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mils Oct 2018
stars run ramped
taken for granted
chaotic formations
of constellations
the darkness beckons
the void threatens
to take what you love
Your freedom, like a dove
Lynx Ng Sep 2018
no longer will i follow
creatures of convenience
trail of red petals
disguised as blood

though your name i cannot forget
may haunt every line
i will etch it on paper

till the essence seeps into fibre
ink on paper
thoughts on soul
what i could give is never enough
Brandon Conway Aug 2018
To be buried due to old age
Is a dream I take for granted
Allow children time to assuage
Not to join blanketed by the planet

Age, a privilege not given to all
Genocide before nightfall
Malnutrition at the mess hall
Drugs calling souls to awol
Avarice causes many to fall
From buildings so so tall
                cannon *****,
Death dealers always on the call

But to be buried due to old age
Is a dream I take for granite
and tomorrow
and tomorrow and tomorrow
Every time it comes
The air burns
We suffocate but still
Everything is good

No, no drinking
Nor eating
That's the term
Through the sacred month

Every smile has its tears
Every game has its rules
Every start has its ends and
So this sacred month

Still we hope to be
With you again
Still we hope to see
You come back to us again

It's either we stop
Nor time stops
It's either we take all the chances
Or we take everything for granted

Choices are in our hands
Has always been
Since the first time
Our heart beats

Be wise or otherwise
Goodbye Ramadan, may He accept all our good deeds ❤
inalienable, inimitable,
     and inviolable sacrosanct
contentiously debated enshrined Constitution
     ratified June 21, 1788

     preceding hallmark Bill of Rights
     (adopted effective December 15, 1791) rank
despite British Monarchy exerting, sans lanced
     strong arm tactics in response to "FAKE prank

asserting original fledgling NON GMO,
gluten and msg free
     thirteen American colonies
     (with a great hee ***)

severely itching for
     (and declared) autonomy
     from Britain with mojo
memorialized On July 2, 1776,

     when Second Continental Congress,
     (with more yes votes then no)
met in Philadelphia voting
     unanimously, where  this poe

whit notates historical
     declaration of independence,
yet since Information Technology Revolution
     trumps Founding Fathers (well nigh

     almost two hundred
     and fifty (CCL) year status quo
as into uncharted figurative waters
     American Democracy doth row,

especially problematic to adapt
     couched freedoms show
cased within storied
     novel innovative though

now confounding, frustrating,
     and immobilizing supposed call
ling on learned scholars
     adept doctors at law,

     resistant to brickbats
     heaved by protesters with gall
or perhaps consulting
     entertainers at Faneuil Hall,  

how in tarnation can the tenets, rubric,
     and precepts, sans seven score
     and four plus orbitz ago
before advent of tele

     communications companies
     exhibited fiercely greedily
     hungry indomitable up pall
ling monopolistic control,
     via erecting a unscalable fire wall  

authorized with an A okay by the FCC
Federal Communications Committee to glee
fully relinquish control
     (blood) letting "Big Cable", thus

     allowing, enabling, and promoting key
purrs of the Internet remain
     under jurisdiction me
ning all content and applications
     can ***** nilly nee  

i.e. be deliberately blocked as well  
     particular products or websites pre
venting unfettered access to thus re
choir ring every man, woman and child even three
yar olds to voice objection,
     and take prescient action NOW!
sankavi Apr 2018
I'm sorry I'm so broken,
I'm sorry I pushed you away.

I'm sorry I took you for granted,
when all I really want
is just for you to stay
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