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heather leather Jan 2015
today while standing in the
freezing cold outside my school gates;
i realized the definition of soon

soon was what you told your daughter
whose waiting for you to pick her up when you had
chosen to pick up her brother instead of her
soon was what you told your best friend when she
tells you she loves you. you'd say just give me
more time. i'm sorry. soon i'll fall in love you

soon is what you tell your teacher as an
excuse for not having your homework
and that's exactly what "soon" is

soon is the excuse you make
even though you know it's a lie;
soon is the right hand man that sits on the throne
with deception
at least to me
because you know what?

your daughter, the one that you so easily forget next
to her oh-so-intelligent son, had told you that morning that
she was getting out earlier and she knew you were lying but she
couldn't say anything because admitting it is too painful
and that best friend?
the one that you love so much the one that
you claim you can't live without cries herself
to sleep every night because she can't be enough for you,
or for anyone
she thinks she is just another broken piece of clockwork
but you don't see that, do you?
no you don't because you are blinded
by the excuse of soon, the hope that one day, maybe
just maybe
you''ll love her like she loves you

soon is not a matter of minutes, or hours, or days even
it is just another empty promise in this wasteland of false hope
soon is what i tell myself before i go to sleep
soon, he'll realize that i'm just as special
soon they'll realize that they were wrong
soon he'll love me

soon isn't ever coming true, soon is a lie
and yet
it is the very reason i smile

because at least then i can hope that one day
it'll all come true

Paramount Pawn May 2015
For just one day
Let me love you
I'll show you what I've got
I'll take you to another world
Let's be together
Paramount Pawn Apr 2015
One day,
I'll get to the other side.
One day,
I'll be able to see you.
One day,
I'll be able to say,
I am yours and you are mine.
Kayden Fittini Apr 2015
I wish to go home were I'm protected from life's downfalls.
To journey across the seven seas
While I'm in sadness counting all my flaws.
The weight of the planet's heartache and harm is bleeding.
Angels smile down as the demons look up, while plotting and feeding.
Dreaming every night of this place.
One could only pray of such a heavenly space.
We must work for it, put all this turmoil aside.
Lift our chests up and remember we have pride.
No matter what time it is, I'm willing to fight against the fire.
Vampires exist mind you they prey on our souls, this hour is dyer.
Lets build a new empire.
One that represents the human kind.
Lets all be kind
To one another, without jealousy or lies.
Shady plans as they whisper behind your back.
The love they show on the outside means jack.
Allow me to return to the vision seen.
A wonderful ground surrounded by nature and a useful team.
Imagine if every person just experienced the spark.
Point the bright torch at the furthest wall, its a bit too dark.
I see it in the distance.
Look at the state of the world.
Turn their money into power for our resistance.
pledge your allegiance to the mighty fight.
So we can all one day reach the land of the light.
I hope you meet a person,
any person,
who makes your heart beat
in tune with your favourite song.

I hope their laugh becomes
your favourite melody,
and that their breathing
turns into your new lullaby.

I wish for you the amazing miracle
of meeting someone that makes you
feel like you have orchestras
in your chest.

I hope you have the privilege of
finding a person,
any person,
that gives you a reason to sing.

Because right now there is someone
who's looking at you
and they're busy having an affair
with the music that you are.
You know when a song gives you that feeling?  You know what it feels like but you can't explain it and you love it so much? I hope to one day meet someone that makes me feel the same way music does.
quaintwhispers Mar 2015
One day I will fly away
from this world that I live today.
And when I do, nothing will matter
not the things I've done
not the good memories because I have none.

One day I will get up & run
and not worry about the things I haven't done.

One day I will swim
& dim out all my bad sins.

But today I sit
thinking of the bad habits I can't seem
to quit....

*I look forward to that one day
Just words expressing my feelings in a quaint rhyme.
Amaya Bhavya Mar 2015
One day you'll realise ,
I'm not the one who's vindictive,
They're my thoughts which are igniting.

One day you'll realise,
My short replies didn't mean that I had nothing to say,
I was just scared of my thoughts being judged.

One day you'll realise,
I wasn't really shy,
I was just afraid of opening up.

One day you'll realise,
All those mean messages which I had sent you,
I was double hurt while writing it..and I could have been more mean but, I loved you.

One day you'll realise,
I am rarest of the stars,
And by the time, I'll be gone.
Nicole Bonomi Mar 2015
...And I will look at you, through the windows to your soul and I will speak from beyond the depths of my ocean. Just as Mother Earth has a heat at her core that only the Sun understands, only you will understand as I speak from this place. Only you will recognise and feel the melodic vibration from my every syllable. I will be completely without fear when I tell you that I will love you until the end of the ages, through the entirety of this epoch and to the next one. I will promise you that I will risk everything to allow a moment of serendipity to unite us again and again, as we cycle through this projected expression called the human experience. For it is only you, and it has only ever been you. You see this love I wish to express in the physical plane, will be one so pure, and one so real that it will emit its own force field, an unbreakable one that allows a poetic unity to blossom fruit never tasted before. This beautiful unity - one without *******...
Marclesza Gee Mar 2015
"One day you'll wake up and you'll be happy again."
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