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Seema Aug 2017
The stars shine bright
Creating a mirage on the lake
It's a pretty cool night
But my emotions are fake

I see the moon crescent
In the sublime ocean above
Yet thoughts rush to present
Defiling my own love

My ego won't give a way
To reply to his mail
My lips won't utter or say
So everytime I fail

The paths are lonely
As I walk by our favorite spot
He was my one and only
I was stupid, was I not?

An apology I will heartedly give
With promises to soulfully keep
Let off the ego and happily live
As my love for him is very deep...

Spilling thoughts.
Seema Aug 2017
The thorns are dead, tangled on the fence. The flowers have wilted, above my head. The nature seems tensed with unexplained guilts. What has been planned? In the womb of this earth. Growing slowly, yet unseen. The impact shows on the surface. Such a fool we've been!! Drought, quakes and many forces, unstoppable winds and storm, that **** in and gulp the ships. We listen to deaf bosses, who talk about nature as cheap. They really groan and nigh like horses, wagging their tails on money. Yet nod their head off on many, who seek to retain nature to benefit our coming future. But their hunger of money grows and they come with failed projects!! When mother nature throws her tantrums, that's when, men starts to observe and object. Hence, controlling the failures and making awareness to protect and preserve
Our greenery, our nature, our earth that we deserve...

Climate change, a big issue!
Saint Audrey Aug 2017
Hold that thought
Until you're hands are ******, broken

(Its not)
but maybe It could be
Winning on the golden ticket

Ok, there's no real chance
(no ****)

I swear to god
(Get ******* through it)
I dealt out my pain
From past experience
(***** please)

I mean it
(you can't be serious)

There's a broader gate
Whats the reason?
(I'm glad they segregate)
Pad locked grave gate
(You're a rip off and you know it)

Throw the game to save some face
(Better hide, you'd better run)
Coughing mad hatter fits
(Living sub-par is ignorant bliss)

I miss the days of old
(funny ****)

Barely out the womb
Already wounded
Foray into the fray
Has left me confused
Malnourished and blue
In the face

And yet this constant fear
Of disgrace
(You're ******* fake)

(Fake as ****, I swear I know it
So psychotic and psychotropic
Spend your waking moments hiding
And every other in imaginary topics)

Making do with slave wages
Striking out on all these pages
Jesus left me feeling blind
Contained within these broken places


They say reading is good for you
They say a lot of ****
Nicole Jul 2017
You’re poisonous and I’m addicted to
the burning in my throat, it’s wildfire
with each word you share, lightly brushing stories
of the topics I most detest and cannot
force myself to simply forget. So
instead, I try to shrug it off with darker tales
from my past, but you continue
and surpass them with ease,
these claws of flames only rising,
tearing into my soul, soon to combust with
my distress and rage.
I dramatize an unethical kiss with a boy,
you mention five more; I hint at a taste
for Captain’s, you prefer wraps and bowls.
The newly tasted nicotine tears at my
lungs, simply to spite you: you smoke it,
so why can’t I?
I am no longer smart
enough to accept things as they are,
to my knees I surrender to your soul, but
I cannot let go of the grudges and the confusing discomfort
that comes with learning certain personal traits of yours. I cannot
live in vulnerability below you, but these concrete bones
cement my legs to the floor,
so, instead, I blaze my own morals with
my own choices, putting my health at risk
with my own stupidity,
creating new vices, this poisoning smoke,
and a dependence on more
than just myself.
I wrote this two years ago about my girlfriend at the time. I did not post it back then because she asked me not to because it made her look bad.
Paul Jones Dec 2015
What haunts the hollow     hallway of dark hours
fails again. A friend,     not fear, grips me.
Arcassin B Jul 2017
By Arcassin Burnham

Use to think about sitting with you down at the bridge,
use to dream about the times where we would kiss and
every breath I took I fell in love with you over and over,
like a sad roller coaster getting ready to fall off the rails.

Trying to forget the past like every human being,
but every human being don't wanna forget,
like That friend that stole all your friends,
that same friend that sat there and told you friends to the end,
what did he do? didn't Recognize you again,
Now lets get something straight,
Didn't your mom ever tell you to worry about you and no one else,
not even your spouse,
This world is so bat-**** insane that everything is corrupt now,
so much bad order in this country they expect you to bow down,
yeah your trust,
is a no no,
licensed gun,
make it so so,
No lives matter obviously,
I don't know,
where to go go,
scared of death,
not scared to face it,
looking for a way out of the matrix,
I could care less about the systems wealth,
save your self.
D Jul 2017
I don't see the point right now
to even writing about
this, no
it's pointless
and all I'm doing is grasping
at air
trying to breathe
clearly and failing
fast, and yes
I want to crash
I want to burn into ash
crumble into nothing
where I belong at
I just feel nothing
Haruharu Jun 2017
Everytime I saw a shooting star I used to make a wish.

None of my wishes came true,
my dearest wishes..

I no longer believe in shooting stars,
they've failed me too many times.

Maybe there's another way to make them come true?
The answer is within me, and I will find it.
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