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Graff1980 Dec 2014
You crossover the cutting board
Quick witted leather fitted
Eyes blasting beautiful rainbows
Muscle rippling with truth
Capes and cowls
Heroes and villains
Smiles and scowls
A league of Avengers
A modern mythology
Patterned after past pantheons
DC to Marvel
The same side of two twisted coins
The same lie that I love to enjoy
Fiction intertwined with philosophy
Violence intertwined with morality
Leaving me with these power fantasies
Of superhero friends and families
You’re on my tv, movie screen
In my comic books, novels,
And even in my dreams
Ranger Dec 2014
In darkest days
In sorrow filled night
Do not crumble in hardest blight
Burn bright by fires light
For the path of pure is still in sight
Yeah, I wrote my own lantern core oath. Have not chosen a color for it tho
Chase Graham Nov 2014
Asphault rats                             Lonely suits
guide longing                            snug tightly
hungry beasts                            around cigarette
under bridges                            smoke hidden
through afterglow                    under ******
oceans rippling                         Ivy League
snarling hoods                         fraternity paddels
through tunnels                       slapping clean
leaving subway                        bruised-white
cars lonely                                old-money *****
trudging aimless                     walking tall
after some                                through window
fortune here                             lookouts of
in S.E                                        shining N.W
corners D.C.                            sidewalks D.C
I called you home for 3 years,
now return to your urban streets
to say goodbye.  

Thank you, love you.
Meg B Jun 2014
One of my favorite hobbies
is watching people
on the train.
Some on their
daily commute,
dressed in suits,
hurriedly sipping
checking their
wrists with
ensuring they
arrive not even a
minute late.
So many,
myself included,
travel along to
their own
earbuds helping
them to tune out
the cabin noise
around them.
Bodies swaying
back and forth,
movement in sync,
limbs dancing
the train's tango,
left, right,
forward, and back,
and for the encore,
we all jolt and jive hard
as the wheels
screech to a stop
halfway down the
green line.
Meg B Jun 2014
The raindrops felt refreshing
As they splattered gently
Down my arms
That loosely gripped
My half-busted umbrella.
My shoes splished and
Not even bothering to
The puddles,
Ruby red of my moccasins
Dyeing the skin on my feet
As the liquid
Soaked in.
The rainwater felt cool,
But my flannel hugged me tightly,
Breaking up the
Onset of goosebumps.
The trees and grassy lawns
Illuminated a bright green,
Lapping up the raindrops
Thirstily into their wide mouths.
With no guide,
My dampened feet lead their
Own way
Down streets and roads,
Diagonals, bobbing and
Through the city limits.
No fear, stomach dropping,
For I knew
I would find my way.
Peaceful afternoon,
Rain dancing down from
The cloud-filled sky;
I wandered deep into a
Blissful promenade.
lupush May 2014
First it’s the pearls—little moons falling in the puddle
and the rain has made sure to make it just deep enough
for the muddy water to cover their shiny surface.

Then the gunshots—one,
echo through the alley and you’re certain someone will be standing
at the end of the dark pavement,
at least around a nearby corner,
and they’ll hear you, hear the gunshots again
and again,
and again.

Because you do.

It’s the blood you notice last—the muddy puddle
that’s slowly being fed by a red liquid you’ve only
seen one more time before,
(you fell)
and suddenly the bats return from the dark cave—you
have scared them.

Years after the pearls,
and the gunshots,
and the blood,

but not after pearls,
and gunshots
—more blood,

you realize the bat doesn’t symbolize your fear of
but it was the shape your parents’ blood took when a
J and a C painted their portraits.

At the end of the alley,
at the end of an alley,
at the end of many alleys
stands a masked man.
It does resemble you an awful lot.
AavelinaJaden Apr 2014
"Face it," she said. "You're in love with a psychotic clown."
But what with a face that's not a frown?
While she sits him upon a throne and hands him a crown.
Only his deep spirits could bring her down.

Upon his face sets a wide grin
His true hearts malice lies deep within.
A love like this must be a sin
The love of the Joker and his Harley Quinn. ♥
(And don't call me puddin' )
Carl Barton Apr 2014
As the sun sets and a darkness falls over the city, there is one who rises.  Although his body has been broken and his mind has begun to grow frail, he will continue to fight until he meets his mortal end.  He's faced jokes, riddles, luck, birds, ice, vines, and even his own mind.  A child once tortured by the winged creatures of the night, consumed by the guilt of his parents' demise.  Now as an adult he uses his fear to torment his enemies and the guilt that once consumed him is now the only motivation he needs.  Though he cannot live forever, the symbol of hope he has created will last on for eternity.  And the face beneath the mask may change, but that light in the sky calls only one... He is the Batman.

— The End —