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Alvin Agnani Feb 2024
I'm lying.

All the time.

And I [ e n j o y ] it:

I was meant for this world.
I am happy.
I am content.
I am okay.
Crush my hands in the doorway. Keep me from writing my thoughts onto virtual paper. Watch as my fingers burst into pieces of flesh and bone. The pain keeps me awake.

I don't want to sleep anymore.

I only dream in black and white.
Trinidad Feb 2021
Just rot me
I know im the only one who got me
I am the only one who can stop me
Do i want to am i even worth it ?
I never said i was perfect
Im just trying to keep it working.
But its flopin
This type of feeling rarely arise's but when it does man does it got me
Thinking bad things someone stop it
My mind just keeps thinking no stopping
Its not working i want off this bad train called my brain. Till im nothing but a stain in your mind. Till the only time i pop in your mind is a once upon a time. But trust im fine...oh No im fine
Kay Nov 2020
"I'm fine," I smile.
dyeing a little as I say those words,
"I'm sorry did that hurt?"
No I'm fine.
"Are you okay if I leave you alone?"
yes, don't worry about me,
"I'm fine."
It may seem that I am lying to others,
but I'm really only lying to myself,
trying to deceive my brain,
my heart,
my soul,
that there's is no pain.

"Its okay, your fine."
Felicity Sep 2020
I ask you if you are okay
I can see the pain
You hide in your eyes
But all you say is "I'm fine"
But the truth is
I know you are not fine
Why can't you tell me
What is wrong
I can't stand watching you hurt
And feeling helpless because
I can't ******* help you
And stop trying to push me away
I want to be able to help you
But if you keep lying
Then I can't help you
So let's try this again
Are you okay?
It's okay to cry alone
For some reasons why
It's okay to smile
You don't need to tell why
It's okay to miss someone
Because to miss someone
Doesn't happen once
It happens over and over
It's okay if it happens again.
Maria Hernandez Jul 2020
What it really means is

Feeling I'm Nothing to Everyone
It means that I need someone,
anyone to help get me out of my own mind.
Asominate May 2020
I want to draw a ****** smiley face because it hurts
I want to slam my head against a wall 'til my brain works

You all are speaking through me
It undoes me with no care

It's too late to be saved
I must behave
n o   d i s e a s e   h e r e
I'm sorry, what did you say? I wasn't paying attention
I'm on the verge of psychosis, did I mention?
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