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Lily Mar 2018
I am a spider, a black widow,
Trapped in her own web.
I weaved it all around me,
With the purpose of trapping another.
My fly was so gullible, so naive,
It was easy, so easy to craft,
The fly falling for the slightest of movements,
The smallest strand of silk.
The fly lies trapped, but unaware,
Never struggling, just hanging there.
Ignorance remains its best friend,
Believing that it is free, opportunities abundant.
It doesn’t know that I have it in my grasp,
Slowly bending it to my will,
Unwittingly creeping closer and closer to its demise.
Yet as it dangles blindly,
I’m thrashing wildly, realizing what surrounds me.
A lucid dream it is, alert to my environment,
But dream control has not arisen.
Praying a dream is all it is,
Struggling against the web I wove,
Drowning in my man-made lake,
Denying all the lies I told.
Accepting my fate as into the web I fold.
Paul Butters Mar 2018
See the grandeur of our universe:
Flocks of far-flung galaxies,
Shrouded by clouds of swirling gas.

A vastness too great to comprehend,
Filled with solar systems
That defy imagination.

Yet none of this is as wondrous
As a tiny bug:
A “lickle life form”
That can look around
And say to itself
(In a language of its own):
I am here.
This is my world.
No idea what is beyond
What I can sense,
But I know I’m here.
And even the greatest galaxy
Cannot do that.

Paul Butters

© PB 19\3\2018.
Mother Nature!!!
Donna Mar 2018
Spring will be here soon
Green leaves on trees will blossom
And butterflies too
Hannah Zedaker Dec 2017
I haven’t been this happy in quite some time.
I still feel tinges of pain
But they never last long.
They no longer feel the same.

They’re distant you see,
far from the depths of my heart
For the holes that echoed cavernous, fill with webs, holding together what once fell apart.
And I smile.

Because I’m happy
Not obligated
or covering up something more raw and real
but genuinely happy
that’s part of his appeal

These webs catch feelings,
ones of warmth
a calming peace
Those little arachnid legs
will wrap carefully these from greatest to the least
and store them away
deep in the depths of my heart
to call upon those memories
when I feel I'm to fall apart

Hopefully the light lasts
even in my darkest of days
and the butterflies he's hatched
scare the moths aways


they'll fly leaving the fields bright and clear,
and comforting darkness
sent off to disappear  
But yet, we all know
that moths attract to light in dark
but maybe I'll learn to love them,
as the Entomologist holds my heart.
Nienke Sep 2017
the insects crawl over me
i have to keep them away

don't jump on me already
don't let the me decay
AP Vrdoljak Sep 2017
Squishing busy ants
Her finger stained red
She'd much rather sleep
Than count all the dead
Donna Aug 2017
I saw dinosaur
Yeap it took up summers sky
A horse with big wings
Catch up soon at chalet with family x
Seen many horseflies today there massive x
Devin Ortiz Jul 2017
Brown beetles, shiny shells
Embedded into my skin.
Burrowing, these crawlers
Find their home in my flesh.

I tear away, in a frenzy
For fear they'd make a stay
But this twisted dream
Ended, with the sunrise

Yet, much to my demise,
The itch, scratching, scuttling
Many legs, swimming among
All of me, an awful psychosis

I feel the digging, controlling.
Betrayed, I cannot trust where
My own extension , begins
And where insects end.
Marilyn McEntyre Jun 2017
The bee broaching
this flowering ****
alone in late afternoon
doesn’t know the hives
are dying.

Her work lies between
these white petals.

Still, she may have noticed
how few butterflies
color the air.
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