Ripples of fervent gratitude
Flow out from my thankful mind
I feel the ripples cycle back
They are never far behind
Ripples from my loving actions
Though tiny - can help you smile
And when you smile, you pass it on
The ripples flow for a while
Ripples from my forgiving choice
When feelings get hurt a tad
Help both of us to let it go
And make our hearts feel glad
Ripples from our prosperity
Build increased life for all
Our sharing makes a difference
Whether it’s big or small
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You are important. You are here for a reason. Your actions influence more people than you might imagine. Energy follows thought - so even the simplest blessing visualized for another will help them out.
In this "Ripples" poem I've described some specific ways these ripples might flow, from specific actions. You and I can do better in our actions and our thoughts when we understand the ripple principle.
Start a ripple today.