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I watched you walk away,
Like I was an outsider,
Like I wasn't the one who loved you.
Not once did you look back—
Both of us proud,
Not wanting to break
And speak the words
That would turn everything around.

One stop, one wait,
One foot in front of the other,
Would ease the heaviness
Of watching you walk away.
But here I am,
Stuck, standing still,
The world seamlessly
Going on around me.

Part of me is stuck in the shadow,
Everything moving
From one axis to the next.
Another part of me realizes
That when the earth changes axis
And rotates the other way,
No one really feels it.

And here I am,
Stuck either way.
In time, even dust
Has to move
I want to see you as a person,
Not your body,
Nor the way your fingers curl
Around my side
When you hold on to me.
I want to see you for who you are,
Not for what I or the world wants to see.
I want to hear your heartbeat,
For reasons that may feel selfish to me,
But are selfless to you.
Your own truth,
That has no reason to be,
Except for the fact that you wanted it
To be.
Like a child taking their first step.
No matter how wild, they are free.

Even if that means separating from me,
The further you step.
For some, a minute feels like an hour
And a day feels like forever,
But the fire in your eyes that starts
when you smile
Keeps me warm,
Whenever I think of you,
And keeps the shadows away.
Until you return
Give me room to breathe,
because I'm tired of living
in chaos and fear.

I just can't live like this anymore.

Give me a reason to believe,
because I don't want to leave

when I have so much to live for.

Give me a chance, and you'll see

I won't let doubt get in the way

The only thing
that can take
my breath away

is finding the person

that I'll do
in my power

to fight for survival

and stay.
Joshua Phelps Dec 2024
Storm clouds raging
in my head
for days on end

Feeling temporary,
stuck within.

Lightning strikes,
thunder echoes,

each boom feeling like

a shock to the heart,

and I'm trying
my best
to not
fall apart.

I try to find
that spark inside,

and I know the light
hasn't faded

because I know
I may be numb, but
I'm not dead inside.

Riding the storm,
it's hard to hold on

when I don't know
what the future holds.

But I know
to get past
it all,

I've got to
press forward,

and move on.
Khadijat Bello Jan 2024
I hate to say this, but I miss you
On days when I’m angry at you
I recount every memory of you
I miss you on the saddest days and even the most delightful ones

I hate to say this, but I love you
I’ve loved your fairly flaws and even resented myself for loving you
I loved you from the very beginning, I bet I’d do till the end
I love you like molt to holes
I guess, I love every curve of you

Permit me to say this, but I hate you
I hate the way you make me smile
How you get to my skin
I hate how your voice brightens up my day
I hate the ease I feel when talking to you in distress
I hate how I feel when you call me nick names
Gosh! I love them all!
I guess, I called for a white lie

I miss you as my person
I miss the fact that it was just the two of us
I hate I have to share you…
Not you, but the concept of you
I guess I hate myself more for harboring these thoughts I do
But in the end, all these conflicting emotions…
I just miss you.

Whispers of your absence echo through my heart, painting the canvas of longing with hues of nostalgia. In the symphony of solitude, every note resonates 'I miss you.' 💔✨
I tried to run away
From all the pain I had
I tried to escape away from all screams
Cause they're making me mad

But they won't let me go
they keep on chasing me
They don't wanna **** me
They keep on torturing me

Sinking in fear
Choking in lies
No place to hide

But I can't bear this more
I've been off the shore
All those things I can't ignore

Wake me up
Pull me up
Tell me it's just a dream
Even it's not
I can't hear those screams more
No more
I was not active as usual due to heavy loads of exams going on
Larissa Frost Jan 2021
I didn’t want
To say goodbye
I thought we’d travel
The earth
You and I
But you no longer
Visit me
In my dreams
The silence in my
Head is

                   -L. Frost
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
Mummy used to buy me hair grease,
for my hair was a seismic wave of crease.
The scalp crying sweat,
the tantrums were the onset.

Wide tooth comb have mercy on the nots,
nests of lies and cheeky clots.
The flurries of dandruff deposit,
the skeletons in the closet.

Mummy brought out the blue magic,
the long strands thirsty to become ethic.
Such a wave of moisture,
like the silkiness of an oyster.

A perfect layer of braided Cornrows,
blended amongst the tropical mangoes.

Mummy says to me you’re a woman now,
be prepared and ready to plough,
the knotty hairs of your little ones.

Go and buy the same hair grease,
to ensure their naughty traits mature into peace.

Justine Louisy

Copyright ©Justine Louisy 2016
All Rights Reserved
So... I’ve mentioned about braids but now let’s talk about the preparation of Afro hair and the goodness of hair grease (metaphorically speaking 😁😅) enjoy!!
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I'm in a thousand winds that blow,
I'm in the softly falling snow.
I'm the gentle showers of rain,
I'm the fields of ripening grain.
I'm in the morning hush,
I'm in the graceful rush
Of beautiful birds in circling flight,
I'm the starshine of the night.
I'm in the flowers that bloom,
I'm in a quiet room.
I'm in the birds that sing,
I'm in each and every lovely thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there. I do not die.
Poetry In Motion
IG: rapnapoleon_za
Toni D'Leangelo Jul 2019
Once the sky darkens and
when the world sleeps...
let's fly.

You're not awake to see it but I'm truly a spectacle. When the darkness covers the sky and moonlight cascades what's below, you're missing an anomaly. You're gonna miss my flight. Dodging the trees and hunting the prizes that hide in incognito, meanwhile I'm just coasting. No pressure. No pressure. I'm still surviving. I'm still flying.

Earth awakens with the sun
and I bloom from beneath the shadows
gallantly roaming the blue
looking down at where I once was
eager to stay up.

Regardless of will or reluctance, you pay your respects to what soars above. You know I'll thrive from your revere, or lack thereof. The dominance remains. Along side the clouds I'll reign. No pressure. No pressure. I'm still thriving, I'm still flying.


Beauty is one thing but this one is stunning. It's majesty and it's charm are really something. Simply poetry in flight. Sailing the skies, scaling these heights. As fresh as the air, it's refreshing to stare. He's his best when he's up there. No pressure. No pressure. I'm now gliding. This is flying.

This is a tribute to
The Owl, The Eagle, The Crane.
The Thinker, The Strong, The Triumph.
This is a tribute to
The little Bahamian boy.

This is a tribute to me.
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