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f ł ø w ë r May 2017
Hey Peter?
Where are you?
You promised me you'd be here!
I have my bags packed!
My teddy is scared of flying,
but I trust you won't let us fall!
Where are you?
You said you'd take me away to Neverland
Where I don't have to grow up
I've been waiting by my window for you
Please hurry up
You said you'd come....
Maybe they're right
I've been waiting for years
I still have hope you'll come, but
Maybe it's time to give up.
Give up the naive mind of a child
Give up the hopes and dreams you gave me
Maybe it's time to start falling instead of flying
To lock up those empty promises in a box and put it away
Face the reality of the real world...
Goodbye, Peter.
f ł ø w ë r May 2017
There's so many things that could go wrong
The exams, the grades
college, jobs
Love, friends,
rich, poor
Why can't I just stay young forever?
Why do we have to stop being naive children?
This life
Based on either athletic abilities or smarts
The society that pushes us to be what they want us to be
t e r r i f i e d
I'm genuinely scared of everything
f ł ø w ë r May 2017
Do you have that person?
You know what person I’m talking about,
The person who is literally your motivation to get up everyday.
The person who will brighten your day when no one else can.
The person who would drop everything to help you.
The person that will make you try new things because they know you better than you do.
I have that person,
We all do,
Some of us haven’t found them yet,
But they’ll be there soon.
They are the only reason we stay alive.
  May 2017 f ł ø w ë r
I woke up this morning.
Then I went back to sleep.
Twenty minutes past my alarm, I realized that public education has been ranked as something mildly important, so I got out of bed and dressed myself in the clothing that I had picked out the night before - varying shades of grey. Not fifty. I'd say about four.
English class is fun.
f ł ø w ë r May 2017
There she is, just online
On the other side of the screen
Our friendship strong
Our Skype calls full of laughter
Our random texts throughout the day
My best friend
Yeah, that's her
We found each other and I didn't want to let go
Why did you lie?
Why did you hurt me?
Abuse me with your cruel words
I promised you I'd stay and help
You always made sure that I remembered that
I stayed up with you at night when you were hurting
You made sure I was happy all the time
I made sure you were okay

Why did you do it?
I tried to help you and how did you repay me?
Called me a *****.
A liar.
A crybaby.
You said our friendship wasn't real.
I'm happier now
I sometimes still think of you
I wonder if you're okay
If our friendship was actually real
If you really cared about me...

I'm happier though...

That's got to mean something.
  May 2017 f ł ø w ë r
oh my stars
You will never understand
What it feels like
To lie in bed at night
Not being to think about anything
Apart from the pair of scissors on your desk
Just three metres away.
You will never understand
What it feels like
To be kept alive by one person.
To completely rely on their love
And their very being.
And you will never understand
What it's like to hurt that someone
So much
Because you don't realise you are
Hanging onto the cracks in their foundations.
You are ripping them apart
And you're so self-consumed that
You don't notice them crumbling
Beneath your touch.
You will never know what it's like
To love life with such a passion
That your missed opportunities
Threaten to **** you.
You will never understand
How it is both a blessing a curse
To feel every emotion so deeply.
So purely.
To feel anger pumping through your bloodstream
To feel sadness dragging you to the bottom
To feel joy lifting you of the ground
And excitement bursting through you
Like sunbeams breaking through clouds.
You will never understand
How hard the simplest things are.
How contributing in class makes you sweat.
How him being late sends your heart into anaphylactic shock.
How leaving the house is enough to trigger a panic attack.
You will never understand
The difficulty of loving someone who doesn't notice you.
Because, believe me, no matter how long you live with it,
You will never get used to everyone meaning the world to you,
And you nothing to them.
You will never understand
How challenging it is to exist,
How hard it is to hold on to life.

You will never understand.
And I am so glad you won't.
f ł ø w ë r May 2017

Yes, I think it’s there.

Yes, I believe everyone should love who they want.

I just don’t…

believe in it.

That doesn't make me a heartless person for thinking this.

I’m not saying this because I’ve never been in love.

I just think about it.

It happens for everyone.

Starts out as a crush.

They go on dates.

Something happens.

They fight.

They leave each other.

The once full heart

Now split into two.

It happens for friends too!

There’s platonic love!

I have platonic love with all my friends.

But it happens with them too.

Hang out for years,

It ends in a fight,

The fight splits them up,



Why do people believe in something that hurts them?

Yes it’s happy for a while

But as soon as something goes wrong

It all goes downhill.

There’s no way you can fix it.

You can stitch it up as many times as you want.

But there will always be a scar there.

— The End —