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aj Mar 2015
So it's us against ourselves.
The mind is the adversary.
And what is that?
A mere dream within a dream.
What does forever mean?
Some hazy lines...
A blur of self,
A little talk,
Between you and me?

A heart lost in translation is in me, while forever is to be free of wonder.
Humans hungry for home and hopeful for hunger.
Life is one long plunder
For the lost ones of
Silent thunder.

Are these lost ones so lost?
Or will these sons of thunder
Flash like lightning?
How far do you have to go
Before no one understands at all?

As far as the fog found clouding the light that sits quiet in the souls of the stormborn.
The light that breaks the beaten barriers of sound and gives life to the lifeless.

That distant light called Hope by some;
A hope that may only protract disharmony.
A skillful prolongation
To the battered.
It is said that hurt is proof of love,
But what's left to prove
When the uncalmed storm
Engulfs us?

*By light I live, but by love I die.
Pray to every god that we are left in the eye.
The only proof we need is meaning, something bold to live by.
But we crave happiness, and there can only be one,
So what could anyone do but try and cry?
First of many, I'll have Joseph title it since I don't feel like I have a place in doing so...

My words are italicized
Brandy Nicole Mar 2015
Walking in from them cold seeing you lying there on the couch
Oh How cute you looked all wrapped up
Quietly I walk to your side looking at your peaceful, how your soft hair falls across your face
I brush it back seeing your kind strong eyes looking back at me
Thinking how lucky am I to have you
I take you into my arms
Oh how cute you look all wrapped up in my arms
Looking down at your smiling face
Here we sit thinking of how much I love you
This pure simplicity of our love is perfect
I could spent the rest of my years with you
Right here with you all wrapped up in my arms
A collab with Bard from PC
Oh Beloved ,
may my love for you grow every day.
A seed of the Divine Light that
shines brightly in the dark places of my heart.

Oh beloved!
Words of your praise
become flourishing flames
surrounding me
consuming me whole
- they Ignite my sleeping soul.

May my soul awaken with a passionate breath
and a deep thirst for your love.
let your Divine flame burn in me,
so I may share your light in this darkened world.

**The world was
Shrouded in a shadow of non-existence;
It was Your Light that illuminated
the entire Universe .
May faces of those with faith shine brilliantly,
till we reach the destination of eternal felicity.
1st and 3rd stanza written by me
2nd and last stanza written by Sameea Waqas:
blythe Feb 2015
It is you, whom I will choose,
If I only had one;
For you, I’ll find no excuse,
You are my light, my sun;
For you, my heart continues to beat
In my heart, you perfectly fit.*

For it is a fact,
Tact we need to progress
And far we are heading together
For it is true,
Love is the gear of our future.
Another collab with Kirui Frank Junior :)

In italics: blythe
In default: Kirui
Linger Feb 2015
The battle is upon us
We can finally put ourselves to the test
Memories of the past still haunt us
We fight for freedom so that our minds can rest
Easy knowing that we took a stand
Against twisted beasts of human form
I hold my blade in a trembling hand
I'm ready to weather this mighty storm

I thought i was a man ready to protect
but now i can't even stand *****,
watching my team mates feet and necks
be crushed by these mountains of dreck.
I have't even started combat but i am seeing the light
now here one comes what is the point of putting up a fight?

Most of us won't see tomorrow
Why is Armin so frightened?
Is he just going to stand there
And get eaten by a titan?
I need to protect him
He's one of the last things I've got
And I can't let a monster dissect him
My targets locked
I'm going in for the nape
This wretched creature
Will never escape

Without being able to solve this place's puzzle
I will my life will end by being guzzled
By a ******* belligerent beast
Only looking for its next feast
How could we have a king when these monstrosities rule this domain
Our society might all as well burst like there's a flame over propane
It is a fitting end for this monarch's curious servent
being killed by the real king for being too observant
Hey I am a king too I guess... of cowards, my friend's blood is my moat
And their pieces of the mangled bodies will be my mink coat
Now I am slipping down this demons throat, it doesn't matter who I am
***** this... Wait what is this grabbing my hand?

