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Lisa Sep 2020
It was quiet as he went into the night
in a city devoid of all light
His face hidden behind a hat
his identity was a mistery, and yet,
when I walked by him at 1 o clock
he turned his head and I felt a knock

My door began to open and let him in
When he walked through the frame I could feel it begin
My edges frayed
My insides decayed
When he had turned his head
I was already walking among the dead
I keep having this haunting nightmare where are the children across the street A boy and girl whose or nameless and they were adopted but not for the right reasons for they were adopted for to be miss used for the name of God. I keep remembering seeing Islam art workor all over the place and seeing her beat her kids so very seriously. Every time I have the stream I just want to call the police or tell her to go away.  there is greater evil in this world.

ما زلت أعاني من هذا الكابوس المؤلم حيث الأطفال عبر الشارع ، فتى وفتاة تم تبنيهما أو بلا اسم وتم تبنيهما ولكن ليس للأسباب الصحيحة لتبنيهما حتى لا يتم استخدامهما باسم الله.  ما زلت أتذكر رؤية عاملة فنون إسلامية في كل مكان ورؤيتها تضرب أطفالها بجدية شديدة.  في كل مرة يكون لدي بث ، أريد فقط الاتصال بالشرطة أو إخبارها بالرحيل.  هناك شر أعظم في هذا العالم.
There was a woman who tortured children who she adopted and she wanted them to becomes the hardest and when they couldn’t they were cast away or killed true story and it was just across the street from me I wish I still call the police at the time
Seranaea Jones Oct 2020

it was, for her~

a question, a dare to venture into a
place that few would ever visit
more than once in a lifetime

walled with earth, rock, twists and
turns, shadows that move—
bones that lay still

a smart phone was recovered there,
the woman who left it is somewhere
deep in the lower chambers

it recorded her unapproved descent into
miles of dark passages which multiply,
divide, intersect— mystify

images steady at first, a wonderment
of sheer expansiveness, these arteries
go on forever and ever !

"i need to tell someone !"—
                                               "ohh, no

a "sotto voce" begins questioning confusion
as her disorientation becomes a
measure of breath

curiosity now relinquishes to a desperation
of sharp huffs as the camera aims about
in quick jolts, straining to see the
next hopeful opening—

the light stops

minutes later she realizes her affiliation
with the underground brethren has
been met with tacit approval.

her phone is eventually abandoned with
all remaining composure, as a new

and permanent member commences
a delirious marathon down
the corridors of

the recording lasted awhile before
her drowning cries dissolved into
resolution of a sealed fate—

underneath and silent,
amongst thousands

                            of opened mouths...

s jones
© 2020

that urban legend (or maybe not) of a camera
found deep in a catacomb somewhere in Paris—

"Seranaea—nized" for your hopeful enjoyment...

(remembering Sasha Rey...)
Norman Crane Aug 2020
Rip the saintly halo
From above your hallowed brow
To see how it obscured
A deep satanic vow
As through your skull are sprouted
                   Two twisted bony horns:
A rose no more disgracing
A beautiful stem of thorns
Eve K Aug 2020
Pills on the table. Fallen over. Not up straight.
A glass of water, half full... or is it half empty?
Lying in bed, my chest aches, the weight
of the ****, of the fear of the....

Where do I go from here?
Feel sick, that twisted stomach, gut up in throat,
Knowing that there's something to say, something to hear,
Wanting to speak out, wanting to say wanting to....

Deep breathe, 1...2...3...1...2...
Can't get to three, minds wanderin'
again and again and again and....

Why do we find ourself here again... and... again... and again....
Stop. Breathe. Listen. Stop breathe listen stopbreathlisten sopibrethisten.....

Calm... calm... calm....
I can't I cant' Why can't I?
It's too much and I can't. I beg of you, I say I can't........

Where did my mind go today?
Where didn't my mind go today?
Why did my mind go today?
When will it come back?

It's easy, just think. Remember. The worst is over...
but why does this seem worse?
Why does this seem more difficult?

Is it because it's someone I loved?
Because it's someone who I thought loved me... for a time?
Is it because it happened under my nose, I didn't realise?
Is it because it's so insidious and the fear that stays in my chest, that's keeping me awake at night is real and I feel that I know the answer, the truth but I fear it?
(Or is it because it wasn't the only time?)

