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Maximus Tamo Feb 22
Atmospheric ice,
Sculpted lines across the sky,
Remnants of beauty,
jude rogers Mar 2023
A wanderer is here
he stays for a visit
his kindness is clear
he roams bringing good will.

But linger he shan't
his time here is quite scant
and remember you can't
what he's done for you now.

But, aye, he's yet gone
hear his troubles till dawn
take his word into notion
set new good things in motion.

Cherish these times
his presence is sure
a good indicator
of things in the future.

Wait for brand new beginnings
lest you forget these sweet things
these travelers say to make
memories, newly fleeting.

Said scant time is finished
so fast, like deep sleep
so filled, practically brimming
with concepts for morrow.

Let his wisdom surely guide you
put your old things behind you,
'tis an age of new beginnings,
and a wanderer is here.
This can serve as more than one metaphor to you, which was my intent. I don't write poetry a lot but it is nice to be able to express parts of the world in ways such as this.
even if
   i could
go back
in time
make changes
to the things
that didn't quite
work out
the way i wanted
have a second
at putting
something right
even if
there was
an opportunity
to make
the entirety
   of everything
i can honestly say
i'm not certain
i would

i've seen
far too many
and tv shows
about time-travel
to make me think
it's probably
a lot more effort
it's worth
I S A A C Nov 2020
The only consistent thing having my back is my corset
always try to build connections but will never force it
I have come to peace with oneness, I know its all about how I perceive aloneness
Cannot say that some days I do not sway
Teardrops mimic the rains, falling falling away
Each day different energy to conquer
An ambitious rida like my anthem by Tupac Shakur
Summer perfumed memories making me hate the chilly breeze
Such a beautiful array of colours but my mind is stuck on green
Memories of the nights we laid underneath the moon's eyes
Everyday communication through the 3 and 5-D
Forget how much I loved my own eyes, vivid green that can pierce through lies
Hips blessed with the holy fruit of the divine
With you and without everyone I will continue to thrive
As long as I can inhale., I will thrive
As long as my hands are mine to control, I will express my thoughts on my mind
As long as my spine allows, I will climb that mountain no doubt
Always extending the lands I have touched.
Fell in love with my own piercing gaze
I was a kid from Kansas.

I was 18 years old when I flew to New York City to attended
Columbia College, the traditional undergraduate liberal arts school
of Columbia University. At that time (1962). Columbia College
was all male, but Barnard, one of the so-called "Seven Sisters"
colleges, was all female, and all you had to do to see incredibly
bright, and often also exceedingly attractive young women, was
to cross Broadway (at 116th Street) and you were there.

Langston Hughes, one of America's greatest poets, grew up mainly
in Lawrence, Kansas, only a mere 24 miles from my hometown, Topeka.
In 1921, he entered Columbia College. Hughes was black and suffered
greatly from the malevolent racial prejudice that permeated Columbia
at that time. And even though he maintained a B+ average, Hughes
dropped out after the end of his freshman year and headed to Harlem.
He became one of the brightest stars of the Harlem Renaissance, a
famous artistic community and movement whose members were, in
effect, the intelligentsia of Harlem. He finished his higher education
at the all-black Lincoln University in Pennsylvania.

All students had to take the Core Curriculum, regardless of their major.
Referred to as simply "The Core," it was a two-year rigorous course of
studies ranging from philosophy to literature to art to music to writing to
language. It was founded in 1919. It was Columbia College's attempt
to study the roots of western civilization and hopefully to find ways to
avoid forever the flaws thereof to prevent any more world wars. Obviously,
it did not realize its lofty goal, but it did make every Columbia College
student learned for life. No other school in what was to become known
as the Ivy League (founded in 1954) has the equivalent of "The Core."
In 2019, Columbia College celebrated its Core's centennial anniversary.

