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I dream
of the apocalypse
long for it
fantasize daily
of what it would be like

the world as we know it
never to be the same again

the pain of lost nostalgia
society crumbling
a fresh start

I long to see human nature
stripped down to animal form
raw fury
primal instincts

we would all be killers
wild and desperate
so focused on survival
we'd forget about all the petty things that used to matter

everything would be different
no one would have to hide anymore
we could succumb to it
the darkness
the Monster

it wouldn't matter
the demons that plague you
who you love
who you are
all your deepest
suddenly simply methods of survival

I would survive, I think
we would
just fighting zombies

let's be honest:
they aren't that bad anyway

someday, society would be reborn
a new one
we would go back to what we once were
creatures of the night
of blood and beauty

but for a while, nothing but
pure desperate survival
where nothing matters
and everything goes

I dream
of the apocalypse
It would be so much... easier, don't you think?
I finally found them:
someone like me

Someone who loves me
darkness and all

Someone who understands me
the Monster, the phantom

They see the same, feel the same
dangerous things

And they embrace it
maybe they could show me how?

I finally found them:
someone like me

A killer, a monster
not by choice but by destiny

Someone to hold close to me
who knows my demons all too well

I won't have to hide anymore!
not with them

We can embrace the darkness
embrace it together

I finally found them:
someone like me

But I wish I never met them
for then I wouldn't have to say goodbye

Goodbye, my love, my family
goodbye to the only one who understands

(I don't want to say goodbye
I don't want to say goodbye!

I cannot say goodbye
not when I've finally found someone like me)
Based off of season one of Dexter and The Boyfriend by Freida McFadden, and my own longing to find someone like me
Raven Mar 12
I love you
Is a monster
That I'm scared of
But am trying to face

I love you
Is a monster
With the ability to tear me apart
Until I'm nothing but an atom
Or quantumly gone

I love you
Is the monster
That stands in my way
Whenever I allow myself to feel the words
That I say

Its massive
Covered in flames

Its leering
And its sticky
With all sorts of things that can hurt
And break
And shatter
And maul
Me into nothing
Stuck all over it

It overshadows
My entire being
And it roars into my ears
Until I can hear nothing less
And nothing more

I stare at the monster
And I want to run
To flee
To curl up in a ball
And be

But underneath everything that makes
I love you
A monster
Is a beautiful creature

I love you is a monster
But only because of what it's covered in

I love you is a monster
But only because of whats stuck to it

I love you is a monster
But only because of how the monster hurts

The monster is burning
And covered in tar
And its got thorns
And blades
Stabbing into it
So it roars on pain

But because I'm afraid
I love you is just a momster
Not a hurt creature

I see that now though
And I'm trying to get close

Close enough to put out the fire
And wash off the tar
And take out the thorns
And the blades

Close enough to uncover the fluffy fur
And wrap its wounds in bandages
Care for the burns
And all of the damage

Close enough for it to show me
Its beauty
And enshroud me completely
Giving me warmth
Instead of trying to pass on the burning flames

Close enough for it to show me
Its beauty
And enshroud me completely
Giving me gentle
Instead of stabbing and harsh

But I'm sorry
Because I'm scared
So I love you


you were not Gifted

now you are split
not merged
not strong

your butterfly
has malformed wings

unable to comprehend

I thought you could be a
role model
an example on
who I should be

but now I see
you showed me what I must do
but not how to do it

you do not understand
you don't know

the beautiful thing
you could have become

you are lost

I inherited this creature, this Monster
from you

but I understand it
accept it
embrace it!

my Metamorphosis will succeed
Alii Semper Vincemus!
you will see
I will show you

you are broken
clinging desperately to
you must see that it's not working
you will break
and then you will see

I love you anyway
You failed your Metamorphosis
failed your Monster
failed yourself

I will learn from your mistakes
Gideon Mar 8
The shadow in the mirror reminds me not of myself but of my father.
He stands behind my mother’s chair like an advisor to the queen.
He does not poison her mind or plan treason against her throne.
Her tyranny extends to the invisible shackles on his long-broken mind.

The ghost in the mirror reminds me not of myself but of my brother.
Though he has died, he never passed on to the better place he deserves.
His phantom lingers in my mind, trying to reach out and touch this plane.
He can’t feel the tender dew on the soft grass unless he uses my hands.

