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There once was a man of Pangaea
Who had an unlucky idea:
     He ate a strange shroom,
     And it tasted like doom,
And he died from extreme diarrhea.
I thought about leaving during the night,
not a vacation, but still a planned trip.
I considered what would be left behind,
Tear-soaked cheeks and a wet wrist you'd find.
Grasping for answers that never align,
try to stumble into happiness just this one time.
Persist each day, curtains drawn like a map made for treasure,
I wonder if you'd even miss me for ten seconds, or forever?
You're a cheat sheet that's glued shut,
full of answers that go unanswered, so what?
I grip these rails of life,
new days begin,
hold my breath and go through the motions,
until I can finally close my eyes again.
So now you haunt hollow heart
Victory lap through each body part
I'll forever be etched with your name

I'd like to think you are high above
So removed I can't feel your love
I can't honestly make that claim

I'm not sure your soul is resting
I've seen no signs suggesting
Paradise is on the other side

You crossed over without a word
Goodbye ears have never heard
Still cannot believe you died
I still can't believe it even after two years
Dom 12h
I am afflicted by nyctophilia
Like a moth obsessed by the neon
All around shrouded by dark skies
No parasol to shield her from her cold cries
Drowning upon the asphalt
Dreams mirroring back in the waters we wept.

In the morning I’m craving nightfall
My veins weaken when the light touches
My blue river streams carrying red sediment
To bring me alive when I bite deep inside
And take you within me again.

We mix like dry goods
Red velvet and moist
Exsang  along the marble top
Like spilt wine, I’ll drink you in
And just like the rain,
Amid the night sky
I’m addicted to you.
Gene Hackman has died and so has his wife.
After ninety-five years, Hackman lost his life.
Gene was a legend and he had plenty of fans.
Everybody knows that he was a talented man.
The last movie that he starred in was in 2004.
It's very sad that he chose not to act anymore.
Gene's death made his friends and family cry.
He perished and it was painful to say goodbye.
But when we go to Heaven, we'll see him again.
Gene was a skilled actor and a credit to all men.
Dedicated to Gene Hackman (1930-2025) who was found dead on February 26, 2025
Cholesterol has found a special place within my heart,
For nothing love I more then a chicken wing to part,

I never allow water to pass between my lips,
Unless it's full of corn syrup which flows straight to my hips,

And after I retire for my after breakfasts nap,
I dream I'm crunching bacon, in a hotdog mayonaise rap.

Then off to do a sit-up as I reach for the remote, and watch some brand new fastfood adds, of these I make a note.

Then well after the sun has set, I waddle to my bed,
And mid-afternoon the next day, they find my body dead. 😄
I wrote this in 2016
Young clothes, to age, dissolve
& drift beyond the quiet grave
I may not know I may not know
The door with no unlocking key.

Yet still Reality persists
A stream that ebbs & flows
Where Time & Truth collide
& I a wisp upon its shore.

Try living in paradise

Still recovering from trauma

Thinking about the ones left behind

Feeling sun on brown skin

While buildings burn down

Today was like any other

Enjoying cool ocean waters

While salt washes festering wounds

Fresh flesh like grapefruit is pink

Looking to the distant stars

Trampling on growing daisies

Only to lay in a field of them

Howling loud at worship

While fearing the whites of saved eyes

Lift every voice and sing

To dance and to be joyful

While quakes lulls sleeping babies

When the dust settles what remains
If only I was brave
like you said I was
all of those years ago
when you weren't sick yet.

If only I could remember
back to a time when you were alive,
And I wasn't living in this exile of a world,
Trapped between his life and mine.

If only Death wasn't so harsh—
He wrapped you up in his cold, dark grasp
and took you away before I even said

If only I could be him and live my life
without thinking of what could've been different,
I could excel at everything and not be scared
to even get out of my house

Because I'm living a life I do not know;
If only you didn't go.
I really appreciate comments and feedback! :)
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