I majored in American history and found out, among many other salient
facts, that our nation was founded on the evil institution of slavery and the
ignominious policy of genocide, and yet we have the audacity to call our
country a democracy. Eight of our presidents were slave owners themselves;
Thomas Jefferson, who authored the Declaration of Independence, and in so doing, immortalized the phrase "All men are created equal," owned over 600
slaves as he wrote and later became our third president. And today, the progeny of slavery, racism, permeates our country from the Oval Office through virtually all cities and towns of any and every size.

Living in and exploring New York City for four years makes a student a
veritable citizen of the world, even if that student chooses after graduation
to reside in some other location, as I, in fact, did--Boulder, Colorado.

Two years before I showed up, Columbia College admitted a class (1960)
that still holds the record of having the highest average SAT scores per
student of any other college or university in the annals of higher education, and I had to compete academically with many of those students.

Just yesterday, 26 March 2020, Columbia College admitted a little over 2,000 out of a total of a little over 40,000 applicants both from the USA and around the world, thereby creating an admit rate of 6.1% and making Columbia College the 3rd most selective school out of a total of 5,300 other colleges
and universities in the United States.

Lastly, Columbia University has the largest number of Nobel laureates who
graduated or taught at my alma mater (84), more Nobel prize-winners
than any of its Ivy League peers.

Thank you letting me share with you just some of what I still consider to be among the best years of my life.

And, by the way, I am still, at heart, a kid from Kansas.  

Copyright 2020 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet and human-rights advocate his entire adult life. He recently finished his novel, A CHILD FOR AMARANTH.
anon Sep 2018
long before the days of the netflix
streaming services
people either had cable
on demand
or got netflix dvds
like a mail order

but i grew up
with public television
the the public broadcast station
filled with stories
and shows
that wanted to teach
while entertaining

liberty kids taught me history
while cyberchase showed me
math can save the world
when it's important
arthur allowed children
to see that we all are equal
and we all can be friends
because everybody that you see
has an original point of view

and i say hey!
why have we abandoned
the important lessons
for the sake of entertainment

my little brother makes jokes
about logan paul
and exploiting
a suicide victim

my little brother told me
he wants to be the next
on abc

my little brother called me
a **

when i was nine years old
like he is
i asked my mom
for extra television time
so i could tune into
fetch with ruff ruffman
at 3pm
and see science
in action

i begged for a game boy
not for madden17
i read by the light
of a little reading lamp
not with a blue glowing light
exuding from a new samsung tablet

i'm not saying technology
is bad
or that we should

i'm saying our children
our siblings
and maybe even our friends
are growing up ******* up

and we can change that
but we never do

i want to tell my children
dragon tales
dragon tales
not to turn off youtube before bed
i want children now
to learn before they even
enter a classroom
but i suspect that no one
will listen
or even stop
to care
Time flies, you are lost.‬
Time flies when you are driven.‬
Time flies, regardless‬.
Life goes on
Mark Apr 2018
You will leave this place soon,
This haven of brick and asphalt
And have decided to make
One more mistake before you depart.

In the five o’clock air,
With the streetlights off duty,
The mist struggles to mingle with the
Sweat-drenched clothes that cling to
Your sweat-drenched body

You have told them
That you’re not sure if this
Means anything,
Not sure if you’re looking for
The same things
They will take it as a challenge
And mistake you for knowing what
You’re talking about.

But you are so comfortable here,
Feet on the asphalt,
Groggy with lust and
Unwilling to sleep in the beds of
Future lovers
As if four years could make anyone
Savor the aftermath of a
Future disaster

You will leave this place soon,
This place you are so comfortable with,
This place where the mistakes you make
Don't linger into the waning evenings
But crash hard against the brick
And shatter in the five o'clock air.
Julie Grenness Feb 2017
In a museum of the future scene,
A retrospective of 2017,
What will it feature to be seen?
Lands of racism and hostilities,
Political puppets, cant evergreen,
Any good news for the future scene,
How can we change 2017?
Feedback welcome.
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