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The internet could have freed us.

Now we know for sure it doesn't need us.
Endless babbling repeated tropes.
Posted by morons and losers and brain dead teen aged dopes.
Vacuous and vague , nothing said nothing heard.
Not a thought nothing original
not a word.
the truth is often a bitter pill...mmm mm eat up suckas
Man Feb 13
Fall on your own sword;
If you must die
Do it on a hill
On which you shall be revived.
From where at its summit & base
A well should spring
Of water which you may both wade,
Clean enough to be drank.

By both, either side,

Whether Abrahamic or Pagan
Both religious & spiritual.
By whatever side walked
Around the waterhole,
No matter the kind of animal.
Any coast situated near the ocean,
Any forest covered with trees,
Any open & vacant clearing.
Lazarus & Alban
Man Feb 9
It's a funhouse of smoke and mirrors,
Where the unnatural angles & fumes
Have clearly affected their proprietors.
It's an old-timey, ****** circus;
The performing artists are mismanaged
By ringleaders who may be animals.
It's a rigged boardwalk game;
The hoop's too small or pegs too thick,
Baskets too tight or ***** too corpulent.
You can hit it square on,
Swing the hammer with a force sufficient,
But the bell hasn't been ringing.
Grab a hotdog,
Order a slice,
Get your popcorn & crackerjacks,
Your cotton candy & cream iced.
That sugar is a rush,
Like laffy taffy freebased off of a fish which is Swedish.
Get in your distractions,
Cause I don't forsee you winning.
Sia Harms Jan 23
If I lost the favor of God,
I imagine my feet would break.
I would fall on my back, unable
To stand or walk in any meaningful
Direction. I would still be alive,
But only in definition.
That this morning we wake up.
And you give us a small ray.
That we keep in our pockets -
throughout this year, this week, this day.
And that when we expect it least,
The ray slips out
Onto those who need it most.

Taking each breath
You now see
What the eyes will never show,
There - a smile,
Here - a year;
clearing out a space,
for yourself-
Lighting the bonfire, heating the hearth-
Light it and
And pass the warmth, the glow
to the withered eye, bones and souls,
seeking refuge
under the mighty toll of
The Great Turn.
From Reality Sandwich newsletter, Reality Bites
Jared Pereira Jan 10
As the mind slowly fills with wonder
Thoughts inside begin to wander

Deep thoughts
Dark thoughts

What is the meaning of life?
Where are we from?
Where did it all start?

A sudden pause...

When does it all END...

Anxiety swirls in the air with a struggle
Tears amass from eyes in large puddles

Starting to get tired
Afraid to fall asleep
Time is about to expire
Eventually, eyes slowly close to die in peace...

Suddenly awaken!
How did this happen!?
It is the only explanation!

Jump up to spread the news that life is great
Try our best to get rid of all the hate

Life is here for everyone to enjoy
We are alive and it's time to rejoice!
The bright death of a star
lights the black night from afar.

Astrologers walk from east to west
and follow the nova’s fiery arc.
The burst of white in heavens’ dark chest
gives sign of a birth, love’s new spark.

They walk on through sandy shards of this earth,
past broken glass of our days
to find the one whose heralded birth
gives hope that our world is reglazed.

Held in their hands are gifts replete
that tell what the child will become:
Gold for a king, sweet incense for a priest,
for a healer, myrrh that will scent his tomb.

And the lodestar that died
signals the birth of a child
whose death and rebirth
lit a new star on this earth.


Each year I watch them travel in a snow globe
that hangs upon my Yuletide fir tree,
a glowing glass sphere where waters flow
’round these Magi walking magically free.
Happy Epiphany!
Jack Groundhog Dec 2024
A marble altar
in a gilded Baroque church —
Poor babe in manger
Emma Grace Dec 2024
I don’t go to church but everyday I keep a Angel in my pocket

There is a feeling the guides me, looks upon me, and protects me

A anchor sewn into my clothing, I hold it, I look upon it, and protect it

A mutual obligation that objectifies all inquiry interest

I see it, it sees me

What is the the “it”? A question that spirals and spins

A nuisance, a nag, that makes me feel like a rag

Instead of this I see a enticing idea

Why shall I question anything good?
Hello everyone!
This comes from a prompt, “do you believe in Angels?”.
I do not have a direct answer for that so this was my take. <3
FatherCookie Dec 2024
I’ve read the words that
Made the world.
I’ve sang the psalms
That praised them.

Strung out lyric
Belted from infantile lips
Ever ignorant,
Ever innocent,
Of the abhorrent things
Done under
ritual, devotion,
& bliss
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