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Matteo Palermo Sep 2018
It's not your fault
You didn't know
What you meant to me
But know that you do
What's that thought on your mind?
Has it changed?
Kathryn Irene Sep 2018
are like
w o u n d s
never heal:
deep and
you never
- SkullsNBones
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slightestsound Sep 2018
I've got a handful plate of time,
no need to find everything that rhymes,
just a little sound of human silence,
so i can get myself in balance.

I tasted my own tears,
as they were dripping on my lips,
maybe they'll scare away my restless fears,
and i'll finally fall asleep.

Water from my eyes ruined what i was building,
it felt like i was hanging of the ceiling.
I opened up my eyes to find i was only dreaming,
so i layed back, close my eyes and went with the feeling.

Slightest Sound
slightestsound Sep 2018
I have a Melody stuck creeping in my head,
I can't do anything, I sing along instead.
If you could put yourself in my skin, you'd understand,
I't not who i want to be, It's just who I am.

My mind took control, I wonder what comes next,
I know they say without the worst you can not be the best.
My heart is beating out of my chest,
It's beating for two, It's beating for you.

I am a poem not many can understand,
but metaphorically I'm written with steady hand.
If you just sharpened up your pencil you'd feel my pain,
It's not how I want to feel, It's just how I am.

Slightest Sound
slightestsound Sep 2018
I take a lighter and light up my cigarette,
I take two deep breaths and sink into calmness,
to forget what the hell's going on in my head,
it takes away the stress so tell me what's so wrong with that.
For a few minutes I'll feel alive, I'll be alright,
It's a way to runaway and be okay for a short time,
you could say I'm insane, maybe lame but you might be right.

Now I'm around, but don't take me for granted,
I'm good at disguise and I don't want to be saved.
Remember the face, who listened to all of you,
well now it's my time so listen good.
I'm Saying Goodbye, for the last time.

I take a minute and go around for a walk in a park,
I'd take you with me but I need some time for myself,
all i need is some juice and some ***** to clear my mind,
or so it kills it so i can't feel a **** thing inside.
For a few hours I'll feel alive, I'll be alright,
It's a way to runaway and be okay for a short time,
you could say I'm insane, maybe lame but you might be right.

Slightest Sound
one drip
i lost my will
2 drips
time for another pill
drip and drag
sleep is a distant and vauge
drag, drag
time to go to school and be called a ***
drip drip
once more i wish that kids would just let me live
Dead look
Cold glance
"What did I do wrong this time"
You think at their dead trance.
Isaac Aug 2018
The most grand, meaningful,
far-reaching and wonderful
things are not at all
the big things, but the small.
Written 24 August 2018
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