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neth jones Jul 2022
questions drop dumb weight from the night
they distribute anguish and fright
battle tight against comfort
moral prattling defeats sleep
international distress weeps
from my seeping device fraught
Cywydd Llosgyrnog  
Brevity Homework

original version

a plumage of anxiety

questions drop dumb weight from the night sky
ample plumb                                            
they plate anguish
       offence of any moral comfort in my sleep
like senility   milking                              
         suction on thumb
           with pained dental needs
         no answers
                     no sleep tonight
                   no piping pan
                            no kingdom come and feed
neth jones Jul 2022
you conduct winds about the room
    whipping decor and geisting destruction
breaking into a tempest tantrum and fume
    you use up the air in aggressive combustion
    foam breath, thunderous in gloom
and then its pulled-over, you've attained exhaustion
    you need a hug, a glass of water, tears drench
      it hurts barrenly and then a healing quench
Ottava Rima
Brevity Homework
neth jones Jun 2022
while building static warmth
  unbiased night has nurtured strain
now! ;
  breaks akimbo in filling veins
  silver branches
  lipping open flare across the sky
stimulated charge raised
  through our earthed souls
  greeting heavens kindle above
Brevity Homework 2
neth jones Jun 2022
every cloud i've ever seen
has demonstrated God to me

                          there is no aspect of nature
                          that hasn't handed God over
                                        to my custody

[negative version / includes extra verse]

No cloud has ever
Demonstrated God to me.

                          No aspect of nature
                          Has handed God over
                                        To my Custody.

    (yet still I pray)

No father figured
In lord all recreation.
It seems but a rambling animation
Even under scrutiny

     (yet still I pray)
2.  I talk to God but the sky is empty. ~Sylvia Plath
neth jones Jun 2022
invest     in  your  dreams

for they are nestled in life

and life is    but  a  dream
3. All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. ~ Edgar Allan Poe


paddle your feet
                       in life's great jest
        make it your dream
          explore company
           but safety first
            wear a vest [19]

i am a limber explorer of life's dream
today has been exhausting
i lay down and kip out
to dream within a dream
neth jones Jun 2022
Return to infancy;

Before true perception and intelligence
            Were explained away,
Before the mind joined the infantry,
Before we learned to be rationally afraid
                                           Of everything.
brevity homework 4
1.  Is there no way out of the mind? ~ Sylvia Plath
neth jones May 2022
air deleted from the room
vacuum    of  mausoleum  silence
violence played quiver on your lips
lids  of  eyes      made twitches
itchiness blazed over my skin
thin words introduced
' i   hate   you '
cold said   hurt true


drawn deep
deleted from the room
          vacancy for silence
   violence volunteers corrugations
           across your visage
betraying twitches
itches blaze over my skin
thin words induced
' i   hate   you'
cold said   hurt true
brevity homework
neth jones May 2022
sunrise                                                      ­   ­                                       
first optic pins toe-tipping play across the meadow
wind bends the forrest fringe west away
the trees adverse to receive
priestly daylight
after all the  
during a most
competitive and predatory
brevity homework - personification
Anais Vionet Feb 2022
It’s finally Friday night
there’s not a professor in sight.

If you think I’m happy - you’re right!

My homework assignment is light,
I just have an essay to write.

We and our sister suite will unite,
dragging a couch over, so the seating is right.

We’ll binge on Ozark most of the night,
‘cause we’re all Justin Bateman acolytes.

Pizza and ice cream will be a highlight,
in an evening of lazy delights.

I wish you could join us on-site,
but a quarantine prevents the invite.
Juliana Apr 2021
X Paper two—peer edits
X Chem homework
X Read paper 1, 2—for annotated bib  
X Bio notes
    Read book—your favorite, snuggle up and drift away
X Bio Exam
X Bio reading 1, 2, 3
X Chem notes
    Read Book—the one on your shelf for ages
X Chem reading 1, 2, 3, 4
X Write paper one—second draft
X Bio homework
    Write book—this has been your dream since you were a kid
X Write paper three—first draft
X Write poem—last thing before bedtime
(lines with an "X" should be crossed out instead of the "X")
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