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Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Waiting for an angel

Waiting in Heaven for my Angel to arrive.
I hope I wait a long time before my Angel dies;
Before she is brought up to Heaven…
To once more be at my side.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
No regrets

Broken again.
Something should teach us to change our ways.
My sanity is insane, again;
But life is on the way.

A **** starts the race for the future.
Impatience won’t let us just sit back and relax, I’ll wager.
For experience teaches those who are not blind or deaf,
To the words that are wasted on most students.
Or so you think, until you pass the test,
Or leave the class,
Then suddenly you remember something,
From your sub-conscience.

So use your conscience to guide you through the slime,
You will have to swim through, throughout your lifetime,
Because happiness is worth all the stress,
So live your life with no regrets.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
justine grace Jun 2018
love is when you've gotten your heart broken
love is when you've cried yourself to sleep many times
love is when you can feel your chest hurting miserably
love is pain

love is also beautiful
love is kind
love is a fortune
and is a bigger fortune when you love the right person

love is going through hardships together
love is figuring things out together
love is saying sorry first because you don't want your other half hurting

love is more than what you knew and what you thought
love is beyond the cliche endings in a Nicholas Sparks novel or film

love is meant to be for infinity
love is only meant for that one person
for the longest time of your life
love is when you thought you found love before but was wrong
and when you are in a healthier and happier relationship

you now know love better
that regardless how life treats you
love comes along
the right love
and with that
you're free
falling more in love with him
every night
love is love
Love is about patience; trust; compassion. As the days go by, I am lucky that I have met a wonderful man that I can call mine. Everyday, I look forward to just seeing him even when we are only apart for a couple of hours. I fall for him more and more each day and I can't express how lucky I am to even feel this kind of contentment. Long before him, I was in a toxic relationship and thought that, that was love. And now that I am being treated with love and compassion everyday, it feels surreal. In the beginning, I was so anxious because I always expected him to do something wrong, always thought "anytime now he'll show his colours" but little did I know he was already showing me his colours and they were genuine feelings. And it warms my heart to know that I am capable to be loved instead of being someone to run their mouth at. My love, if yre reading this - I thank God everyday for you and you're a dream I never want to stop dreaming about. I love you.
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2018
Be patient, persevere and
all obstacles disappear.
If theres a wall, ram through and climb over it.
No matter what, there is nothing you cannot do!

Be back soon!
Lyn ***
George Krokos Jun 2018
I have nothing more to give you now
but don't let this be a hindrance vow
We both seem to be at our wits end
and with our limitations to contend.

While some others may give at will
I won't follow them in their thrill
putting quantity over quality here
and try to impress just to be near.

It may seem as if I'm making excuses
but the fact is that this only confuses
when all our expectations go too far
and our feelings those situations mar.

Please be patient and you will then see
how it'll all work out and so better be.
My faith in this matter does here now rest
in the Glory and Power which knows best.
Written in 2017.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Love is eclectic

Love is eclectic;
Fire heart;
Lone star…

Love is a gesture.
Open doors;
Pull back the chair for,
The romance of it all.

Love is a question.
Would you like?
Do you feel alike?
Will you become my bride?

Love is patience.
Try on clothes.
Wait by the phone.
Save up to buy a home.

Love is endless.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Lost without you, **** this love thing is hard.
I miss you, I need you; I want you to be here.
I’m so used to having you around to give a warm feeling to my heart.
Without you I am bored and lonely; why can’t you be near?

Every second you are gone feels like a lifetime today;
Every time I think of you I forget all other things.
You are always on my mind and I have so much I need to say.
When you return I will be so happy,
Because I will have what I have sought.

Still checking my phone for a text or a missed call.
The time ticks by so slowly; when will you arrive?
You have already told me your work schedule,
But I am impatient; I can’t wait to see you, my future bride.

We have the rest of our lives to feel this happiness,
But right now I am without you and patience is not a virtue I possess.
Soon you will be home, back in my arms at last;
So I am writing to you to tell you, you are my beautiful temptress.

Our love is continuous until the end of time;
It was written in the script that we should find one another.
I am under your spell, you are beauty personified;
Forever I wish to be your only lover.

And then suddenly, I hear you arrive;
You are back and we are together once more.
Oh joyous celebrations as you fill up my heart and my eyes.
I can see you, I can say I love you; I can feel your love…
You are the woman that I adore.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Tyese Chumov Jun 2018
My oh My
How far we've come
from the ground to the tree
to the wind to the One

My gazing eyes
what beauty they see
my oh my...
it's you and me

The God we know is my solid stone
that has been by my side while you are gone

He keeps me patience
He sees my heart
I'm going to Him
when I feel weak
when I feel deep
because my oh my
He believes in me

and...He believes in you
because I pray for you
when all I wanna do
is walk up to you and say
'I love you'
Not giving up the hope in my heart. Not giving up on him. For God is with me, and knows He is above all this.
Lucas Kolthof Jun 2018
Before you kiss someone for the first time,
Just wait.

Take a second to look at them.
They are so new and so unfamiliar.
Right now you don’t know how they taste,
How their hands will intertwine with yours,
How they’ll exhale after touching your bones.

You won’t see them like this ever again

Stare into their wanting -
the apprehension
budding inside their pupils -
they don’t know as well.
In their mind
you are uncharted territory as well.

Isn’t that special?

Keep it.
That’s how you’ll never lose them,
Or so I think.
Every so often after this moment,
look at them through these
soon to be ancient eyes.
Find this vision,
this exact dialect
of witness,
find these
pair of eyes

And don’t lose this wonder.
Don’t lose the spark.

For if you do,
The burns will leave you scared of the sun,
While the sunlight will still dance in their hair.

Even the universe is jealous of this moment, and will take this away from you in years to come,

Just know
If you are the forest fire
I will be the rainfall calming smoke scented winds.

Skin is delicate
But this story could be beautiful,
As we dive into the unknown.

- an excerpt from a book I’ll never have the courage to write
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