There are people in the U.S.A. that think their life is so bad, if they had to move to the other side of the world,
they would appreciate everything they ever had.
In this country everything is taken for granted every day, most people could not imagine living in a grass hut,
that’s their life long home to stay.
A polluted river is their bath tub, and clothes washer too,
many Americans get excited about a spill on their shirt, so embarrassed, what to do.
A home without electric and other convenient luxuries, and they get by just fine,
in America if the power goes out, most people will complain, what to do with their time.
Everyone is spoiled that lives in the U.S.A., no one is ever satisfied, and greed makes them want more every day.
Soap, deodorant, toilet paper, and hair spray, many in the United States would not go outside without using, and never dream about working hard just for food every day.
The world is one piece of land, should it have stayed that way, separating it into countries,
caused wars, poverty, and greed, it seems to get worse every day.
Copyright Tom Maxwell 09/27/03