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Zywa Aug 2020
Pencil sharpeners

cannot make an arrowhead –

from a pebble stone.
“Boyhood” (2014, Richard Linklater)

Collection "Specialities"
Brian Turner Aug 2020
I want a cardboard world
Where desks sag and break in the rain
And people look at me in disdain

All the temporary creations I see
I didn't build for you, I built for me

Cardboard seats and cars
Cardboard hotels and bars
Cardboard rockets for Mars

All temporary cardboard builds to try
All cardboard inners to fry

There's nothing quite as temporary
As a new age cardboard century
I dream of making cardboard furniture and then letting it droop and sag in the rain with people looking at me in disdain
JS CARIE Aug 2020
Depending on the use and day,
a large percent of ingested content were used as (and in) space crafts sweeps
across galaxies of stereographic tones
spectral outlets
That in turn, would radiate a bartered intoxication
Theres no denying
in how much those journeys assisted with the development of creative styles forward
from in the aforecited text
Big Virge Aug 2020
Can You Feel ... " My Vibe " ... ?
Because Mine's About ...
Connecting Lives ...
Through Use of Rhyme ... !!!

I Think THAT Way ...
Is BETTER Than Fights ... !!!

And BETTER Than WARS ...
Where Blood Stains Floors ... !!!

Kind of Like ... " JAWS " ...

NO ... NOT The SHARK ... !!!!!

That ... BIG ****** ...
Who NEVER Scored ... ?!?
When Trying To **** BOND ... !!!

Well ... " Roger Moore " ... !!!

That Flow Was RAW ...
But Here's Some More ...

I'm Vibing' NOW ...
To ... African Sounds ... !!!

Those Words Are TRUE ...
I'm Writing THIS PIECE ...
in ... My Front Room ...

LATE At Night ...
Whilst Playing Tunes ...

TUNES That Made Me ...
Vibe And Write A Piece About ...
Some LATE NIGHT Vibes ...

Here's ... " The Scene " ... !!!

I'm Kinda ... " LEAN " ...

KNOW What I MEAN ... !?!

I've Just Eaten Some Food I Like ... !!!
Bolognese ... That Went Down NICE ... !!!

It's Sunday Night ...
Well Monday Morning ...
But I'm NOT Yawning ... !!!

I'm ADORNING ... Pen To Page ...

It's REALLY Late ... !!!
But Now My Pen ...
Has Met The Page ...

TRUST ME Folks ...

The VIBE Is GREAT ... !!!

WRITING Makes Me FEEL This Way ... !!!
PACK Your Troubles FAR AWAY ... !!!!!

And Let My Words KEEP YOU Engaged ... !!!
With Wordplay FIT For ... ANY Stage ... !!!

HAPPY Vibes Like SUNNY Days ... !!!!!

I'm In A Maze of Mental Haze ...

My Use of Phrase ...
May Seem ... MISPLACED ... ?!?

But Come INSIDE My State of Mind ...
I'm Simply Writing Using Rhyme ...
To VIBE With ... YOU ...
Right Here ... TONIGHT ... !!!

See I'm ... In The FUTURE ... !!!
Whilst In ... The NOW ... !!!

I've Changed My Position ...
Whilst ... Sitting Down ...

Can You ... " Visualise " ... ?
Are You FEELING The Vibe ... ?

Can You FEEL My Pen ... ?
As I ... Transcribe ... ?

This Piece Is CRAZY Like My Mind ...
When It's CLEAR To Think of Rhymes ... !!!

A Tune's Come On ...
Called ... " HAPPINESS " ...

Music Helps Me Feel LESS Stressed ... !!!
Just Like When ... My Pen Transcends ........

At Times Like THIS ...
I Feel ... GOD BLESSED ... !!!

I CAN'T Fulfil What's In My Will ... !!!
To ... Make You SMILE ... !!!

Are You Feeling The Words ...
I Have ... Compiled ... ???

