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I wait for this weird blue box to land on my yard,
piloted by an alien who invites me to travel far

because I feel so lonely and depressed on Earth
that I make dreams out of my scars
doctor who is my favorite tv show and it just gives me so much happiness, oh I really wish I could travel far with the doctor to see beautiful things and live great adventures
Ayodeji Oje Oct 2020
See pictures,
they've got

Feel words,
they've got

Observe nature,
they've got
mark soltero Oct 2020
the storm has passed
but the aircrafts’ echos linger
a quiet sunrise will always cleanse the weak
will your problems seep into the broken earth?
squeezing between ages of the bones
because unlike them
you were chosen
so indebted you are
and pain will sow upon your heart from now on
Ken Pepiton Oct 2020
If this were ready to sow, who would know?

All true, is it altruistic to make a mind
to not lie by some alteration in the source
code feeding the mind the energy
required of being, itself?

ego- stopped Ernest Becker, the importance
of being aware he was there, in my ear,
halted all progress in the direction
beyond my ken and any kenner's ken, hearken,
have we a word we hear,
which means a thing to some who hear it
and nothing to others?

Alteration on altruistic first response,
all thru, truly easy upgrade, just think
alter was the spoken sound used as
English uses other, in Latin
thus in the code of the literati,
altruistic is other selfishness.
Utter spoke, not rote hm
wedoms in reality
we are al
ways altruistic, true

not all who claim the name, we, the people,
are the only people, the species formed
from wormish droppin' doin'drottenin'
darkenin' fertile soil, black
land, by god,

I got me a blackland farm, zactly near
as I believed, left be, alternant
real enough, to hope for

as mentioned

you better believe
= hear that from the other, clenched jaw,
canines clearly dis-
c'mon, c'mon

Comte, gimme a position, make me a point,

as truth always will out after in, in any
breathing situation.
--- this expanded to here:
Lovin' livin'. This went on an turned into a game, for me, of particular interest. I honestly never heard of comte, now, I've been taught him. AI luvit.
Hcassierose Oct 2020
The sun dances around you
To merely show you the shadow
Of all the darkness left inside you.
And she reveals that she can still bring warmth
To even the cruelest of creatures
old willow Oct 2020
Fisherman is earth, his net is life,
Fish is Man, Ocean is heaven.
Sway by the earth, we dwell in life.
Entangle in this life, Earth is now home;
Ocean is just an illusion.
The fish move where the net moves,
The net move where the fisherman goes,
The fisherman move where the ocean drifts,
Man who dwell in life only see his net,
not both the drifting fisherman and ocean.
old willow Oct 2020
Tides rise and fall, the moon up and down,
sun waking west and east,
Heaven and earth.
Aloof, not that the world is beneath me,
The heart yearn for freedom,
Therefore spirit became he.
Man yearn for the sky, but can only daze on earth.
Therefore, Sky became their heaven,
Beneath became their Earth,
and Man became... its witness.
Anthony Pierre Sep 2020
Getting nowhere!

One whole Earth
round and flat

Here's a balloon
Here's a plate

Reminds me
to celebrate with

An oblate pear
on steroids and
a flat Greek cake

A stupendous combination
The great Earth debate.
Is it round like a ball?
Is it flat like a plate?
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