Let me let you in on a secret, the clowns that laugh in my head.
Yes... That laugh the eyes that float around.
The little girl singing those horror songs. Quiet but loud, the laughing,
The shouting,
The screaming,
The screaming,
It's not real. Or is it? No, I'm sure it's not!!!
It's definitely not, at leastI can tell the difference between whats real and what not real. Right. Thats what matters right? Thats what matters right? Thats what......
At least the **** doesn't affect me.
I don't know where I am. I feel like I'm going insane. I don't like this feeling. But I get I am triggered. I guess I am activated... But how do I leave this? Oh I do wish it would stop
AP Vrdoljak Aug 2020
The mirror can’t see me
When I’m not me
I’m just a blur
To the lights that stir

But it’s just for a while
Then I’m back in my smile
Riju Gupta Aug 2020
In a sleep,thoughts strike
Nurtured by life,A story arise

A boy, haunted by his mind
Tried and tried, it only went wild
Asleep or awake it kept nagging his mind
A guy in red and white

“Questioned the boy, Who are you?
He replied, who am i?
Said the boy, yes you
He smiled and replied “you”.
“what you mean”the boy whispered
As He approached and handed a note scribbled over with death
Boy took a breath as he watched the man walk back and fade to darkness
opened the note and
Screamed to his best.”

Boy awake full of sweat,heart pounding out of his chest
Swallowed some air to quench his thirst
Chipping his lips, trying to remember what he read
“Not again” he said
As he walked in a room and snuggled his dad
Time again and again
Till one day he walked in a room to his dead dad.”

With a deep breath, we open our eyes
and realise its not a real life.

We turn around
close our eyes
For another ride

Till we see a guy in red and white
Standing with a note to death in sight
And hearing a scream as we open our eyes.
farhan Aug 2020
You are dead—
If you see yourself somewhere—
Without a mirror.
Don Bouchard Aug 2020
The stalling plane fell,
A toy, yawing back on its tail,
Tilting left and down
And down.

The boy’s dad at the stick,
Face immobile,
Almost careless as they fell;
He, his mother, and his father,
And a stranger, next to him,
Tumbling above Montana
Prairie hills surging
And nearer.

The stranger clenched the boy;
The tail dragger impacted a rising knoll.
The engine clanged and broke,
Dirt enveloped the shattered cabin.

Silence smothered cacophony.

Conscious of being dragged
Through a **** in the fuselage
Out into open air,
The boy saw little,
Couldn't make out the stranger's face.

His mother came through the side of the plane
A Cesarean section, reversed,
The boy's hope reborn
At the emergence of his mother.

She appeared dazed,
He thought, unruffled,
Dusty with a smearing of bright red lipstick
Stretching up from the corner of her mouth
To the edges of her right ear.

The boy knew it must be blood.

His father lay,
Crumpled oddly,
Head twisted between
Stick and dashboard;
Right arm somehow
Lolling through the fuselage.

Blood smeared the arm, the head.
Everything still,
Motion slow...

The stranger moved on hands and knees,
Inspected the boy
His mother,
Pulled them away
From wreckage,
Surveyed the scene.

Turning then to the man
Twisted and still,
Grotesque within the shell,
The stranger gazed.

Gasping,  the boy jolted.
Thought he saw,
His father’s hand ****,
Move up and backward to his face.

The boy heard,
Thought he heard,
His father sigh.

Fear surging
The son,
Caught in a wave,
Realized his first response,
A sense of ******* returning,
Having glimpsed,
If only for a few seconds,
3:00 AM dream I had to write. Sigmund, where are you?
Michael Aug 2020
He approached the cellar,
An endless abyss of stairs.  
He could feel something... a stare
But can’t see it from all the clutter

He grasps through the dark
At any chance he’ll reach a light,
Like a month in the darkest of night
So he decides to light a spark

A stench more foul than death
A wretch about to meet the wretched
The outline stole his breath
A trail of slime so wicked

It’s skin shifted
It’s head lifted
Teeth glistened

With eyes dilated
And mouth salivated
It’s distorted body elevated

A slimy, contorted, mangled, freak
Enough to make your confidence weak
And your future bleak.
Enough talk, it’s time to eat!
What do you imagine?
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