The witch in the mirror reminds me not of myself but of my sister.
Though she has left the inner coven, she is still trapped under her oath.
Her spells of cord-cutting and separation can only do so much against it.
As her mistress sleeps, her work to free herself from her bond does not stop.

The monster in the mirror reminds me not of myself but of my mother.
She controls our movements like a puppet on a string, never stopping.
There is no freedom to reign over my or my family’s actions but hers.
Her little marionettes may never break free from the suffering they endure.
Gideon Mar 8
Why do I growl when I'm upset?
Grrr I want to hold you
Grrr I need your touch
Grrr please help me
Maybe I growl because the only part of me that is allowed to feel pain is the Beast.
Maybe the Beast lurks behind my tongue,
wanting to scream, but only able to scare.
I pity this Beast. It does not bite, and it cannot bark.
Its sole connection to the world is a defensive, angry, growl.
Gideon Mar 8
‘Love yourself,’ they say.
How can I reach that goal when
I am the monster under my own bed?
I inspire panic and hesitation in myself daily.
How can I love someone I’ve feared for so long?
fish-sama Mar 4
One, two three four, five six..
Come, take a step, Christine.
My everything transfixed.
Stay, forever we'll spin.

Eight, eleven, thirteen
Wine, gunpowder, mirrors.
Love, my darling, remain!
Stay, don't leave me, stay I beg you, my light my rose my brightest everything...

Six, five four three, two one.
Pined perpetually
this monster, only
Inspired by phantom of the opera (the novel) and my personal experiences with loneliness
Nik Feb 28
I think I am drowning—
but not in her eyes anymore.

The weight pressing me down
isn’t the pull of her stare,
but my own brother’s words,
dragging me under.

My ears ring.
My heart pounds.

I tell myself to breathe,
but my body is no longer mine to command.

The anchor that held me steady is gone,
and in its place, something festers.
A monster seeps through the cracks they left,
spilling into my thoughts,
warping what little of me remains.

I will spend my life yearning,
serving a queen who will never be mine.
I can’t even look at her.

I am a coward—
the same one she first met.
The same monster she first hated.

And like all beasts in their castles,
I will be alone.
Inspired by the Epilogue of the novel "Reckless" by Lauren Roberts! Somewhat of a found poem!
I am the darkness!
Fierce and unafraid
Monsters in the shadows of my mind

You shine your lights
but cannot **** me!
I blind you
and you stumble on
in the night

I am the wolves!
Howling at the moon
We revel in the black forests
of impending fear and doom
and laugh at the screams of terror that echo through the woods

I am the phantom!
Crying out to be set free
Wandering aimlessly through the trees
Growing accustomed to the dark and the cold
Did I choose this fate?

I am the magma!
Flowing deep in the core in the earth
You do not see me
but you know that I am there
You marvel
You fear

I am the fire!
Surging furiously through forests and hearts
Igniting undergrowth and passion

I have no enemies
I have no friends
I only rage, consuming everything in my path
until it's all gone
I cheer at my triumph!

I am the rain!
Falling in rivulets into the midnight
I extinguish the flames and leave nothing but ash
I cry for what once was
before the unforgiving fire stole it away

I am the storm!
Screaming, screaming screaming in thundering cries
Striking down anything and everything that gets in my way

I am unstoppable
Flooding the world and drowning all who claim to be good
Laughing mercilessly, leaving no stone unturned!
Anything I cannot reach is struck down
by lightning power

I am an ant!
Intelligent and strong
patient, persevering, hardworking
Serving my queen
Caring for my colony

When intruders come to **** and destroy
I fight bravely
Tiny warrior in a vast army
Struck down cruelly by giant, fumbling hands
Dying a warrior's death
of insignificance

I am the monster!
lurking in the night
I torture and ****
anyone who dares to set foot in my forest
Wiping my bloodied hands on ashen trees
and laughing in twisted pleasure
as my victims scream for mercy

I am an angel!
Watching the bloodbath from afar
and caring for the mourning innocent
as they ascend to heaven
I weep for the life lost to the monster's hands

I am the darkness!
I am everything
I am nothing
I am beauty
I am fear
I conceal
and I illuminate
Fear me
and revel in my beauty
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