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  Jan 2019 Jean Paul
Darker yet darker
Everything aroud me gets
Not seeing the light anywhere me yet
But be it by chance or by will
I stumble upon two souls on a hill
Aware not of me nor of each other
I ask both "who is he?"
"I don't remember" says one
"I don't want to know" says the other
So through me
they befriend one another
By getting closer
I manage to see the red thread
Suddenly I remember that
this is not my story
I'm just walking by
One of them asks me
"can two dark make a light?"
As an answer I smile and say goodbye
I was just walking by
But as I get down the hill
Looking up to the sky
I can't help but smile  
Seeing two dark that make a light
But this is not my story
This is not my light
I'm just walking by
Jean Paul Jan 2019
We go through this hell to pick up
All the shattered parts of us
Fragile we stand
We never stumble
Even if we fall
We rise mightier than before
We sail through the wildest seas
Just to breath some more
All we want is to exist
Before we cease to be

Jean Paul Jan 2019
Every now&then
It's fine to wander
A bit further than the rest
We connect in million ways
With just logic
We can't make any sense of this
After all
this journey takes place
Jean Paul Jan 2019
We are  dream chasers
Heroes of our own story
blessed with greatness
to achieve our desire’s.
Always follow your light
through your darkest skies.

Jean Paul Jan 2019
Equiped with a smile
sharper than a scythe
trying to shine
through my darkest nights
Jean Paul Jan 2019
With my own recipe
Trying to find my ecstasy
In my own grey
Its where i usually create
my own gateway

Jean Paul Jan 2019
Shooting stars on crimson skies
Made me realise
Your divine beauty through your eyes
Never regretted how it all began
It just never made sense
But that's alright
Out of all this mess
It's where we touch
As everything turns to dust

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