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Justine May 2015
Broken-hearted she stand,
Seeking for sweet revenge,
To destroy his future plans.

Cheating was his doing,
Without her knowing.
Didn't plan on revealing,
Wanted to keep her in the dark dwelling.

Didn’t want to admit,
He was the one unfit,
To be her missing bit.

With her intentions,
To strive for vengeance,
She creates new extensions,
Adding to her inventions.

As demolishing takes precious time,
To fix this awful crime.

Goodbye for now my friend,
This won’t be the end.
lucia vieites May 2015
You'll realize what you lost
at midnight, when you're tossed and turned
staring down at your regrets
the Tourette's of memories bursting in your head
the torture of what could've been will leave you dead, just like you did to her
your tears will flow like sap from a tree
your glee will be ripped away
and may this pain last today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life
because you lost the love of your life to your immaturity
And let this become your biggest insecurity
because the way you treated her, don't be upset when your friends prefer her instead of you
yes, that conversation was long overdue
but it didn't have to end like that
because your heart was the one that ended up splat on the ground
so may your heartache pound on the thoughts that your girl is gone
your happy ending was put up for pawn
and was sold to a man who will treat her better than you ever could
love her more than you ever would
and you'll sit there pondering,
squandering for a glimpse of hope
but you gave her up on the wrong terms
so may each midnight be spent haunting you
with the thoughts of what could've been
sweet dreams to you
Paramount Pawn May 2015
The thought of you laughing
is just simply ridiculous
'Cause you won't be laughing
in a sweet moment
The time my revenge
will come out fresh
Shall make me avenge
for the jokes you've played on me
I want to be made of a tougher material than flesh and bones.
I want to look into your eyes and know my body is strong enough not to crumble.
I want my skin to be made of scales and fire,
So when you try to stab me in the back I can turn around
And watch you cower in fear because I am invincible.
I want your touch to be cold against the heat of my skin.
I want to burn you alive.
And when all you are is powder and smoke,
Dust in my hand,
Let me blow away the last remnants of your soul.
I want to smile and let the daggers in my hand disintegrate.
Let me loose my skin and create a brand new me you will never touch.
Let me be a dragon.
Lilah Gran May 2015
Bitterness isn't just a state of mind.
Bitterness is another word for revenge.
One day, bitterness will consume me, and take over my world.

All the things I didn't do.
All the things that made me unhappy.
All the things that caged me, wrapped me, stopped me.
All the things that bounded me, forbidden me, limited me.

All the things that I should have done.
All the things that I should have taken.
All the things that I should have said.
All the things that I wanted.
All the things that made me happy.

Everything will come to me.
In bitterness.
At the end of time.
At the end of all things.

But before I die, I will take revenge.
I will take every little thing that consumed me, all that bitterness inside, pile them together, and burn it down to ashes.

And then I'll watch you watch me.
The fire reflected in your eyes, and I'll hear your thoughts before me.
Maybe I'll even let you join me.

I will set a bonfire.
And it will be the mark of my happiness.
It will be my revenge.

I'll take what's mine.
And discard this life I borrowed.
IndiGo Apr 2015
My other half ;you became
until one day you had put me to shame
'My other half' i no longer claimed
for I had told you to restrain
My spite soon reached it's peak
until one day I said “No more being meek”
My wrath I did not tell nor show
because I remembered how Karma goes
Since my wrath went untold
The more my wrath began to grow
Fake smiles & "okays"; I gave out like drugs
Because it indicated that I had felt nothing but inside my heart lugged
The plastic genuine-like smile allowed you to come back in my arms like men & dogs
But then it dawned on me that I got no apology for what you had done to me
So on that day I got even with my enemy
My foe thought we were on good terms
But no, a lesson is meant to be learnt
The secrets that foe shared with me
was now exposed for everyone to see
My foe was put to shame in the public eye
Maybe they will learn in due time that the game I was playing was such a beautiful lie
It occurred to my foe that
It was a plot & that my intentions were sly
and also that
Karma's a *****
& so was I.
Serena Lee Apr 2015
I'm winning and its feeling great
I'm sorry I pretended to be your mate
but I stay by my word
Im sure you heard
Well if you can't or don't remember I'll simply enlighten you
I always get revenge that fact is true
But what we had then is most definitely through
I've hit your weak spot, it was so easy to find
And getting rid of what you want the most? Well we both knew I wasn't going to be kind
I mean after all you did hurt me
Now I have power because of she
The last piece to my victory
I would feel bad and oh so sad
But just one simple fact
A beating heart is what I lack
So say what you will
But words don't ****
Akemi Apr 2015
She held him within her. A coiled mosaic, whirling on the precipice. His frame shook tumultuous, his skin the colour of autumn grey. The wetness from his eyes spilled against her soft fur. He pressed his lids tighter, as if to keep his tears from the world. Warmth pooled beneath their paws, a thick ichor that smelled of iron and salt.
The dusk receded, and he breathed his last.
Night left the world a husk. A slumber, cessation. In the still, she felt a chill gather within her, cruel and implacable. The forest stirred, with a restlessness only the dead knew. The barrows shrivelled to their skeleton frames. Death lurked in the furs of the pitch beast, in the mottle snares of the witherfang.
She ****** them all.
Her howl tore through the air, bright and gleaming. It thundered beneath the earth, reverberating through the bones of the long deceased. How had she once felt pride in that sound? A bitter rage roiled in her blood. It twisted the vessels of her body, and set her muscles to stone. She moved and shattered into a thousand shards, each one sharper than the last.
She grieved for two days. The soft contours she’d held his dying body against grew lean and taut. The hollows of her ribs had closed themselves around a seething stone, that filled her flesh bitter. She rose a new beast on the third day. Smarter, but crueller; wiser, but filled with rage; and with only one thought on her mind.
She would find the deceiver, and devour all he loved.
1:41pm, April 29th 2015

Wolves have sad lives.
Mike Essig Apr 2015
Just a flicker,
a small flame
compared to
what is coming:

the fire next time

will not be

Americans are
slow to wake,
but you can only ****
so many people
over for so long

before they begin to burn.
No Gods. No Masters.
katerina petrova Apr 2015
She is an everlasting nightmare
How come people are getting so dumber?
So done being tested to the very limit
Those lumpish morons are bluffed with her plaster saint tone she made it
She is never the sweetest enchanting fairy gold angel like you think
The whole majesty is befouled and full of myth
She should be killed or i will spit
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