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Àŧùl Nov 2024
Some day,
We'll meet.
And that day,
You'll tell me,
"Wish we didn't break apart."

Even today, I search for true love,
But it's elusive like the golden swan.
Even today, I look for it under the trees,
I look for it on the roads and in the parks,
"Wish we didn't grow apart."

It was just an instance of rudeness,
They tell me that I should've been mature.
Maturity, is it gained when you lose your identity,
Or when you stop reacting and start responding?
"Wish you hadn't left such scorny remarks."

I have braved hellish fires,
In you, I sought some balm.
You could've applied it soothingly,
But you left remarks so disparagingly,
"Wish I still could've been mature, and not reacted."

Someday, we might meet again,
You'll finally mature enough...
That day, you’ll understand my pain,
Yes, I hope you'll not be so rough,
"Wish that day comes soon enough."

Babe, I felt warm things for you,
But your remarks—me they burned.
Babe, I had plans for the future,
But you, typical Y2K generation,
"Wish future existed for you too."

The future can be changed,
It can be accurately predicted.
Everyone was happy—everyone but you,
Babe, you should've told your mom beforehand,
"I don't want to waste my youth on the middle-aged man."

This is the futility of my feelings,
They don't matter, because I'm a man.
All my successes, they are insignificant,
They are engulfed in the quality of being effervescent,
"For there are many more younger timely successful men."

Nobody reads any of my novels,
I may have went through a lot.
But I'm turning 34 in 36 days,
I've missed the bus, I'm late.
"And nothing else matters."

My HP Poem #2028
©Atul Kaushal
Kimmy Aug 2024
I wake up in the morning and I already feel as I have failed.  And I know it’s confusing for
You and it doesn’t look like I have done a single thing . But please know that sometimes fighting looks a little different for me. Sometimes failure doesn’t require action, it only requires that I moved in my mind And my minds not impressed with what I did ,
I hate to reduce my depression down to an   hypothetical illusion inside my head , because it’s more than that, and much heavier . But if I somehow can make you understand half the reason why  I can’t move from my bed today , then maybe I’ll be one step closer to breathing a little easier . If I can somehow share what it’s like to be in my mind, then I’m one step closer to being liberated of it. Maybe if I can make you comprehend why I feel like a failure when i haven’t done a single
Thing your understanding will somehow set me. Free
Something I wanna say when pple close to me just don’t understand depression, it’s not a mood that a walk or a nap will cure, it’s more serious ,
Jeremy Betts Jun 2024
I try to show 'em how it's done, no one's there to hold my beer
I wonder why I really care
I know it's never gonna matter
I would bet money I don't have on the fact it'll never get better
So I never concern myself with later
After the first couple pages flipped through a calendar
You'll never find me there
Most I know will cheer
Saying, "I told you so dear"
Now everyone's a future seer
Go figure

Sean Achilleos Feb 2022
The day everything became nothing
And nothing became everything
Because nothing matters
Yet matter is everything
And everything always matters
Because of matter, a matter matters
And even when nothing matters
It's still a matter of matter
The fact that it matters creates matter
It is a matter of matter within itself
Sean Achilleos
Traveler Nov 2020
Religious literals
Run our empire

With beliefs such as
The -ites must
Be purged from
God’s lands
In order to clear the way
For His return
Yes of course

That’s what the book says

Stone the gays
Burn the witches
Wedding night ***** check
Unbelievers are already dead
Oh and
Love thy neighbours

I’m sure there’s something in there
Worth saving!
Traveler Tim

Grew up in Christianity, studied religions for 5 years before I stop taking them literal...
I pray our leaders catch up!
Wish in one hand **** in the other


It is


Versus / For


Mostly missing

Trying to be a part of all
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