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Tom Lefort Jul 2020
We all go,
We all turn and leave this mortal coil,
Our beauty woven into memories,
The ugliness of age will call.

We all fall,
We all fade and wither like a flower,
Our years crumbling one by one,
The finality of it all.

We all forget,
We let go of those we said we loved,
Our betrayel proven in our lies,
The futility of this wretched squall.

TS Lefort 2020
Psychostasis Jul 2020
I was once accused of being the devil under a darkened moon on a foggy night

Now, I've met the devil and let me tell you
The devil once beat me with a curtain rack over my back until I bled
Only to pretend it was in the sport of the game

I've met the devil
In fact, the devil used to show my mom love from the end of a fist and in the sunrise after a long night of crying
Would convince her it was in the name of his love for her

I've befriended the devil
The Devil once taught me how to pick locks and marks minding their own business
And to prey on these people, nay,
Like my life depended on it

I've lived with the devil
The devil kept once locked me in a house-shaped-prison before flinging me into the world unprepared, and dazed
Only to blame me for not watching the outside close enough from my foggy window

I've loved the devil
And eagerly, I gutted myself in the devil's name each time she asked me to see my still beating heart
Only to be confused as to why she hated the mess that followed my orders

I've sacrificed to the devil
I've taken my own heart and soul, and impaled them on a blade made of pure jaded spite, only to lay them with all the other hearts I've stolen and pierced
Unknowingly, yet undoubtedly maliciously.

I've kissed the devil
And in that deal I sealed my fate a lifetime of servitude to a soul I helped created
And created a bond with the devil that was forbidden for good reason

I've lied to the devil
Only to have my mistakes return and slash me across the face like the blade that is the sun's beams shedding light on a long night of forgetting problems
No matter how justifiable he claimed I was

I've seen the devil
He watched me from the bottom of an orange tube only to switch his view finder to something he could swim in

And once more, even now,
As it dances on the end of my blunts

I've met the devil
And I've met the devil many times throughout my lifetime
I've met the devil enough times to identify it by smell, or hearing
Despite it coming with a new assortment of blends, a new chirp every time it appears, and a new look complete with me words
****, at one point, it was me

But I know this Now:
I am not (currently),
Nor will I be ever again,
The Devil.
I should have said something.
I love you
Wait up
Don't leave me
I’m sorry

But i didn't
And you walked away

I should say something
How are you
I missed you
I’m sorry
Forgive me

But i don’t

And you walk away

I should say something if i see you again

But if i do

I already know i won’t say anything

And you'll walk away

And leave me alone

With no one


But my own regrets
Nitika Sharma Jul 2020
Don't you think regrets take you far
Don't press more
The past painful scar
Let it heal
The time will reveal
You can either be
Face to face with your fate,
Or simply an observer
When the time slips from your hands.
It's about who you were supposed to be
versus who you are right now.
Timings matter,
But the time gone by is something I regret.
What was meant to be and what it really is.
Dicra with an E Jul 2020
If you're somewhere, dark
dark like the pains in your heart,
you're stuck up in your past,
you are losing sight of the present,
like the doors opening for you.

And when your eyes well up,
Look up and the sun will,
dry up your tears,
send glimmers to your soul,
send warmth to your heart,
And yours will be a dry scar
Tom Lefort Jul 2020
Love still etched upon the page
Fading yes but still this rage
Where hearts that pounded, best as one
Will forever live, are never done.
I run my fingers across those words
Recorded there a love unheard
But bound in time, two lives as one
Now torn and stained, our hopes undone.
Elizabeth Jul 2020
Days and months have passed already,
Yet you never made plans to check on me.
I know I was wrong, but I had my reasons,
You said I left when you needed me the most,
But I was young, uncivilized, scared and so naïve,
I wasn't even old enough to bear the responsibilities of love.

When I finally understand what love and affection is
When I feel qualified and ready to be yours again
You were already lost in the crowd, never to be found.
You have already moved miles from where you used to be

Every day I sit by my window side, staring blankly at the sky,
Hoping and praying that our path will cross once again,
Wishing that the wind will blow you my way.

Every night I lay awake on my bed,
Thinking about the past that we once shared.
Hoping that you are still keeping the memories alive

Whenever my phone rings with an unknown number
I pray silently before picking the call that it would be you.
But the voices that always speak was nothing like yours,
And at the end of each call, I'm always disappointed.

I miss the few moments we shared
I long for your hot kisses in the cold nights
I miss your strong protective arms around my waist
I hope for the day I'll be held in your embrace

I will keep expecting you to come back.
I will keep waiting for a call or text from you
I will keep hoping that someday our path will cross

Even if I have to wait for forever
Even if you decide not to show up again
Until when you decide to come back for me
The space in my heart will always be empty for you.
There was a guy I was in love with but I had to leave him because I was scared of being hurt, I wasn't really ready. Few days ago, I heard from a friend that he got someone else. It was very painful and I really regret ever leaving him. All I can do now is share my story, maybe if he sees it, he will know that I am still waiting to be his love.
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