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The songs you once played, the songs you once heard,
each one still lingers in my mind. Whenever I hear them,
you come rushing back from the deepest corners of my heart!
When lyrics are prophesies
And songs give a warning
You'd think that you could use them
To rewrite your story

Guess we aren't meant to see our futures, then
For when a prophesy is foretold
I only ever comprehend it
When the knowledge has grown old

So I am doomed to simply listen
And gasp when the words start to make sense
And pray if true danger ever comes
I learn how not to be so dense
Most of the songs I listen to have begun to come true... I've tried interpreting other songs but always fail. It's always a pretty euphoric experience to put on a song and hear a lyric connect in my mind like, "ohhhhh, THAT'S what it meant..."
Jaci Feb 10
Hope that bloomed in the darkness of the night,

Stay forever by my side,

Forever in my sight,

Let me be your guide.

See the universe shine,

I see the starlight in your eye.

You bloomed from the abyss,

Climbing walls that reach to the sky.

When the darkness blinds my sight,

I will find your scent in the night.

If i were to slumber forever more,

Tell me you wont leave my world.

Stay forever by my side,

My hope that bloomed in the night.

Stay forever my light,

My clematis by night.

If the world should play in reverse,

You were my god,

My UniverseUniverseUniverse.

Withered hopes,

Threaded by breaking ropes.

Can’t you stay here by my side?

You were my “forever” guide.
Series of poems based off of songs.
Song: My Clematis
Ejiro Jan 21
When put into the chains of captivity
their freedom is diminished
their songs are crushed into dust
we’re only the wind can pick up their pleads
lost to the sight of nature
for what is life without flight
their wings are reduced to shadows
not a single breeze to stir their feathers
no sky to lift them up their feet
so they only cuddle up together side by side
never to stretch out to the wild
the ones who capture the birds
force them to sing a tune of obedience
but the birds decline
in a heavy cost they keep their mouths shut 
the bars between them are meant to seem safe
according to the capturers
but in the eyes of the birds they view it as prison
without information about time or place
they keep their beaks low to the ground
knowing that they are more than musicians
with their melodies growing bitter
despair is the only thing humming out their mouths
Melanie Jan 19
I communicate through songs and poems,
gestures and strings and keys and underlines
fewer words, rather melodies to follow
articulating my thoughts
better than I ever could
silvervi Jan 17
I'm just gonna-gonna do my best
**** the rest
I'm just gonna-gonna do my best
**** the rest
I'm just gonna-gonna do my best
**** the rest
I'm just gonna-gonna do my best
**** the rest...
A little song that came to my mind spontaneously today. It has a funny and quick melody. Encouraging and motivating ;)
silvervi Jan 14
Feelings of loneliness coming to tears
I disappear, you disappear

Feelings of loneliness coming to tears
I disappear, you disappear

Feelings of loneliness coming to tears
I disappear, you disappear...
A song I sang suddenly today.
anonymous Dec 2024
"feel the rush of my blood
i'm seventeen again
i am not scared of death
i've got dreams again
it's just me and the curve of the valley
and there is meaning on earth, I am happy"
"a minute from home but I feel so far from it"
"the death of my dog, the stretch of my skin
it's all washin' over me, I'm angry again"
"the things that I lost here, the people I knew
they got me surrounded for a mile or two"

- the view between villages by noah kahan
fun fact i have never been seventeen but i change the lyric to 'i'm seven years again'
A poem,
Is a little story,
You write on little paper.
Sometimes it rhymes,
Sometimes it doesn't.

A poem,
Is a song,
That the singer was too hurt to sing aloud.
Sometimes it's mortal and sad,
Sometimes it's the irony of walking out of a flood thirsty.

A poem,
Is a prayer,
One that the author begs you to hear.
Sometimes it will save your soul,
Sometimes it will save another's.

A poem,
Is a gift,
So you should treat it as one.
Sometimes you will receive one,
Sometimes you won't.

A poem,
Is a curse,
So be warry if you steal one.
Sometimes it will come back to bite you,
Sometimes it will just leave you fearing the possibility it would.

A poem,
Is a poet,
And those who are poets, are poetry.
Sometimes they strive for fame,
Sometimes they leave their work in random places under random names.

A poem,
Is a call in the night,
That echoes into the ears of those who are hurting.
Sometimes it heals them,
Sometimes it guides them to healing.

A poem,
Is optional,
But those who read them won't regret.
Sometimes we can't bear to read poems,
Sometimes we can only bear to read poems.
A little longer, but it's hard to capture beauty in few words. Hope you enjoy!
The writer of songs wishes to compose for his lover yet to come,
he asks the night if she will come as a floret in the wind
to caress him as a candle’s light, the lyrical harmony of
his beloved is clearer than the shower of the spheres
upon the deep violet petals, he rests into slumber
as a dreamlike vision appears of her hands softer
than velvet in motion upon the strings of the mandolin,
the gazes of him and her rivet as the one, gentle hymn of their souls,
he harrowly arouses then walks to his thistly rose garden, revelation
arrives to him so he returns home to begin the inking of the symbols
on the music sheet papers, through his symphonies, he
resolves to tell the endless fables of love and tragedy.
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