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Jeanette Dec 2015
I’m standing in front of a stove starved  
for heat, shivering before a *** of boiling water,
my stiff fingers attempt to fold
themselves into my chest.
it's unusually cold in California this week,
I know you would be pleased.
I am focused on a gifted bouquet of orange roses
decorating my dining table;
only you would understand why
they make me so blue.

I thought about you this Thanksgiving,
how your hands drew a line through the air
showcasing points of chaos, as you recounted
the turkey fire, and your grandfather's
drunken speech, 8 years ago this week.
I couldn't remember the punchline,
but we laughed so **** hard.

I figured that's why you were writing,
you too recalled a time I made you laugh,
but edited the sad parts out.

You ask how I am.
I want to tell you I feel not like myself,
but I think it unfair to make you a reference point
of whom I think I should be.
So I'll say, I feel less
like the girl you would remember,
and more like a stranger
living in her body.

I had a dream three days in a row
where we were sitting on the shallow end
of an empty pool avoiding remnants
of algae water, settled in small ponds.
I was wearing a burgundy, babydoll dress
that I used to wear when I was in eight.
I whispered something in slow motion,
you laughed, teeth grinning towards the sky,
like a child;
how bittersweet it was to remember the way
the lines find their place around your almond eyes.

I guess you will always be a place where
my subconscious goes to ache.
Holly Owen Oct 2015
as the wind gently kisses the leaves
and the sky slowly transforms
into the calming night
i begin to wonder if he ever cared.
he never once truly expressed
love or hurt to any word i said.
he always remained so collected
and mindful towards his words and actions.
he still yelled
he still screamed
he still attempted to change my fews
and yet those caring words "i love you"
still passed his lips .

he said he loved me

i always wondered why he pretended
to tell me that i was his one and only.
why every moment we spent together
he remained immersed in the digital world
and never once expressed any interest in my life.
i yelled
and i screamed
i still told him that i loved him
i meant ever word that passed my lips
and yet he never flinched or stirred.

he said he loved me

all fluttered across my face
and yet i still meant every "i love you"
that fell from my lips.

why wasn't
he honest
Old wounds are still wide open but the pain is slowly going away.
Syddy Raye Mar 2014
I wasn't kidding when I said you were cute.
I wasn't joking when I said I love you.
I was serious when I gave you the note.
I was eager to post on your Facebook wall.

I even know your birthday.
I know your number.
I know where you live.
I'm your sister's best friend.

I'm not a creep.
I'm not a stalker.
I'm not a ******.
I'm not going to hurt you.

I love you.
I want you.
I need you.
I see you everyday, but you never see me...

I love you.
This was about a crush of mine in my eighth grade year.
20 October 2011*

Some things are so distant, hard to get
Just like people who easily forget
All through these years, little have remained
Of beautiful memories bleached 'n' stained

Standin' b'fore the ruins of the past
Destroyed by personal desires and greedy lust
Come fallin' off the ground like a raw fruit
Too young to nourish, cannot face the truth

I can hardly recall our comings 'n' goings together
Our beginnings 'n' endings scattered somewhere
Too much pretenses, void of true feelings
We're sour grapes contemplatin' for lost things

Stayin' or leavin' doesnt matter
It's a choice I've not decided soon after
This head hurts thinkin' too much
Some things are b'yond recall as old love is such
Some love are left unresolved. Some love don't love at all. Until such time that we don't know what is love and how it is to be loved. We do not lose the feeling, we just forget it with time. Time heals all wounds, but does not erase all scars. L
MR Sep 2015
She always waits up for you,
your woman
always on,
lit up
like an old-fashioned
Christmas Tree
in a black & white film,
the way the white lights look
even brighter,
she's vintage beautiful.

When you turn the corner
of your dead end street
you two live on..
Does she now
how your love
flickers on & off
for her?
MR Sep 2015
old love like the lone porch light
on the dead end street
you've always known,
which flickers off & on
like blinking eyes.
She was always waiting...
Roezielle Joy May 2015
I will run alongside
every highway
every route
to find you
in the next city
the next crossroad
the next nowhere
I will get lost
and you will too
only to find your home
in my arms
and I’ll find mine
in your heart
mvlly Mar 2015
I miss you.
I miss my oxygen.

It's been days since I have felt your touch,
since I have felt your delicate fingers caress my cheekbones.

It's been so long since I have heard your warm breath speak "I love you" that I am starting to get cold.

It has been weeks since I've seen you smile at me the way you used to.
Now you turn away at the sight of me.

My eager eyes have started to turn grey because you are gone.
My skin is decaying because it no longer has your touch.
My blood is freezing without you.

I fear my lungs will die soon without the air they need.
They are already halfway there.
first poem aaahhh
Montana Feb 2015
You look as I remember
Handsome and tall
But when I see you now
I feel nothing at all.

You still smell like soap
And faintly of pine
But when I smell you now
I don't wish you were mine.

Your laugh sounds the same
Boyish and gay
But when I hear it now
I don't want you to stay.

Your eyes they still sparkle
Blue like the sea
But when you leave tonight
It won't be with me.

Your voice still sounds sweet
When you call my name
But when you say it now
It just isn't the same.

What we once were
I can't seem to recall
Because when I see you now
I feel nothing at all.
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