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 Jan 2017 Stax
AD Snail
 Jan 2017 Stax
AD Snail
Slowly losing control,
Strings tugging away at my soul,
My mind is hazy.

These masks are my sanctuary,
Even though they make me feel like a liar.

I am no good at anything; useless.
So I put on a new mask everyday,
To cover up my mistakes from yesterday.  

Hold your breath,
Let your heart grow hazy and hollow,
Forget what your purpose is.

You are just another masked being,
Ready to dive in deep of your own mortality.
Losing your true identity to all of those masks.

Slowly losing control,
Letting everything go.
As you let yourself go, and the masks take control.
 Dec 2016 Stax
They said that I should forgive you, for I won’t be able to write. Those people who can’t forgive will have a hard time writing.

I prove them wrong.

This pain that I feel are the words that I write. This broken heart that I have is the reason that keeps me going.

I still can’t forgive. How can you easily forgive someone who gave you so much memories to miss? How can you easily forget those memories if they made you the happiest? How can I forgive him if he took that happiness away...because he took himself away from me?

How can you forgive someone if he made you live in a dream you’ve always wanted only to leave, just like that?

I still can’t forgive. I still can’t let go because I know that because of this pain, I always knew that it was all real.
 Dec 2016 Stax
Ellie Geneve
3:36 AM
 Dec 2016 Stax
Ellie Geneve
My eyes keep seaching for you
and my fingers keep longing for your touch

Do you know how many times
I think of you and hold my breath?

And when someone mentions you,
the clouds make space for the sunshine,
the ocean tide disappears
and the earth stops rotating

Forgive me please
for not telling you
that I'd rather be a molecule of oxygen
in your lungs for ten seconds
than a minute apart from you

They speak about addiction
with such disdain
but how do I explain
that my addiction to you
is the only reason I'm still sane?

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night
walk around the balcony
and pray to God
we'll find each other again
 Dec 2016 Stax
what I changed
 Dec 2016 Stax
I'm haunted by my mistakes
Every word venom in my mouth
they tasted bitter so I spit them out
and they hurt those around me
but I didn't care.

I dyed and cut my hair to play the part
of someone who moved on with an entirely untouched heart
it was blonde, then blue, green, and black
I cut enough off that you'd surely not come back
because you didn't like girls with short hair
I still don't care.

I'm haunted by my actions,
every move a cut deeper in my grave,
I hurt those around me in a viscious, Godly wave
Each time it crashed, I'd apologize, retreat
but would relapse, and get the same rush each time I would repeat
I'm haunted by that thought,
that I changed myself so much this year,
from gaining 40 pounds to starting to drink beer,
but I have not cleaned the cobwebs from my heart,
it's been 9 months and I am still torn apart.
Not from missing you, or heartbreak,
but from the repurcussions of these hideous mistakes,
the summer left those ugly scars that turn blue instead of white,
and I hurt too many people to even try to make it right
I wonder if I'll ever heal,
or change in ways inside,
because my hair is starting to break off,
with everything I use on it to hide
 Dec 2016 Stax
Stephanie Grace
A love that was deeper than the sea
a love that grew between you and me.
The one I thought was the apple of my eye
the one I thought would never make me cry.
The toughest storms yet we made it through
nothing would come between me and you.
I wonder sometimes if it means more to me,
I guess it's hard to measure something you'll never see.
 Dec 2016 Stax
storm siren
"I was kinda hoping you'd"
Swallow down the fear,
Keep your head up,

Sheepish grins
And awkward shuffling of feet.

Body language,
And touching of shoulders

I spent my summer
Trying to get better,
And I've got to be honest,
I think I'm really getting there.

So when you ask me what I want,
What's going on,
It's stupid
All I wanna say is
"I was kinda hoping you'd stay?"
 Dec 2016 Stax
 Dec 2016 Stax
please lend me your shoulder
so i may cry.
please lend me your ears
so i may purge myself of my illness.
please lend me your heart
so i may mend it.
please lend me your arms
so i may be held.
please show me
how to love freely.
please show me
how to find my purpose.
please show me
how to truly live.
please show me
what real life is.
please show me
what love is.
(let me love you)
 Dec 2016 Stax
 Dec 2016 Stax
I'm most creative at my darkest,
The pain is what keeps me going,
Without it I would have no will no drive,
The smoke although slowly choking me,
Is elevating the stress,
Alcohol is numbing the pain,
Is this how i'm supposed to be?
Is this how i'm Supposed to live?
The word it has become funny,
As if it's my own personal joke,
As I don't feel alive.
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