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stargirl Mar 2016
to not know
is to not worry,
and to not worry -- well --
that is the true blessing.
stargirl Mar 2016
words spoken so softly
hearts beating so loudly

we touch fingertips
and there’s an eclipse
of the moon and sun
and i knew you were the one

we sent a letter to the promised land
and sealed it with a kiss
then you drew my name in the sand
and we entered an eternity of bliss

there’s a knock on the door
and our dreams fade away
but at the earth’s core
is where our fantasies lay

every dream comes to an end
stargirl Mar 2016
maybe there's not always
a time and a place for everything.
"there's a time and a place for everything."
stargirl Jan 2016
the day has reached its end
and the only thing i've had to eat
is my self esteem.
  Dec 2015 stargirl
If you are not recovering you are dying
A phrase I have taken to heart
Tattooed on every bone of this skeleton inside of me
Despite its harshness, it's beyond true
If you are not recovering you are dying
Naturally, it didn’t offend me until I learned it was supposed to
I often sit and think of you for hours on hours
Wasting my time, as most people do on thinking of those they love who do not love them in return
It is the bittersweet past time of humans
Coffee shops are stained with more than coffee stains
I wonder how many chairs I've sat in that held someone else broken off of the ground
I wonder how many salt water lakes I have walked over when approaching the barista
My coffee burns my tongue
But no other feeling lingers worse on my mouth than the feeling of your lips
I have taken understanding that love does not mind giving scars
Remorse was never it's best attribute to conscience
We must know that in the midst of something wonderful chaos is making blueprints
Planning attack like a predator that has not eaten for days due to the winter
Nutrients to keep it alive have been hiding in trees and under snow
It is the middle of December and I ache for nothing more than your warmth
No amount of coats and sweaters can comfort me like your arms
Wrapped around me like a Christmas present
My coffee burns my tongue
But the flame of his words pressed against my skin
I do not love you anymore
Does not amount to the physical distress my body undergoes
My coffee burns my tongue
And I have not eaten because I am too full of a love
How strange it is to feel so empty but so unable to consume
Like a vase with no flowers
I am waiting for something beautiful to offer me meaning
And though waiting is not deemed to be the worst
The hands of my clock are leaving bruises on my wrist
My coffee burns my tongue
But in a few hours, it will heal
And I will taste cold coffee as the heater in my car warms my hands
If you are not recovering, you are dying
And at this point, I fear I will not see tomorrow
The dew on my window will not meet the ashes from my cigarette
Tomorrow I will not make it out of bed
Tomorrow I will not go downstairs and make coffee
It will not burn me
Cause I fear I will already have burned out
stargirl Dec 2015
i'll refer to you
as my special love
the one who held me
so tightly
that i thought of us as one.

although thoughts of you
are now ill-advised,
i force myself
to think otherwise.

i've read books
and listened to songs
and sat down and thought about
how we really did no wrong.

some things just aren't meant to be
and that thought is just so hard to beat.
stargirl Oct 2015
I hate having the ability to do something more with my life, but accepting the fact that I do not want to.

I hate needing constant reassurance that I am worth more than a memory or thought or conversation topic passed between family members over dinner, or friends when I'm not present to hear the truth about how they really feel.

I hate knowing what I have become and that, for some reason, I have no motivation to fix it.

I hate coming to terms with the truth and whatever it may bring, because I know I'll never be able to handle it.  

I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I hate
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