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Perri Aug 2015
One day,
I am going to mean something to someone
And I bet it will feel amazing

brandon nagley Aug 2015

Confectionery amour', quiet peaceful girl, flower haired gem
Whilst we maketh love to the old spinning record, eyes content;
The moon to leadeth ourn feet, bathed in chocolate fountain,
We prance as freely Galloper's, thither the desert, cool mountain


I'll meeteth thee at the playground, inked in ourn red blotch,
No ticking tumultuous hand, to ruin ourn plan's, none to watch;
A private invitation, a rosey petal to surrender thine oath and vow, a seeded rightful city, conversation open and aroused


Charlatan's to be naysayer's, exactly as the rest hath becometh,
Ourn cloak's to be as spiritual coat's, dashing in none repugnance
The waterside to be ourn resting residence, the pasture plain's to awaken ourn brain's, as we shalt be marksmen of lass and lad.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Made up story for whoever comes along I guess lol just nice story on hopeful for one to love me one day (::
Michael Falls Jul 2015
I'm tired, so so tired.
My body aches and feels so heavy.
I'm tired of seeing and hearing and reading about death.
Children dying in the street.
Species going extinct.
People dying before their time.
One day.
Just one day.
Can't there be just one day where no one dies at all?
Where all the death and destruction stop?
One day,
Just one day is all I ask.
One day where everyone in the world can smile and relax.
One day, that day will come.
Karen Nicole Jul 2015
one day,
i'll get over you
one day,
i'll be able to reminisce
without feeling sad

one day,
i can laugh along with my friends
when they're talking about you

and i'm really
looking forward
for that day to happen
Aalayah Jun 2015
Many would be more then glad to take your place...hold my hand .. kisses to the forehead. .tell me I love you baby everyday!  No each other up ..take each other beyond the stars..that's my #1 fan place ..that's my man one day. .
Perri Jun 2015
people love to come into my life,
and dangle themselves in front of me
so close,
that I can feel their warmth
and hear their breath
so I can smell their scent
and see their beauty
and just as I am about to reach out
to embrace their presence,
they yank themselves up and out of my life
leaving me confused and hopeless,
until the next one finds me
Ralph Albors Jun 2015
Someday and one day
are implicitly dissimilar.

"Someday I'll find love"
is full of ambivalent hope.
"One day I'll find love"
expresses certainty.

"Someday I'll go on an adventure"
really means "I sure hope I get to travel."
"One day I'll go on an adventure"
implies "I will leave this town."

"Someday I'll love someone else"
means "I'm not over my ex."
"One day I'll love someone else"
means "On to the next chapter."

Someday and one day
are commonly mistaken as equal.
But someday won't come,
while one day is just around the corner.
Inspired by some advice I gave my best friend over the phone.
So, basically, it's based on a true story. Sort of.
Perri Jun 2015
I check the mail,
hoping to see a letter from you.

I see that empty box;
Although, I am aware,
it would be too good to be true.
I have worked in a post office for four years, and have taught the special people in my life how beautiful writing letters are. I send them, but never seem to receive any in return.
Jessica Kolb Jun 2015
It was a romantic evening
in the extravagant city of New York.
I'll Be Seeing You drifted throughout Central Park.
As the leaves danced in the Autumn wind,
the sun began to set beyond the towering skyscrapers.
People awed at a young woman in red
wandering a long path.
Down the road, there was a man.
He spotted her and her shimmering brilliance.
In her own little universe,
she began to twirl in her rosy dress.
Her wavy, golden hair flowed in the wind
as she laughed and smiled.
As she slowed down, she caught a glimpse of the man
and her eyes began
to shine as bright as the glistening sea.
He grinned as she spun around.
As they got closer, he opened his arms wide
and she ran in her louboutin's,
and jumped in his arms.
In that moment, everything fell into place.
She was with him and he was with her.
Gy7nnA May 2015
You wanna linger in the dark when it is bright
You are finding wrong instead of all that's right
Why are you playing your really crazy game
You seem to have fun destroying my name

Can't you be happy that there's you and me
Can you not make things simple and easy
Your crazy thoughts are just killing you
And truly now your love is killing me too

Why can't you just hold me in your arms
Instead of you beating me like those drums
You suffocate me with your all time doubts
I'm like being eaten by hungered mouths

One day I will be so far far away from you
Somewhere calm and there's no more you
A place where loving is peaceful and free
There under the cold of the deep blue sea

You might not realize
I will be gone in a blink of an eye
Coz you are driving me crazy...
Driving me crazy...
Originally written as a song, edited and removed the chorus part. :-)
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