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Yule Mar 2018
It’s that look in his eyes. How easily he can trap me into his world. It’s so easy for me to be lured with such wild eyes. So mysterious, so captivating, and oh so warm like the earth.

They said that the eyes are the window to someone’s soul. If that’s the case, I’ve been in love with his eyes long before… it’s as if I’ve been drawn to them in a time far from here.

I’m in love with your soul…

Maybe that’s why I’m so scared for you to look away. Because of how much you can look me in the eye can bring me weak in my knees, just like that, you also have the power to stare at me, and shatter me all in one blink.
Aug. 2017

Yule Mar 2018
I've always wanted
to write the perfect poem for you
but alas, my hands cannot create
nor my tongue cannot convey
a better way to represent such beauty
Though I ask myself
how can I even begin to surpass
an epitome of imperfect perfection
right in my very eyes
Darling, you're already a poetry
I didn't even need to write at all

— you're my everything
you're all that matters, my dearest | 3:32 am

Yule Mar 2018
What a waste. Such a waste.
All the effort and time going down the drain.
The solution's so easy
So foolproof
Yet why does it have to be us to suffer
I thought we're going to be set free
Let all the hard work be paid off
I was excited to taste that sweet ecstacy
Yet in one glance, it's still out of reach
Another chance slipped away
Such a waste,
disappointing how the universe can't let us be
Ah, I must have forgotten how unfair life can be.
It screws you up whenever it got the chance
It's such an easy way out, yet why choose a more difficult route?
And that everyone ask me to be practical?
Why must I be the one who's selfish?
It's not all the time I ask for myself—
why must I be the one who will look bad?
This is why I kept my mouth shut
Bury myself in these fort of blankets and pillows;
at least here I can find comfort
What's a home if you're conscious of every move you make in these four walls confining you?
Do I not have a right to be upset?
Must I act like a robot?— it's not every time I can act perfect
I will instead mope around, I can't even whine
As if I can do anything about it, right?
I'll say goodbye to my dreams to aim high and spreading my wings
Wave at the anticipation of leaving the nest
I'm still stuck down here, dying to break free
For more years to come till my grave...
At least I have something else to anticipate, right?
May we let go of old ways that's keeping us from moving forward?— no, I apologize. I must not speak.
I'll just stay here and rot in silence.
And silence where I'm supposed to be kept.
this was a poem I made last Feb. where I was in my lowest low, I may say... this mostly concerned with how I view my future and how I feel limited by my "superiors"... everything went down the drain with me and my future plans with this "oh so minor" set back...

I am not vocal when it comes to this, and I am not viewed "mature" and "deep" by my family fml. I still am not sure if I am able to continue my dreams off my homeland, alas. | 180212; 9:28 pm

Yule Mar 2018
it is not the matter
of distance or chance
getting close to you
but where my heart
compass to

— it still leads me back to you
; 180322

Yule Mar 2018
even on a place uncharted,
i want to share this moment
and serene view with you

why is it still you
who cross my mind?
; 180321

Yule Apr 2018
on a place far away
I believe our laughs play
by the bay till dawn
it is somewhere days doesn't end
as it traps time in our own little land
there is no song unsung,
no cries tears shed,
only our smiles would replace the sun
just a perfect wonderland
where both our hearts would lead

too bad no such place exist; like us
dreaming & opposing it | 180329; 10:38 pm

Yule Apr 2018
here I am again feeling lonely
missing the sights I can't see
what can I do for me to reach
the stars up high before me?

why am I even here down below
with the things they have?
the things left unfamiliar
I have not been bestowed?
is it bad to ask for more?
why can't I have the sights to soar?

but in reality, all I wish
is the gentle touch of his lips
as he press it close against
the hollows of my neck
on these nights so dark and deep

I could care less for diamonds and rings
along with million lights that could sing

but how can I even reach him
without passing the riches
that put him up the skies in the first place?

— loving the stars
180329; 10:24 pm

Yule Mar 2018
it's still you,
after all the tears and rain
at times I fall apart
it's you I run onto
I just feel so safe in your arms,
openly tucking me in warmth
even after all these beings
passing me through
it's still you who give sparks;
fireworks show lit up
spreading along my chest
it is quite evident in my eyes
it's you whom I set my heart into
every passing day, my dearest
I do not let that flame waver
since the very first day,
it's you till then
I am here to stay
I'm still waiting for the day
where we can both meet again
I can't see myself with another, than you | 9:31 pm

Yule Mar 2018
losing you, took its toll on me
you have taken a piece of me with you
though we're standing face to face,
I know it will never be the same
I can still feel a wall between us | 9:25 PM
Yule Mar 2018
It's hard to believe that that didn't even exist in the first place.
It's harder to deceive oneself of the reality that that was it all along.
It was only me. | 180314; 8:01 pm
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