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Nikita Jun 2015
Have you ever wondered:
Why me?

Why did this happen to me and nobody else?

Well the truth is that it probably did happen to someone else, maybe even worse than the situation that you're in

So instead of asking "Why me?"

Start asking "How me?"
"How did this happen to me?"

Because the sooner you know that
The sooner you can learn from your mistakes
Eleanor Rigby May 2015
You smelled of life
And hope and a future ahead.
I smelled of ennui instead.

You took me to your bed
And ****** with my head.

Nessa dieR Apr 2015
Drawing pictures of any opaque scenery
Instead of your smile.
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
When you read someone's story,
And you find there's space for improvement,
how 'bout filling the gaps yourself;
Rereading it the way you think it should be,
adding in the extra words you'd like to see.

With what is there and you already like,
Be kind enough to say.
Compliment the good in their work:
redemption's on it's way.

If you seek the light, and ignore the dark,
good will seem to overrule,
will be the righteous spark.

© J-d S. J
I dont' really feel accustomed writting these sorts of ''angel''-better. poems, but i hope it's a 'great write' one.

— The End —