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Myriah Jul 2015
Sometimes you have shatter the mirror on you, to see all the pieces that makes you beautiful
Myriah Jul 2015
I am Loyal And kind
I wonder About my dreams and future
I hear Rain falling ******* the sidewalk
I see Ireland Sunset with you
I want To see all around the world
I am Free

I pretend To drink tea in London
I feel Happiness
I touch The sky
I worry i won't get to see the world
I cry Losing a love one close to me
I am like a breath of spring

I understand Self worth
I say Stay true to yourself
I dream Traveling the world
I try To be myself
I hope To travel around the world
I am Happy
Love yourself and always be you every one else taken so do you .
jennifer Jun 2015
How is this possible?
Rejected by a website,
At least that's how I feel.
Not enough likes,  not enough messages.
But what else is new?  
It's been this way since I was a kid...

Insecurity, neediness
It's not very attractive.
Maybe it's time to grow up.
elizabeth May 2015
I've been at war for a long time now
with the girl inside of me

She's smart and witty
and skinny and beautiful
and compassionate and kind
and trapped in the depths
of my empty stomach
and super-glued heart
as if I accidentally stuck her
to one of the pieces
chipped away
by a boy who couldn't see her

Her outer shell is hard
and average-looking
with chunks of fat
in all the wrong places
and it repels sadness
and emits an uncaring aura
that no one wants to touch

That shell is bulletproof
in all places except for one
but this inner angel
is not quite skinny
or clever enough
to escape through the jagged edges
and paint her shell
with her favorite color

Maybe she's been locked inside
her black stone well
for so long
that she no longer
has the will
to try
Ignatius Hosiana May 2015
I broke no rule of yours
Just got tired of being told
After all I'm quite old
Enough to go by my own rules.
Ignatius Hosiana Apr 2015
I read beautiful poems and wonder
Why in mine all I find is fault and blunder
I caress the neat words as much as I can
Hoping the more I read the more I learn
I peruse through funny poems and laugh
Yet if I try it out myself It's really tough
So I read inspirationals day and night
Thinking for sure ,improve I might
I scroll past those I feel ain't my type
Looking for those with acclaim and hype
Poetic literature really does take all my time
'Cause I'm in a hunt for that perfect rhyme
But all I do is find highly fascinating pieces
And all they do is leave me angry and peaceless
I read poems because I'm seeking for consolation
And I even find more than this ,to my consternation
I probably read poems because they are easy to read
Or I'm just so lonely and they are the company I need
©2015 IHosiana
Adam Childs Mar 2015
What is net worth but simply an
amount and expression of control
and power.
An outside objective measurement
that tells you nothing about true
As the value of a cake can be defined
by its real size and tangible taste.
Its worth can only be determined by
set of mystical numbers that have
no size or taste.
And the quality of a cake will be built
on the quality of the ingredients.
But its worth will only give  you
a percentage number for that cake.

Going head to head to increase
our net worth we loose all our
sense of true value.
As kind acts never increase net worth
we again become lost and loose
our sense of true value.  
But as we shift our sites to the
bull eye in the center of our hearts
our acts take on a brand new quality.

As  we work together blending
with each other we can create a
loving taste.
While a silent death with his scythe
sweeps the earth leveling all male ego.
Never strangled by individual
profit we work together for
our souls comfort.
As we know our value can never
be recognized by what we hold
in our pocket.
But by the taste, of that which
we add and share with  life.

So has the epidemic of low self esteem
got anything to do with our confusion
between net worth and value.
Because I have to ask what do they
have in common as they really do
keep on arguing.
So I have to call upon a great divorce,
a divorce that would make us all a lot
more happy.
As we all together discover the center
of our boundless hearts which really
know the difference between net worth
and true value.
I just want to write this to inspire thought it is not my intention to promote any political view only to study our mind sets.
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