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Cattatonicat Feb 2019
Yea get down Get down with me

I'm not cold I'm oversaturated I'm catatonic

Reality is magic Agatha Christie is Aristotle

I came here with an attitude platitude altitude

I feel nothing I feel everything
Jesus Christ child of God show me mercy

Think I need a doctor I'm on overdrive
Keep me pumping boredom is my nemesis

Watch out for a tornado
Horsemen of apocalypse they've been here
Feeling nada, feeling all too much
Cattatonicat Feb 2019
Will you take me away
To the mountains
To the sky
To outer space

Will you take me
Somewhere else

Take me away and cry with me
Maybe I will give you a rose after

I want to go home
Do you know the way?
Cattatonicat Feb 2019
Maybe I will die with you
Maybe I will let you **** me

I'm a *******
I swear you are in good company

All the rules and boxes
I don't fit into

I'm so tired, is that what you want?

I'm already taking rest in my casket
You can have the honor of burying me
Then you can have everything
I once had

All my gifts and burdens
Take it all for yourself,
and write me a eulogy
Cattatonicat Feb 2019
Living dead is the new sensation
Kiss my rotting heart
Yea give me a cardiac arrest

Forgive my sins,
I didn't know then what I know now
Maybe I simply forgot
Maybe I willingly kept my ignorance
Maybe I knew it all along but it didn't matter
Because I'm wicked

You've seen my skin but you don't know my name
I'm as dead as your great-great-grandmother
I'm pretty when I'm dead

I didn't want to feel the pain
I didn't know the alternative was death

God knows I'll try
To feel alive
Jean Paul Jan 2019
We go through this hell to pick up
All the shattered parts of us
Fragile we stand
We never stumble
Even if we fall
We rise mightier than before
We sail through the wildest seas
Just to breath some more
All we want is to exist
Before we cease to be

Jean Paul Jan 2019
Every now&then
It's fine to wander
A bit further than the rest
We connect in million ways
With just logic
We can't make any sense of this
After all
this journey takes place
Jean Paul Jan 2019
We are  dream chasers
Heroes of our own story
blessed with greatness
to achieve our desire’s.
Always follow your light
through your darkest skies.

Jean Paul Jan 2019
Take a breath
Clear your head
Ground your self
Then check again
How it feels
To be in a world
Where magic still exists
Don’t resist
Reach within  
Follow your flow
In your own zone

Avery Glows Dec 2018
Disclaimer: I did this as a creative rewrite for one of my university lit courses, and all the inspiration and quotes belong to Robert Browning the original writer of "My Last Duchess"

“That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall,
Looking as if she were alive.”
(I’m not)
Alas! Me, “a wonder.” He calls.
Now wretchedly refined and pasteurized.
To be consumed, now, for genteel eyes.
Pity! Should you ever see me roll mine.
Behind those curtains, you might have been surprised
To see my countenance whimpering
At you Sir; and seething, at Him.
Must you not be fooled by that sickly decorum
Upon which his manly pride resides.
The Duke—what rich talent in envy he has,
And of pithy idiosyncrasies! Pardon me now
As I speak of his infamies: Is it not,
Too preposterous of a Duke, to sulk
And take offense, over a blush?
(As if the blush was his to wield and shun.)
Am I not allowed to flush at all?
And must I be ashamed of being swooned
By the casual offers of life’s grandiosities?
Each and every, dropping of the daylight,
Ripen cherries in May and chivalrous gentlemen,
my dear white mule; must I then weep
at them all, only to prove my fancy for him.
And when does gracious gratitude itself
become in vain: a finite honour—
deemed excessive elsewhere?
Never had he plucked me out, for censure,
Before he gave commands, I knew he did
To pluck the smile out of my face.
Utterly clueless—he thought I was
To find myself throttled, for immodesty.
A wife, an appendage to a Duke,
Loosely felled, to stroke a green-eyed ego.
My fault it seems, is a mere generosity
Of affection: falsely opined, if not
Misread, to fare a defect of temperament,
A chronic malady, doth be cured by death.
To cement the farce he will, soon, bring you
Downstairs to meet a friend. (a fiend)
A prized possession: Neptune, taming a sea-horse.
His hubris incarnate, cast in bronze.
But you must know the truth, for the sea-horse
Did not perish for naught, she is freed from him
At last.
Oct, 2018
As we lay together
comfortably entwined,
and supine
in this bed.
I can’t get these thoughts
out of my head.

But then you slowly trace
your love on my face.

Your fingers brush across
my thighs, then hips.
You kiss my shoulder,
my neck,
my lips.

I swear to god, I could
stay here forever, just
like this.

-You quiet my demons..
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