We're probably very different,
You and I
But maybe I don't want to feel disconnected
When our viewpoints don't match
When I become separated from you
There's more to life, you see
Than focusing on our differences,
What separates us
When we disagree, we disconnect
From each other
I can feel it
You can feel it too
Don't tell me you can't
I've heard those words
Enough to know they aren't true
So please, when I say
Let's not discuss politics,
It means
I only want to remain close with you
I don't want to be pushed away
So now, rather than re-hashing old news
Like politics, or rather,
What separates us,
Let's explore what unites us,
What brings us closer to each other
Within the beauty of where
Our commonalities lie
Because as I said,
I just want to feel close to you