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Jess Hays Jul 2016
One look around,
Plastered everywhere like a boomerang that never calms down,
Hypocritical words and false perfection.

Coloring the bags under their eyes
Camouflaging the stretch mark on their thighs
And the rest of us stay fixated on our insecurities.

They get paid millions of dollars
To correct their microphoned voices
And be honored for the 'hottest celebrity'
When they are just like the rest of us.
Rae Anne Jul 2016
Your faded costume
Is wearing thin
Were you not comfortable,
In your own skin?
You were so much better
Inside your ugly living lies
Tell yourself that,
Next time you cry.
If we consider ourselves as legends
There  will be no such thing as one.
Legends are the great.
And maybe  you are a legend.
I am not.
Poetry is legendary.
And we are a part of it
But  we are not to be self  proclaimed.
Legends are for others  to decide about ourselves
Not us.
Just writing about people who are self indulgent
Janay Jul 2016

I’m sorry I didn’t take care of your heart the way I should have,
I took advantage of you.
I abused your love.
I was wrong for selfishly having you stay with me.
I made you look like a fool and I didn’t care; at the time.
I’m sorry for making you carry that pain subconsciously
with you all this time.
I blamed you for everything and put pressure on you when
I should have been more patient and gentle for us.
you’ve taught me how sacred true love is
I was reckless with yours.
I’m sorry for every time that I looked into your beautiful eyes,
I told you lies.
I’m sorry for wasting your time.
I’m sorry if these words aren’t enough for the damage that I caused.
If it makes a difference
I love you and,
I will always be here for you.
to be continued...
Greedy is not the way
We do things difficult
To others around us
And Don't share with them
But make them think we are the
Bad ones to anyone of them.

Greedy is thinking negative
Like taking away their things from them,
Being an bully to them
Without being positive.

Greedy is not the way
To be naughty and selfish
But stop being greedy.

                By K-mari ©2016
Once or twice have I been knocked around,
On several occasions I was lost but found.
There came a time when enough was enough,
Put my foot down, "I've had it to here with this stuff".
I've realised I can't take it anymore,
Words my be cheap, but they leave a nasty sore.
Bullet and bandaids are but nothing to a grenade,
To sustain more injuries, I must say I'm afraid.
I'm not strong, I'm certainly not tough,
Life for an eighteen year old should never be this rough.
They say you get dished was you serve,
Guess when it comes to me, there's a bit of a learning curve.
No matter how much you may scream and shout,
I was always the type to hide away and pout.
Rhymes do little in the way of healing,
But it's helping me forget this horrible feeling.
Like a twisted joke, that I've seemed to miss,
An shaken faith is hardly fixed with a half-hearted kiss.
Been told many things, I am and I'm not,
I guess who I used to be, is the main thing I forgot.
I point no fingers, and push no blame,
When it comes to this madness, they and I are exactly the same.
When one is hurting, the other is to,
Tell them you'd sacrifice everything, never thought it'd be true.
I don't mean that as harsh as it seems,
Just wish things would work out like they do in my dreams.
What hurts the most, is how often I break,
Being reminded, I'm nothing but a *mistake.
To you, and all that I do,
A mistake in words, and words unspoken
From actions, to inaction I'm truly at fault
And I simply don't know what to do...
jnas Jun 2016
I came to the realization
that I'm unable to love,
at least for now.

I don't hold on to anyone
or anything, but rather,
my own insecurities.

I've tried to love, and when
I do, I only wonder if they'll
love the things about me that
I have yet to love about myself.

If your self love has limits,
so will the love you receive.

A C Leuavacant Jun 2016
My body,
host of the latter beast of being  
Has infected me
abhorrence flowing through the veins as if a sweet ****** remedy
What earthly holds it has on the simple minded
What policies it makes of the limited.

Would you kindly redeem me?
And take the aching bones and implications from underneath me
Lord take my flesh.
Have it for your own.
And as for my brothers and my sisters
remove the cursed metaphors and fixations that contain their inept perceptions of identity

Allow the spirits to Dance,
On their infinite spectrums
O We'll make a routine of it.
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