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fs yousaf Jun 2018
Wait out the storms and sadness.
The darkness and famine.
You may not know
what you desire at this moment,
but the years throughout life
go by slowly.
You will eventually find your calling.
Willow Jun 2018
If the day arrives
When you feel ready
And the time clicks on
I’ll be here

If the sun rises
When you feel happy
And the waves role on
I’ll be here

If the tree shadows
When you feel worthless
And the flowers wilt
I’ll be here

If the sun sets
When you feel exhausted
And the birds sleep
I’ll be here

If the moon rises
When you feel alive
And the stars sing
I’ll be here

If the day arrives
When you feel ready
And the moments collide
I’ll be here

You know where I’ll be.
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
left forgotten
undervalued today
what would I give to have patience
cared for
Patience is a cinquain poem themed around the concept of patience in life. I am quite impatient and I am learning to appreciate it a little more.

Many people really don’t realise that, their skills aren’t to blame, they aren’t to blame, they just need to be patient to let their talents unfold or be picked upon.

Patience can often give you moments of self-analysing and self-love that you need. It can also make you appreciate the world around you a lot more. Simply being alone outside itself, can make you feel a little better in yourself – especially around sunset, because then you can watch the colours changing in the sky too!

I know that we are all impatient in getting what we need done, because for some of us, we’re scared we might never finish it before, you know, we ‘go’.  It makes sense, people want to do the best they can in life, others might get frustrated and give up, thinking because they’ve reached a certain age, a certain point there is no point in attempting to mend the broken road. I can’t exaggerate enough, how utterly wrong they are. I used to be like that, I too thought because I couldn’t socialise properly by a certain age, because I confessed to my mental issues later in life, that I, too, myself, would be in a struggle forever. It’s not like that.

You can still fight back for your life.
DP Younginger May 2018
Watch closely as I construct my Monday forecast,
I see clouds shifting this way with bags under its eyes,
A rainy day is approaching,
It's been summer for over a year,
It's been gloomy at times,
I've had the occasional sprinkle,
But, there is a storm headed this direction,

You see, it didn't drizzle that day,
Stuck in a drought, I crave the waters of the sky,
But when you expect things to happen, the head is rotated counter clockwise,
I sit and wait, way too much,
My love used to say that,
The queued are the *******, your patience will let you down like tears from the sky,
I feel her words with every innuendo of new days to come,

They are glorious dreams to rocket a brain into space,
But, what goes up must come down eventually...right?
I tried to think the worst, but when the tears slid down her cheeks, my heart lurched,
It rose with a recharged happiness that I have never felt before,
Once again, her first words spitting "I can't",
Poking a hole in my overinflated pumper, the juice leaks into my stomach,
A wounded gut,
She is always right,
This heart was floating so high, but with a scattered like a runaway balloon,

You love em',
You hate em',
But hating them is a quick glance into what is next,
Live for now,
Love later,
Conquer your ridiculous hopes,
And those pesky expectations.
How does it feel
To see the world around you,
Falling in love?
How does it feel,
Attending all their weddings,
Alone and hopeful.

I see them full of light and love,
Smiles and laughter.
I look at myself and wonder,
When will it be my forever after?

I'm waiting for my lasting love,
I thought I've had it before.
But I realized that those were the ones,
That showed what was my worth.

They didn't put in the time,
Didn't make an effort.
I pushed too hard to make it work,
And they always took advantage.

I realized I need someone who will support me
Love me for me.
Does not desire to change me,
But embrace all that I am.
Someone to laugh with,
Cry with,
Share my hopes and dreams.

Right now I feel alone.
Watching as my friends,
Create new lives with their loves.
I'll wait here,
Focus on myself.
Prepare for that one person.
That'll bemy forever
James LR May 2018
grow on, little flower
blossom like the rose
dance with darling daffodils
For soon I'll hold you close

take your tea with tulips
learn of lilies, too
remember to forget-me-not
For I remember you

grow on, little flower
take your time to bloom
I'll pick you when you're ready
And not a day too soon
Frustrating when you're the flower
Frustrating when you're waiting
Rewarding either way
trf May 2018
Bury the silencer beneath the doggy bones
that Fido misplaced last May.
Their presence is scentless now,
just like your mind is today.

Arms down, head up dear friend,
lines in the sand are only drawn
to spend your time crossing footprints.

Place perspective above greed,
as we are all suffering
in one way or another,
so give our children the chance to succeed.

It doesn't have to be this way,
swollen knees pray for peace,
take your high school daze by day
and let your mind evade the inner demons.
In order to write this I had to do put my mind into some places that are not comfortable; in fact they are plain ******* evil. In order to write from various perspectives, I've been able to put myself, my thought processes, into so many different envelopes: race, gender, religion, circumstance; in order to comprehend the amount of struggles versus actions that those roles play in our society today. Yet I am unfounded and dumbfounded when it comes to putting my mind in an individual who can commit mass ****** of innocents. I grew up with fists and the occasional shiv. We handled our problems normally, albeit illegal sometimes, however no one died. To change this we cannot rely on anyone but ourselves, ourselves and ourselves.
Stop press: for naming these individuals, creating a story of why they could have done such harm, making them mold other's ideas. Leave no paper or web trail of these ______________________
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