I won't let him go
What lies beyond these walls?
We've always wanted to know.
How could he surrender to fear?
The look in his eyes
We can't die here.
I'll trade my life to keep his going
As I slip into the belly of the beast
My sense of urgency is growing
All I see are the bodies of comrades who have tasted defeat
The light is fading
Why is existence so bleak?
Another Attack on Titan© poem made by yours truly and the most dope Spencer (italics)
*Spencer is Armin and I am Eren
Not often it is
Easy to erase your memories
Zombies they are... Yes

Attack at weaker
times to make you go into
A cocoon of thoughts

Of your past days
Reeling in nostalgia
It's sad, it's bad. Huh?

yet our memories
serve as a stark reminder
of the here and now

our minds do strengthen
with the ken we've obtained
through adverse times

whereby we can shape
a fine weather path ahead
for our future days
A collaboration on haikus

We all know Elizabeth Squires mastered the art of haikus. For that matter I have to thank her. I learned how to haikus by reading her works.

>>> First 3 are mine and the next three are by Elizabeth Squires

This is our second collaboration

© GitacharYa VedaLa
© Elizabeth Squires
Spencer Craig Feb 2015
i am not your type? i'm no prince charming, i don't seem dashing
but i could be a charmander that can always re-lights our passion
i could make all your enemies writhe and burn
or the one that keeps your soul and body warm

drag your feet across the carpet,
i'll make your hair stand on end
i can be electric
fill your head with sparks

I'd be a rock type to you, for such a phenomenon
I'd be a boldore person that you could lean on.
I will anchor you down from thoughts of those with moodyness
And envy of my partner who's so pulchritudinous.

I could be photosynthetic, eat a mouthful of dirt for you
I'd go green with envy over any other lover
Let me be your grass type, I could be your ****
(Or just let me deScyther your thoughts)

I could be your faucet let your feelings flow through me
And I will sink every krabby memory you rue. See,
Can be emotional too, I could drown you in thought.
I could be your water type, without me you'll rot.

There will never be a reason to run away
I will always find how to give you a sunny day
It isn't unknown, to succeed, I will always find the words
I could be- wait you mean you don't like nerds?
I had so much fun making this with my my partner Kate Lion (italics) you guys should look her up. Pokemon for life!!!
I wanna be the very best like no one ever was! DA DA da-na
All day sight byeee
blythe Feb 2015
Leaves aging gray covered with dust,
Iron losing its will to cope up with rust,
Flowers withered losing their lust,
And the hope pulverized by the broken trust.

Days swiftly passing by like a river flowing
To those memories from the days of yore they are holding,
With mournful souls they are living
Each passing day feels like dying.

Not much do they have, still surviving the wave,
Crawling their paths, on which the traces will engrave,
Swallowing the curse and exhibiting the traits of a brave,
Succumbed to temptation, still prolonging their grave.

Holding on to what is still left of them after being broken
With bruises all over - purple and swollen,
Hearing those painful words that remained unspoken
Their hearts lost, stolen.

As love never fades, but grows each season,
People do change, for love is the reason,
It reigns in any region,
*A salvation emerging, shining like a beacon.
Our second collab! I enjoy writing with him. :) It seems like we belong to each others poetry ;)

The spring in your steps
And the spring in nature
Playing a match
That let me have a catch
Of a bit of happiness
In all my loneliness

In all my loneliness
This weather makes me
Light as a feather
Dreaming of us together*

Dreaming of us together
In a fairyland
We claim as ours
Where a vast meadow
Filled with flowers
Dancing as the wind blows

Dancing as the wind blows
Taking away my woes
Sun rays kissing our skin
Let the light shine upon us
After reading her poem about cherry blossoms and the brilliant imagery, I was awestruck.

Today I got the opportunity to work with one of the gifted young poets of Hello Poetry, Blythe (I love her description, 'princess in pink'. An imaginative and fairytale look at the life).

Unsurprisingly, she carried the spirit of one of my better poems in a brilliant way and lifted it a notch.

I thank Her Royal Highness Blythe for this wonderful collaboration ;-)

© GitacharYa VedaLa
© blythe
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