleil
Il pleut, il tonne
C’est l’automne
Du réveil au sommeil.
Les feuilles sont sèches et passives
Et les fleurs mortes et inactives
Plus ****, c’est la neige
Les voisins de l’auberge
Voient passer les cerfs
Toute la sainte journée
Et pendant toute la soirée
On sent changer les nerfs
Pour accueillir la nouvelle saison
Où l’on est **** de la moisson.

On peut entendre de très ****
Le vent qui fredonne dans les foins
Les vibrations ne sont pas monotones
Puisque les colibris des mornes
Font sentir leur présence spectaculaire
Et les poètes aux jardins imaginaires
Décrivent tout ce qui se passe
Dans la contrée où la masse
Demeure insensible et ignorante
Et où les élus corrompus se vantent.
Il fait du soleil
Il pleut, il tonne
C’est l’automne
Du réveil au sommeil.

P.S. Traduction de ‘ The Ancient Canticles Of Autumn’.

Copyright © Novembre 2024, Hébert Logerie, Tous droits réservés
Hébert Logerie est l'auteur de plusieurs livres de poésie.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
It is sunny
It is raining, it is thundering
It is autumn
From waking up to sleeping.
The leaves are dry and passive
And the flowers are dead and inactive
Later, it is snowing
The neighbors of the inn
See the deer pass by
All the holy day long
And during the whole evening
We feel the change of the nerves
To welcome the new season
Where we are far from the harvest.

We can hear from very far away
The wind humming in the hay
The vibrations are not monotonous
Since the hummingbirds of the hills
Make their spectacular presence felt
And the poets in the imaginary gardens
Describe everything that happens
In the country where the mass
Remains insensitive, benighted and glaikit
And where the elected corruptors boast.
It is sunny
It is raining, it is thundering
It is autumn
From waking up to sleeping.

P.S. Translation Of ‘Les Cantiques Antiques De L’Automne’.

Copyright © November 2024, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
kokoro Nov 2024
do you know how much you have changed me?
You have changed me so much,
and as you start to fade away, I have this conflicting feeling of if I want to remember it or not.
I connect you with the person I was before.

Ill remember you when you pop into my dreams.
Ill remember you when theres nothing else to think about.
through sad old songs,
through poems and letters,
through grass and flowers,
Ill always remember you as my first love.
Dan Filcek Nov 2024
Why is it -
When I think of you -
I can't remember the song that played -
   - When we met
   - When we danced
   - When we made love


I can remember the song that played -
   -When you left me
In the flower fields, the breeze blows,
Setting the rhythm for a song that glows.

Even a flower that forbids company will rest upon the earth.
Just one glance from you,
Just one word from you,
What is a sky without clouds adieu?
will Oct 2024
shifting winds blow tenderly
revealing all that they're covering
unearthing old tunes so lovingly
brushing over their edges and caressing
gentle notes of sand rush softly
i haven't written here or really anything at all in three years and to be honest most of my older works are pretty terrible. not that this is any better but i am glad to be writing again!
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