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heidi 7d
The mist rests gently upon the water’s surface,
where the fireflies flash like sets of blinking eyes
Long leaves of willow hang down, motionless
as an owl cries above, illuminated by the moon
Fireflies nice and sweet
The moonlight dreaming
Upon her crescent hips

Reynaldo Casison
Shofi Ahmed Mar 15
Ah, sleek moonlight, velvety soft,
Unfurls the path to the Taraweeh Mosque.
Countless fireflies, on fine silken wings,
Catch fast in the silver weave of lunar groves.
Soon, the first Ramadan crescent blooms above,
While the silent tuberose lingers, imprinting deeper still.
Oof—how many did I embrace? One or two?
Myriads light the way to the Taraweeh Mosque.

It was only the other night—
The first crescent of Ramadan shimmered,
Piercing the flawless forehead of twilight,
In the hush of the fading dusk.
Even now, across the half-lit horizon,
Sleepless full-moon stars drift,
While the first, blessed crescent of Ramadan
Moves on in seamless procession.

When will the celebration reach its full bloom?
Today marks the fourteenth fast,
Already shining upon the fourteenth moon!
Some ballerina fireflies
Cant stay quite still
For the painters gaze
When their love Is
sweetly ablaze and all is chill

Reynaldo Casison
The Evening Fireflies
Can Sweetly Waltz
WithIn The Maple Honey of Breeze

Reynaldo Casison
Immortality Mar 15
Calm night,
serene beauty,
fireflies dance,
the wind caresses the lily.

A ray of moonlight,
kisses a drop of river,
it glows,
summon the fairies.
River water shining under the moonlight....
Vianne Lior Feb 26
laced in glow spill, dusk-slick.
tiny suns,
trembling—bodies of light,

hush-black air—
soft hymns flickering,
pleas pressed to glass,
breath-fogged, burning.

whispered tomorrow—
honey-thick, guilt-laden,
beauty begged to be held.

bled dry.
cold palms, hollowed vessel,
absence like ruin.

I lied to the glass.
I stole their dying light.

& now—
I bear their afterglow
like a wound that refuses to dim.

Sticky summer evening,
Warm, young, beautiful.
Flitting throughout the night,
Bountiful bundles of fireflies.
Flickering in the breezes,
A soft golden mist.
New summer's evening,
Graced by the lightning bugs.
The Eire canal in Pittsford is home to many lightning bugs.
rning, sco-
rnfully, to J-
upiter's red s-
***. The circu-
lar, scarlet rage,
it, roundly, and, r-
ubily, rotates, into
whirlwinds, of ste-
aming, magma, hot.
The firef-lies, lay, t-
heir eggs, in; truth,
and, hope, that, d-
eceptions, hatch.
The batches, fl-
y, never, brou-
ght to, light.
vely, the-
y, stay.

© poormansdreams
Have you ever been so angry that you feel the incandescent rage propelling you with a magnitude of force to write a poem about it?
Robert Dec 2024
At night I find myself in dreams of indigo.
In the background are soft subtle hymns.
I walk slowly among the field of blue as the winds blow.
The iridescent moon shivers and shines.
Giving the lovely flowers their beautiful glow.

The birds, they fly over clouds so serene.
The fireflies dance their dances over top the iridescent fields.
I'm left standing In awe at this beautiful scene.
as I begin to wake, and the night begins to yield.
I found myself thinking, obsessing, over my indigo dreams.
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