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Ghostverses Feb 2021
White, fluffy, wet.
Smiles, laughs, joy.
Air, ice, clouds.
Every flake is unique on it's own.
Apart as but together make tons.
Schools are out, students are about.
Cars are sliding, trucks are providing.
Roads are frozen, salt is spreadin'.
You are the reason why I stay in the-
I made this in the middle of my first period class. Hope you enjoy! <3
Brogan Long Jan 2021
I wish we could go back when...

I could share chapstick with you,
and laugh at that one girls chunky white shoes

Cause it went so fast, like staccato,
and I really miss eatin’ gelato

But instead we’re scrolling up and down the stream,
after all it’s a just a quarantine daydream
This just a commentary on my longing for intimacy and the life I used to have.
Vishesh Singh Jan 2021
After 10 months, finally I am in school,
Everything is changed, its like having winter in pool.
So called friends are far away,
Better to be alone, I wish, I pray.
Looking for a hand, had no one
To raise me up, so I stand, I run.
To be with strangers, tryna be habitual
I ain't happy but will always be spiritual.
20 people with 20 minds,
Can the time passed be rewind?
Reading, solving and passing time,
Would it be better to do a crime?
Yes, I've attitude and I'm changed a lot,
I'll forever be me and that's what I got.
I'm so grateful 'cause I've words to write,
Sometimes I'm black and sometimes I'm white.
The day was rough as how I spend,
In just 4 hours my first day ends.
I went to school after 10 months, everything seemed and felt different.
I was sitting alone and doing some school stuff then I decided to do some journaling but when I started writing, it started rhyming so I went with the flow and this was created.
mimi Jan 2021
Good grades will get me into next year.
Then be able to graduate with a 4.0 GPA.
I wouldn’t have to worry about student debt
Because it’d be covered by a scholarship.
I could finally get into an Ivy League Law School,
Get the credentials for a high-paying job,
And have a family I’ve always dreamed about.

But does having good grades make me happy?
Do I find any joy on not getting to sleep,
Trying to figure out what x+y equals
Or writing essays on Abraham Lincoln?
We all know I’m never using this in real life.

So sorry I’ve failed you mamí,
But a 9-5 job isn’t the life for me.
Sometimes I feel like moms try to live their lives through us. I get they want us to do better than them but what if that's not the future for us?
Anais Vionet Jan 2021
School uniforms
are the last, tired gasp of a
dying patriarchy.

You see a DARK bra
under my blouse? Oh, God! Who
knew girls wore those!

School uniforms, with
long sleeves, aren't made for
pandemic washing.

A guy told me that
girls in school uniforms are
a core **** motif.

I told him his grasp
of **** tropes must rival
that of our school board.

School uniforms are
meant to UNsex otherwise
provocative girls.

As if our entire
gender were attempting to
subvert algebra.
uniforms - even in virtual school.
Ayesha Jan 2021
“Where is the assignment?”

You ask a question the philosophers have argued over

“Didn’t do it, sir.”

Where do I even begin—
I usually begin with stories
They fly in through the window, peck at me
Until I emerge out of my cotton caverns
Today, they brought along a fox, orange like melting sun
She hid under my bed and didn’t crawl out until
I sacrificed to her some of my food
had travelled villages and trees in search of her child
Streams and bridges and bushes, she had asked

told me of a little, blind boy with a ***** sack
He wandered about streets, and parks
Every turn memorised over years— every fortunate bin.
His scarred hands searching for softness— of
half-eaten fruits and soggy breads— of cloths.
Dry papers, he collected and sold to people unseen
He slept on the grass, sang songs and gave her food
Then one day she waited but he never came
Then one more, and one more, then—

But you don’t want a story, do you?
Uses of crystalline solids.

“I’m sorry.”
“Were you sick?”

Yes, I was sick. But not like that girl, over there,
With a runny nose and funny coughs
I was sick with strange blisters just
under my skin.
they itched and burned, and I could not calm them down
Instead I winced. I curled up like an injured worm
And when the doctor asked me where it hurt
I said nowhere
I said there was a campfire inside me
I said the fish hanging over it had turned to coal
wild-grass soup was spilling out the ***— it’s hisses in flames
I said the people had fought themselves to deaths
And now the fire was alone, and the camps too
And the mother fish calling for her son
And the moon,
And the bodies—

But he said it was just my brain talking

“Did you have to go somewhere?’

I did. Past the raging seas, beyond all mighty peaks, I followed a jolly fairy to the hidden garden where all dead flowers go.

“No, sir.”
“Any guests?”

A guest, I did.
But I didn’t invite him. I don’t even know his name.
He banged in through my locked door
A hazy grey shadow with two horns, four fangs and many claws
He ate nicely and didn’t judge my dying plants
He made a blanket fort out of my unfolded clothes,
we had a tea-party,
I painted his claws pink, braided his fur
he crafted me a paper-sword
And we duelled till our weapons creased and sun stopped burning
Then we sang together in our husky voices
And I’d tell you more but I swore
to protect him.

“No, sir. I did not.”
“Then where’s the assignment?”
“I forgot.”

I didn’t forget. I sat down to write but my brain
started talking. It talked and talked
and didn’t cease. Not until I hid back in my caves
and walked away from the night.

“I’ll give it tomorrow.”


“You sure?”

You ask a question the philosophers have—

“Yes, sir. sure. I’ll give it tomorrow.”

Bless tomorrow.
He has walked away, girl. You can breathe now.
sophie Jan 2021
the bus to school is loud
but the screams of students drown out
the voices in her head
so she never minds
she puts in an earbud
and listens to music
she still feels very tired
written when i still took the bus to school.
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