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Dec 2017 · 491
December 22nd, 2017
Lizzie Dec 2017
Abandoning the younger self
Of myself
That I ever held dear.
She's forgetting herself without you.
When you held her close in your mind
all those years
Teaching her who God is.
Well now she forgets.
And she forgets who she really is.
When did you grow away?
Grow outwards or downward from me?
Grow stickered stems and dying of your bloomed petals,
Of all that which oh you were beautiful!
And I loved you for them.
Apr 2015 · 670
Tell Them
Lizzie Apr 2015
Isn't it tragic
How some of the kindest words
About someone
Are often never spoken
Directly to them?

By the time a person realizes
How much another meant to them,
They may already be gone
Maybe only physically,
Or maybe even dead

Then they see their profile,
See the kindest,
Most endearing comments
Anyone could express

But unfortunately,
The recipient
Is not here to see
They've already gone

So please,
If you have something to say
Or gratitude to express
Say it while we're all still here

Our time isn't promised

Until someone has heard you out
Never assume they know
Quite how you see them

Your words matter
Apr 2015 · 950
Let's Not Discuss Politics
Lizzie Apr 2015
We're probably very different,
You and I
But maybe I don't want to feel disconnected
When our viewpoints don't match
When I become separated from you

There's more to life, you see
Than focusing on our differences,
What separates us

When we disagree, we disconnect
From each other
I can feel it
You can feel it too
Don't tell me you can't
I've heard those words
Enough to know they aren't true

So please, when I say
Let's not discuss politics,
It means
I only want to remain close with you
I don't want to be pushed away

So now, rather than re-hashing old news
Like politics, or rather,
What separates us,
Let's explore what unites us,
What brings us closer to each other
Within the beauty of where
Our commonalities lie

Because as I said,
I just want to feel close to you
Apr 2015 · 683
Lizzie Apr 2015
My dearest friend,

I wish more people understood you
You have kept me company all these years
Your rich, bitter-sweetness has shown me depths,
Shown me that sadness should sometimes be embraced
That you are nothing to be feared

You have taught me unique lessons,
Alternate perspectives
That I never would have considered
In any other state of mind

Allowing me to appreciate the beauty
Within the past
Reminding me
That sometimes "where it's at"
Isn't always where we're at
In the present

Maybe I look for you too much
In books, in films, in art, in people

Maybe it's because
You have kept me
For so long

When people leave,
You are present
When others are present,
You are often still here
With me

Do I over identify?
But in the end,
You have stayed my closest friend
Thanks for the company
Apr 2015 · 776
Thank you
Lizzie Apr 2015
What do you do with words?
You know exactly how you feel,
The intensity of what you feel,
But how do you eloquently
And accurately
Convey this to others?

Even the challenge itself
Can feel so defeating
I just want to be seen for who I am
Exactly as I am
Right now.

I want to be held.
And when he looks into my eyes,
Know that he sees me.
Understands my pathetic needs
And complexities
Only God, our source,
Could know them all

But if he could make me feel
Even somewhat reciprocated
Right where I'm at
Just as I am
I think that would be enough

But even if he could,
I think all I could even say
Is **thank you.
Apr 2015 · 503
Lizzie Apr 2015
It's always when we lose touch
That I feel the weight of your absence in my life
Like a loneliness I know is always coming back
Even when you're back

At times I wonder,
Is it worth it for us to ever speak again?
Just knowing
How you drift so-
So quickly in and out of my life
Seeming so unaffected by my absence in yours

Am I being taken for granted?

They always say-
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder,"
So where is yours?

Never mind.
I understand.
You have your life.
She's yours, you're hers
Each others.
1 + 1 = 2 and 3 is a crowd
Even as friends.

But if I'm family, as you called me,
Why does every time we talk feel like
The last time?

Don't families- well, real families,
Always want to keep in touch?
Yet this emotion churning in my heart
Tells me we're more like estranged twins
All due to someone's jealousy

But as long as she makes you happy,
Or who you need to be,
Then maybe losing you is worth it.
After all, we never made each other happy
We just felt reciprocated.

— The End —