THIS HAS To Go In My ... " Top Five " ... !!!
I've Written LOADS So That's ALRIGHT ... !!!!
Tunes Are Running ... PROPER NICE ... !!!!!

I Finished The Tape Late On Last Night ...
And Now It's DONE I Understand WHY ... !!!
The Tape Is PROPER On BOTH Sides ... !!!

******* Stuff And ... " Softer Vibes " ...
I've Made Tapes Since I Was A Child ...

NOT CD's or MP3's ... !!!!!
I'm OLD School Man ...
Are You Feeling Me ... ?!?

I'm COOL With NEW Technology ...
But Feel It's Something I DON'T NEED ... !!!

I NEED Good Vibes And Hip Hop Rhymes ... !!!
Rhymes That SOMETIMES BLOW My Mind ... !!!!!!

I'm Writing NOW ...
ACROSS The Lines of My Notepad ... !!!

The Page AIN'T Moving Like I'm GROOVING ... !!!
My Writings' Though ... KEEP On IMPROVING ...
Just Like My Vocal Chords KEEP SOOTHING ... !!!!!

Ladies KNOW My Voice Is Moving ...
Through The .... AIR ...............................

Are You Prepared For More Wordplay ...
Ladies ... Can I Take You There ... ???

Feminine Vibes Are ... OH SO NICE ... !!!
When We Incline To INTERTWINE ...
Our Bodies Souls And INNER MINDS ... !!!!!

SENSUAL ... ****** Touch SO GENTLE .........

In Our .... SEARCH ....
For Relationships That WORK ... !!!

This Style of Rhyme Is Built To FIND ...
A Place of LOVE And POSITIVE VIBES ... !!!

I'm Thinking Have I Got More Time ... ???
To Share More VIBES Within My Mind ...
It Would Seem NOT Man That's A CRIME ... !!!!!

My Vibe Though Folks Is STILL ALIVE ... !!!!!
While I Sit At Home And Write ...
This Piece of Prose On Sunday Night ...

Well ... Monday Morning ...
The Date Is Now ...

“ The Seventh of the Eleventh " ...
... " Two Thousand and Five " ...

So Folks Did You ENJOY The Ride ... ?
Well NOW It's Time To Say GOOBYE ...
And YES ... Goodnight ... !!!

But Do THIS For Me Folks ...

PLEASE .... FEEL MY ....

.……… " VIBES " ………..
Devin Ortiz Aug 2020
The universe used to whisper dark melodies,
in the secret garden of mind.
Seeds were sewn with thoughts that were ravenous for the wicked sound.
Each idea bloomed into insidious beauty, humming a haunting tune of its own.

When dusk set on the infinite, the ghastly chorus set too.
Silence boomed, poisoning the life of creativity.
What grew now, was gnarled indifference, a green of dark envy.

Borderline blasphemous and a challenge just the same, a tune of antithesis finally became.
The garden sang its own song in finality.
Erik Luo Aug 2020
To become the master of all things
One must become nothing
To let the divine flow through
And let that love dictate

It is easy
To let the mind rule you
To be defeated by fear or logic

The great mystery
is counterintuitive
to let that love be the source
instead of our own words

the brilliant mind of all
is always present
it waits patiently
for you to listen

So let go of thoughts
let go of fear
let go of all that holds you back
and simply be
and create
Intuition over logic, sincerity over intention, wholeness over ambition. This is a piece on my creative process
Devin Ortiz Jul 2020
Today, I am walking the path of the infinite self.
It is a road that stretches forever inwards and outwards.
I unravel,
I cross the rubicon,
I contain multitudes,
The door in the sky opens.
A hand reaches down and pulls me through it.

I become a face in a sea of many:
A swimming ocean of everything I’ve been and yet to be.
A dream floating on the sleepy universe of impossibility.

I accept this smallness.
Then I reach inwards and offer a hand.
I become whatever self I require.
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