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She walks in, her eyes like soft pencil lines.
She smiles when she looks at the waitress,
ordering a coffee.

I sip mine slow, looking out the diner window.

“You always draw this late?” she asks.

Only when I can’t sleep. Or when I’m hungry.
Just depends on which one happens first.

She rolls her eyes.

Falling feels like a good pen that suddenly runs out of ink.

Normally, when I draw, I’m in my own little world.
No conversation. Just my graphite and my sketchpad.
Of all the beautiful colors that life can arrange,
I admit—I’m intrigued by this woman.

I completely put my pencil down and let my coffee get cold.
But that’s how fast inspiration strikes.

This grayscale drawing, splashed with the rainbow that is her.

Although I’m listening, I keep my head down,
pretending I’m still drawing the picture I was working on
when she first walked in.

She sits two booths away, hesitating before asking,
“Can you draw me?”

I look up immediately.
“You’d have to come closer.”

I catch the reflection of the city in her eyes—
the blinking sign outside, the brake lights from the cars.

I flip the page and start tracing lines on my sketchpad.

She tilts her head, watching my progress.
I ask the waitress for a refill.

“Do you ever draw people you don’t know?”

I look at her, smile, and say, “No.”

At some point, we see everyone before we really meet them.

In a way, it wasn’t a lie.
I have seen her somewhere before.
Or at least, I’ve thought of meeting someone
who looks the way she looks.

But then again, art is subjective.

She watches me over the rim of her mug as she sips her coffee.

She leans forward.
“What do you see when you look at me?”

The most beautiful things happen at unexpected moments.

Normally, when someone asks a question like that,
if you answer too fast, it’s a lie.
If you take too long, it’s a lie.

Before I knew it, I told her:
“Someone that talks to strangers when she’s bored.”

She rolls her eyes.
“Let me see.”

I show her the sketch,
point at it, and imitate her voice.
“Can you draw me?”

It’s not exactly polished.

She studies the rough graphite,
scratched to life between the pores of the page.

She rests her elbows on the table.

Before she answers, I speak first.

“I think about what things can be, versus what’s presented to us.
If we tell each other something deep about ourselves—
a strong 7.5 out of 10—it’s going to be either forgettable
or full of ****. Either way, we’re both hoping
not to regret opening up
to someone who’s just going to nod and smile.”

She smirks.
“If I told you I love the progress on the picture so far, what then?”

I shrug.
“I’d still think you’re full of ****.
But you’re kind of cute.”

Falling feels like a good pen that suddenly runs out of ink.

To be honest, I don’t think it’s the uncertainty of where I’d land.
I haven’t exactly lived my life by the advice I give other people.

I never really think about the end of things.

Whatever I do, I just go with it and expect the best.
I think about it, of course.
But eventually, the ink runs out.

That’s just life.

Although I’m drawing her physically,
in my mind, I’ve drawn the curve of her neck twice over.

The thought of drawing someone else
doesn’t even come to mind
Natalie Rose Jan 15
The alarm goes at 5:30am,
I get up and do my make up,
I smoke on my walk to work so I can’t taste how fresh the early morning air is.

I say hello to 50 different people,
Drink coffee and smoke more,
I convince myself I really do love my job and I real mean it.

I really mean I’m doing a good job being a functioning adult,
I’m really making a difference,
All I really need is myself while I do this job that I love.

Another day done,
Another cigarette filled walked home,
Another night spent waiting till I can drug myself to sleep.

The day is finally done,
I can finally just go to sleep,
I finally I’m out of distraction so I’m left pleading to whatever is out there… why wasn’t I enough this time?
dog pillow Mar 2024
Her body was soft machinery

Each part taking on more than one could fathom

Flesh twisted and pushed and ripped and connected

Never clocking out from a shift

She was filled with colors to the brim, a wide rainbow of infinite finger paint

When she saw your imagination, her body spilled

It sloshed around through her fingertips and belly.

Her eyelids closed
And opened
And she saw you.

Iris and pupils spilling the contents of your thoughts.

It rained down her face and down on the earth below.

And softly, she lay still.
Nisha Jul 2022
If only I could...
be genuinely happy
not fake a smile everyday
forget all the traumatic experiences
go far away where no one knows me
just be selfish and live for myself
have my own prince charming
look forward to the future
think good thoughts
find my passion
start over
let go
unknown Sep 2021
Rainy night, dimmed light,
Felt cold having a blurred sight.
Crying. Sobbing. Wondering.
Is there still a happy ending?
these words really fits what i am feeling right now 🥲
Annie Jun 2021
What if I were in love with you?
What inside your world would it change?
Because for me, it gives such a different view.

For me, you make appearances when I sleep,
and I don’t know if it’s my imagination
or if it’s you trying to speak.

I know that you live just down the street-
you probably never even think about it,
but I always wonder whether we’ll meet.

So, what if I were in love with you?
It might explain why you’re always inside my mind.
Why you seem to be lost in there-
stuck in a maze, or you were leaving it but left something behind.

I know that right now you’re with someone;
with someone who’s kind.
You seem really happy.
I know that love like that can be hard to find.

So, what if I were in love with you?
There is nothing for me to do-
I’m embarrassed enough and I’m tormented, too.
muteD May 2021
Agonizing over you is what I’m best at.
The memories of us scream through my mind
during the times I should be sleeping.

You’re all I can think about,
even though I’d rather forget you.
You’re all I want,
even though I know you’ll never want me..

I wish I could forget you.

But, instead I’m ablaze
in the memory of us.
While you simply wander through the streets of life,
I seem to be streaking.
Every street consumed by fire,
I miss your heat.
Your warmth.

but decay and destruction are all I know now.

Who knew that it would be your love
that would burn me alive?
late night thoughts are the worse, but they make for great poems.
Michelle Feb 2021
You could be anyone, anywhere, doing anything
but your someone, somewhere listening to me.

You could be nobody, or everybody just living your life
and what a life it could be
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
The gloaming reflection of mine
in the light of sunshine.
She stays close to me always
even after the sun lose its blaze.
She is the pitch black darkness
that stirs inside my mind of aloofness.
I wish someday I can hold thee
and thou art can heal me.
☘ I wish my shadow will get up and walk beside me ☘
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